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Data Driven Instruction for Common Core Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Data Driven Instruction for Common Core Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Driven Instruction for Common Core Learning
Nate Intro Taught 5th grade math in D.C. Fortunate to pilot what became Driven by Data. Now in Syracuse, working in CO, thinking about spreading DDI practices and systems Carrie Intro EngageNY.org

2 Learning Targets I understand the role that school and district leaders play in establishing and maintaining systems of data-driven instruction and inquiry. I can identify evidence of a culture that supports data driven processes that improve student achievement. I can explain the systems and structures necessary to implement and monitor the ongoing analysis of multiple choice and performance assessments aligned to the common core. Carrie explains Learning Targets, direct them to first handout EngageNY.org

3 Expectations and Metrics
Local Superintendents... Principals... Work with principals to ensure that common assessments or performance tasks are available across the district which measure grade level progress on the Core as defined by NYSED Assessment Design Documents Hold principals accountable for establishing and monitoring regular analysis meetings (as defined by the DDI Implementation Rubric) and through which teachers make meaning out of student work/ data and plan next steps to solve for misconceptions and preconceptions. Hold principals accountable for consequential changes in teacher practice based on Action Plans which result from Analysis Meetings. Provide opportunities and accountability for principals sharing results of and reactions to analysis meetings following a protocol such as the Analysis Meeting Protocol. Use the DDI Implementation Rubric to guide the management of the school schedule, teacher professional development, and school culture to ensure Periodic common assessments and/or performance tasks which measure grade level progress on the Core as defined by NYSED Assessment Design Documents Cohorts of teachers conduct test/task-in-hand analysis following a protocol such as the Analysis Meeting Protocol. All teachers are thoughtfully re-teaching/ adjusting teaching practice based on analysis of student progress against the Common Core Wanted to preview this document at the start. We want this to frame our entire session. We will be revisiting this at the end to assist in a self-refeltion/assessment EngageNY.org

4 Components of a Data-Driven Culture
Relational Trust Clear Roles and Established Norms Growth Mindset Equity and Urgency Four pillars of Culture They are outcomes of leadership, these too can be observered We’ve provide you with Research Quotes on each of these components You will have 5 minutes to read. Feel free to annotate, highlight, underline, or resonate with you EngageNY.org

5 EPIC Data Conference What evidence do you observe of a strong DDI culture in this data conference? As you watch the video, complete the Data Conference Video Guide. A one on one data conference between an instructional leader and a high school teacher after both have conducted an individual analysis of an English Language Arts interim assessment. They focus on the analyzing student misconceptions and action steps for classroom instruction.  As you watch, complete the Data Conference Video Guide to track evidence of a strong DDI culture. Turn and Talk Share out any evidence that you or your partner noticed. EngageNY.org

6 Evidence from Data Conference
Evidence of… … relational trust Both teacher and leader’s opinions valued “What does it tell you about students who picked C?” Nonjudgmental … clear roles and established norms Test in hand “do you have a copy?” Teacher and leader responsible for analysis … a growth mindset No excuses “What do they need…” What was taught mattered “I never taught them how to…” Positive Framing “They were halfway there…” … equity and urgency All business! Focus on most important concepts “…unless they are going to become 18th century novelists…” Revisit learning target catcher to jot down any thoughts or reflection on the second learning target. EngageNY.org

7 Case Study – EPIC Academy Charter High School
Read the case study to identify structures, roles and processes the school leadership put in place. Code the text: Use S - structure, R- clear role, P – process. Be prepared to discuss your findings and compare them to the practices at your own school. Carrie: The strong culture we observed in the data conference didn’t just happen. School leaders intentionally instituted structures, roles and processes to establish this culture. EngageNY.org

8 Making DDI Pervasive EngageNY.org Ties to other aspects of leadership
Ties to other components of the Expectations and Metrics document EngageNY.org

9 Linking DDI to other Levers
Other Instructional Levers planning, observation, feedback Antecedents Analysis Action Standards work in the context of: content, task, and curriculum Look Back at curriculum and teaching Trends Look ahead for opportunities to reteach and reassess DDI work/cycle cannot happen in isolation. It must be linked to curriculum, planning meetings, observation of teacher practice… This results in a more coherent system. DDI does not become one more thing for teachers/admin to do. It becomes part of the ongoing cycle of improvement. EngageNY.org

10 Results Meeting Protocol
What structures and systems will you need in place for teachers in your school or district to collaborate effectively in this type of data analysis meeting? Carrie Revisit Learning Target Catcher to add thoughts/reflection on third learning target. EngageNY.org

11 Implementation Rubric for DDI and Assessment
Complete the Implementation Rubric for your school or district. Use results from the rubric and the Expectations and Metrics document to complete the sentence: Given what I know about culture, systems and structures, my highest leverage next step is… Nate – We’ve watched data meeting together, read a case study, now it’s time to think about this work in our contexts. Complete the Implementation Rubric for DDI and Assessment. This is a silent, self-driven assessment. You might be sitting next to a colleague, you will have an opportunity to share. We promise that you will have the chance to do this The difference and discrepencies will be vuable, fight the tendency to collaborate at this point. Find three groups to share. After seven silent minutes, talk through and justify your self-assessment considering the sentence starter: Given what I know about culture, systems and structures, my highest leverage next step is… Does not and should not be all of these. Given what we know about organizations that have achieve real, meaning change, you need to find an actionable step that is reasonable and high leverage. EngageNY.org

12 Expectations and Metrics
Local Superintendents... Principals... Work with principals to ensure that common assessments or performance tasks are available across the district which measure grade level progress on the Core as defined by NYSED Assessment Design Documents Hold principals accountable for establishing and monitoring regular analysis meetings (as defined by the DDI Implementation Rubric) and through which teachers make meaning out of student work/ data and plan next steps to solve for misconceptions and preconceptions. Hold principals accountable for consequential changes in teacher practice based on Action Plans which result from Analysis Meetings. Provide opportunities and accountability for principals sharing results of and reactions to analysis meetings following a protocol such as the Analysis Meeting Protocol. Use the DDI Implementation Rubric to guide the management of the school schedule, teacher professional development, and school culture to ensure Periodic common assessments and/or performance tasks which measure grade level progress on the Core as defined by NYSED Assessment Design Documents Cohorts of teachers conduct test/task-in-hand analysis following a protocol such as the Analysis Meeting Protocol. All teachers are thoughtfully re-teaching/ adjusting teaching practice based on analysis of student progress against the Common Core EngageNY.org

13 Reflect on the Learning Targets
I understand the role that school and district leaders play in establishing and maintaining systems of data-driven instruction and inquiry. I can identify evidence of a culture that supports data driven processes that improve student achievement. I can explain the systems and structures necessary to implement and monitor the ongoing analysis of multiple choice and performance assessments aligned to the common core. Revisit the Learning Target Catcher Lingering questions, what do you need to attend to, EngageNY.org

14 Educational Data Portal
How can you leverage this data source in your DDI process/system? EngageNY.org

15 EngageNY Portal Amrit Singh - Program Director, Portal
Margo Reynolds - Program Lead, EngageNY.org

16 Educator Preview What is the EngageNY Portal?
How will the Portal support implementation of NYS Common Core Learning Standards? What might the Portal look like? What’s next and when will I be able to access the Portal? AMRIT EngageNY.org

17 What is the EngageNY Portal?
An instructional information system that: allows authorized educators, students (grades 6 through 12), and their legal guardians (all grade levels) to log in and view student educational data through data dashboards provides users with access to instructional and learning resources tagged to CCSS through the EngageNY website, and enables educators to create secure online professional learning communities to share resources and collaborate with colleagues across the State, region, district, or school. AMRIT EngageNY.org

18 Recommendation Engine
How will the Portal support implementation of NYS Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS)? Assess Analyze Take Action Amrit Analyze: Results from summative and (limited) interim benchmark assessments aligned to CCSS will be loaded and displayed in Dashboards. Key attendance, behavior, and course performance data will be used to create Early Warning Indicator Flags, which will enable educators and parents to identify students in danger of dropping out of high school and college. Dashboards will provide multiple data views of assessment results (by item and standard) at the student, class, school, and district level. Learning Maps will provide a visual display of student’s progression across CCSS, indicating their mastery level for each standard, driven by assessment results Through EngageNY communities, educators can create and contribute to discussion threads in order to help identify appropriate and effective instructional strategies and interventions. Recommendation Engines will connect student performance data to relevant CCSS-aligned content/resources from ENY Take Action: Through EngageNY, educators can quickly and easily high-quality instructional resources aligned to specific grades, subjects, and CCSS. In addition, educators can view and use peers’ ratings and comments on resources to inform selection and usage. I would soften the language a bit, since not all features (learning maps, recommendation engines) will be available for all dashboards, and we still have not idea whether this stuff will work right at first.  Perhaps add a footnote that not all features are available for each dashboard option.  Keep expectations low, please.  Recommendation Engine EngageNY Content and Communities Data Dashboard Views, Learning Maps, and Early Warning Indicator Flags Note: Availability of features and functionality vary across Data Dashboard Vendors (DataCation-Compass/ConnectEDU, myTrack/eScholar, and Schoolnet/Pearson)

19 Data Dashboards: Assessment Data View
Dynamic performance views for students, classes and groups at-a-glance. Amrit EngageNY.org

20 Data Dashboard: CCSS Learning Maps
Bridging performance data with the goals established in the CCSS, a learning map shows a student’s (or group of students’) progression towards mastery Amrit EngageNY.org

21 Data Dashboards: Early Warning Indicator Flag
Early warning indicator flags help to identify students likely to drop out of high school and college Amrit EngageNY.org

22 Data Dashboards: Recommendation Engine
Educators will be able to quickly and easily access high-quality materials aligned to the CCSS based on students’ performance against standards or other needs/preferences Amrit EngageNY.org

23 ENY: Educator Collaboration
Educators have the option to create or join existing communities to address local issues with expanded resources Margo EngageNY.org

24 ENY: Turnkey Professional Development Kits
to help educators develop their skills and abilities in the implementation of the Common Core State Standards.  Kits can be used alone or in groups to guide educator development in this work; they can also be used to deliver formal or informal learning experiences for others. Margo EngageNY.org

25 What’s Next? Learning Period (7/8/13 – 8/9/13)
Dashboard vendors may reach out to districts with informational materials Districts may request being added to a “do not contact” list, halting dashboard vendors’ communications Learning Period (7/8/13 – 8/9/13) District and charter school reps attend one of 12 regional demonstrations to inform a decision about which dashboard to select Statewide online webinar also available to inform decision-making Product Demonstrations (8/9/13 -8/29/13) Authorized reps from districts and charter schools will select one of three dashboards to be used at no cost during the school year A second selection process will be held prior to the school year Dashboard Selection Period (8/9/13-9/30/13) Train the Trainer sessions with Network Team Leaders (NTI) Live, in-person training, live and recorded webinars, and self-paced tutorials (videos) Training (Fall Winter 2014) Fall 2013 – Educators can access the Portal Winter 2014 onwards – Parents/Guardians and Students can access the Portal Portal Launch (Fall 2013 onwards) Amrit EngageNY.org

26 EngageNY Portal Resources
EngageNY Portal help desk Alex Kasavin - Lead for Field Engagement EngageNY Portal information page Includes field memos, short videos, and FAQs Contact us for general inquiries at EngageNY.org

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