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DEV332.NET Framework: 64-Bit Development Today And Tomorrow Kang Su Gatlin Visual C++ Program Manager Microsoft Corporation Geralyn Miller.NET Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "DEV332.NET Framework: 64-Bit Development Today And Tomorrow Kang Su Gatlin Visual C++ Program Manager Microsoft Corporation Geralyn Miller.NET Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEV332.NET Framework: 64-Bit Development Today And Tomorrow Kang Su Gatlin Visual C++ Program Manager Microsoft Corporation Geralyn Miller.NET Solutions Architect Microsoft Corporation

2 Agenda A bit of motivation... and a state of play Today: 64-bit Native C++ State of Tools, Porting Code, Problem areas, Performance Future: 64-bit.NET Framework and versus 2005 State of Tools, Porting Code, COM Interop, Language Specifics

3 Why 64-Bit Architecture? Larger Address Space Address Space Win64 Total Virtual Address Space 16 TB Virtual Address Space per 64bit Process 8 TB Virtual Address Space per 32bit Process 4GB if compiled with /LARGEADDRESSAWARE 2GB otherwise Windows XP Professional 32 GB / 1-2 cpus Windows Server 2003 Standard 32 GB / 1-4 cpus Windows Server 2003 Enterprise 1 TB / 1-8 cpus Windows Server 2003 DataCenter 1 TB / 1-64 cpus Larger values supported by primitive types 2^64 >> 2 ^32 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 >> 4,294,967,296 Performance? Possibly, but code size will increase

4 Where Are The Application Spaces? … with data? … with high performance computing workloads? … with 32-bit primitive types? These are all problem spaces where 64-bit solutions can make sense

5 State Of Play Two mainstream 64bit architectures supported by Windows Itanium Processor Family x64 – a.k.a. AMD64, EM64T Windows versions available (Itanium) and in beta (x64) today

6 State Of Play: Itanium “in-order” processor VLIW Bundling and templates Support for predication Support for control/data speculation Rotating register support for SWP Branch prediction Functional Units galore LOTS of registers 128 floating point 128 integer + predicate, branch, control registers… whew! Tough on assembly folks No addressing modes

7 State Of Play: x64 Stretch x86 architecture Runs legacy x86 at machine speeds Increased register width of x86 registers to 64-bit 8 additional general purpose registers REX instruction prefix addresses the new registers 8 additional 128 bit XMM registers VC++ does not generate x87 nor MMX code

8 “OK, How Do I Get Started With 64-bit Development?” Do you remember Win16 to Win32? 32 to 64-bit much easier The memory model has stayed the same sizeof_x86(long) == sizeof_amd64(long) Win64 is simply Windows Essentially simple pointer stretch of Win32 API

9 Agenda A bit of motivation... and a state of play Today: 64-bit Native C++ State of Tools, Porting Code, Problem areas, Performance Future: 64-bit.NET Framework and versus 2005 State of Tools, Porting Code, COM Interop, Language Specifics

10 WoW… It Works! Windows on Windows 64 (WOW64) Isolates 32-bit Applications Notably file and registry isolation ConsoleGUIServices Separate DLLs Performance hit? Substantial on Itanium Little to none on x64

11 Wow64 Process Layout 64-bit ntdll.dll Wow64.dllWow64win.dll Wow64cpu.dll Win32k.sys NT Executive Kernel Mode User Mode 32-bit ntdll.dll 32-bit modules Reserved Address Space 0x00000000`7FFEFFFF or 0x00000000`FFFEFFFF

12 Current Development Model x86-based Computer (or using WoW) 64-bit Computer  Develop and test 32bit code here  Cross compile for 64-bit  Send executable to 64-bit computer  Execute code here  Debug remaining bugs here

13 State Of The 64bit VC Dev Tools World ToolsItaniumAMD64/EM64T Current Supported Toolset (uses 6.0 version of libs) PSDK toolset Less conformant FE Cross compiler Only unmanaged codegen WinDbg and VS mini- debugger PSDK toolset (available only through Betaplace) VS2005 based Cross compiler Only unmanaged codegen WinDbg debugging 7.1 Libs compiler version New complier for 7.1 libs Only unmanaged codegen 7.1 libs Only unmanaged codegen Whidbey Beta 1 Both 64bit hosted and cross compilers, VS can install on Win64, managed codegen support, VS2005 libs for all platforms. Remote debugging.

14 Porting Your App To 64-bit Use compiler switch (-Wp64) 64-bit brings differences – LLP64 T *, size_t: 64 bit int, long: built-in integers are ALL 32 bit long long: 64bit always Alignment changes Misalignment can be fatal on Itanium 32 and 64bit code can NOT be in same process API Data Model intlongpointer Win32ILP32323232 Win64LLP64323264 UNIXesLP6432

15 Porting Issues From 32 To 64bit

16 Profile Guided Optimization? Compiler can’t answer everything… if(a < b) foo(); else baz(); if(a < b) foo(); else baz(); for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) bar(); for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) bar(); How often is a < b? What is the typical value of count?

17 Compile with /GL Source Object files Profile Guided Optimization InstrumentedImage Scenarios Output Profile data Object files Link with /LTCG:PGI InstrumentedImage Profile data Object files Link with /LTCG:PGO OptimizedImage

18 How Much Performance Does PGO Buy You? Performance increase is architecture and application specific Itanium tends to benefit the most Large applications tend to benefit more than small If you understand your real-world scenarios then PGO is almost always a win

19 PGO Improvement Over LTCG

20 AgendaAgenda A bit of motivation... and a state of play Today: 64-bit Native C++ State of Tools, Porting Code, Problem areas, Performance Future: 64-bit.NET Framework and versus 2005 State of Tools, Porting Code, COM Interop, Language Specifics

21 Developer Roadmap Windows “Longhorn” integrationWindows “Longhorn” integration New UI tools and designersNew UI tools and designers Extensive managed interfaces (WinFX)Extensive managed interfaces (WinFX) Visual Studio “Orcas” Visual Studio.NET 2003 “Everett Release” “Everett Release” Windows Server 2003 integrationWindows Server 2003 integration Support for.NET Compact Framework and device developmentSupport for.NET Compact Framework and device development Improved performanceImproved performance Visual Studio 2005 “Whidbey” release “Whidbey” release SQL Server 2005 integrationSQL Server 2005 integration 64 bit Framework64 bit Framework Improved IDE productivity and community supportImproved IDE productivity and community support Extended support for XML Web servicesExtended support for XML Web services Office programmabilityOffice programmability

22 Availability Of 64-bit.NET Framework Visual Studio 2005 timeframe Servers and workstations X64 and IA64 support OS Dependency >= Windows Server 2003 SP1 No Windows 2000 Server 64 bit Edition Future Windows 64 bit client releases Longhorn, Windows XP

23 64-bit.NET Framework And Tools Support Parity w/ 32-bit product Common Language Runtime.NET Framework Class Libraries (including ASP.NET, Windows Forms, ADO.NET) SDK Tools Visual Studio.NET supported on WOW64 New JIT, GC, exception handling, and debugging services

24 Moving 32-bit.NET Framework applications To 64-bit

25 Managed Code on 64 Bit Verifiable code just runs 32 bit Whidbey runs on WoW 64 bit Whidbey runs native Assemblies marked for ‘bitness‘ (32 bit, 64 bit, neutral) COM Interop, P/Invoke, Floating Point may require changes Images containing native code treated as native (Managed C++) Nearly all cost is in test runs “The last automated test pass we did on 64 bit before the holidays produced results similar to those on 32 bit after one bug in a cross domain was fixed for us. Oh the joy of being fully managed! “ – Rok Yu, Jscript

26 Porting Cost To 64 bit

27 Writing Portable Managed Code Verifiable No native code (IL only) No pointer arithmetic Follow Interop Rules Know Architecture Differences Beware Floating Point

28 Interop Rules Signatures DllImport, Declare ‘int’ and System.IntPtr API’s must exist on all platforms MarshalingStructLayoutAttributeMarshal.SizeOf

29 ‘Int’ And System.IntPtr Int and IntPtr in import signatures ‘int’ is System.Int32, 32 bit size System.IntPtr is size of platform integer and pointer, may be 32 or 64, or ?

30 ‘Int’ And System.IntPtr [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal class SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { internal int nLength = 0; internal int lpSecurityDescriptor = 0; internal int bInheritHandle = 0; }

31 ‘Int’ And System.IntPtr [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal class SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { internal int nLength = 0; internal IntPtr lpSecurityDescriptor = IntPtr.Zero; internal int bInheritHandle = 0; }

32 StructLayoutAttribute LayoutKind.Explicit Determines Managed Layout Use correct FieldOffset Use with ‘fixed’ in C# LayoutKind.Sequential Determines Managed, Unmanaged Layout Use correct PackingSize Default for VB, C#

33 Correct Marshaling Use Marshal.SizeOf Struct Marshaling Size Platform Pointer Size internal class OSVERSIONINFO { public OSVERSIONINFO() { public OSVERSIONINFO() { OSVersionInfoSize = (int)Marshal.SizeOf(this); } Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.IntPtr)) Examples:

34 Using COM Components COM is native Neutral apps may use platform specific COM components No COM interop between architectures Component may not exist on 64 bit May elect to run in WoW only

35 Exposing To COM No interop between architectures 32 bit apps only exposed to 32 bit May expose neutral apps on each architecture Must register for each architecture Type Libraries are not neutral

36 Language Specifics Visual Basic.NET C# Managed Extensions to C++

37 Visual Basic Creates platform-neutral IL Safe, verifiable Can ‘break’ portability Explicit or Sequential Layout Using ‘Declare’ or ‘DllImport’

38 C# Creates platform-neutral IL Mostly Safe, Verifiable ‘Unsafe’ allows pointer arithmetic Can ‘break’ portability Explicit or Sequential Layout Using ‘DllImport’

39 Managed C++ 7.0 Never verifiable Contains native code ‘IJW’ – doesn’t use DllImport Uses native headers and libraries 32-bit images 7.1 Use ‘cookbook’ May create verifiable images May be IL only Still may use “IJW” Whidbey Create fully verifiable images Greatly improved IJW

40 Closing Summary int and long are 32-bits Pointers are 64-bits Don’t assume data sizes Align data on natural boundaries Native Profile guided optimization can greatly help performance on IA/64 Managed Verifiable code just runs The new power of the platform enables us to do even more!

41 Resources 64-bit Windows Programming “Getting ready for 64-bit Windows” The New Data Types “Designing 64-bit interfaces” “Running 32-bit applications” (wow64 registry redirection, debugging, performance, app installation) (wow64 registry redirection, debugging, performance, app installation) “Migration Tips” (common compiler errors) “Introduction to Developing Applications for the 64-bit Version of Windows” “Windows Data Alignment on IPF, x86, and x86-64” “Application Compatibility Guide”

42 Attend a free chat or web cast List of newsgroups communities/newsgroups/en-us/default.aspx MS Community Sites Locate Local User Groups Community sites

43 Q1:Overall satisfaction with the session Q2:Usefulness of the information Q3:Presenter’s knowledge of the subject Q4:Presenter’s presentation skills Q5:Effectiveness of the presentation Please fill out a session evaluation on CommNet

44 © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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