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Managing Your Anger Not always an easy thing to do (especially when emotions are high).

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Your Anger Not always an easy thing to do (especially when emotions are high)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Your Anger Not always an easy thing to do (especially when emotions are high).

2  Remember to stop  Remove yourself emotionally/physically  Take 10 deep breaths  In and out slowly  Count to yourself Breathe Deep

3  Environment becomes hostile and/or abusive  Step away  Remove yourself before responding  “I” need a minute to process all of this before responding; “I” feel very uncomfortable with this conversation; “I” need to step out for a minute to collect my thoughts… Step Away

4  Do not retaliate (that’s what a bully wants)  Find someone that can be a source of support and allow you to discuss your feelings  Your supporter should be someone that helps you to ventilate and work through your frustrations  Do not gossip to everyone with ears Source of Support

5  Express your emotions on paper  Get all the negativity out  Describe the events of the encounter and what was actually said  State how it made you feel  Sharing these emotions with a pen and pad helps to work through the encounter  Include the date, time, and witnesses present (now if you decide to report it, you already have a log of the events.) Journaling

6  Avoid it at all costs  If still occurs, don’t respond until your anger is under control (you’ll only regret what you say)  Understand that stress and fatigue can make individuals more angry Anger

7  Exercise  Meditate  Do yoga  Get adequate sleep  Eat a healthy diet  Do things that make your “heart sing”  Keep humor in your day’s agenda Minimize Stress

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