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Thursday Evening 6.30VB.NET Introduction 7.30Break for food 8.00VB.NET Migration 8.45Q & A 9.00Done.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday Evening 6.30VB.NET Introduction 7.30Break for food 8.00VB.NET Migration 8.45Q & A 9.00Done."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday Evening 6.30VB.NET Introduction 7.30Break for food 8.00VB.NET Migration 8.45Q & A 9.00Done

2 Visual Basic.NET Introduction Mike Taulty Developer & Platform Group Microsoft Ltd

3 Agenda Scene setting The Common Language Runtime The VB.NET Language The.NET Framework & applications

4 Where did we get to with VB6? Millions of developers worldwide The productivity tool VB6 = Language + IDE + Runtime Runtime deployed “everywhere” Support Extended (paid) phase: 2005 to 2008 Runtimes (OS shipped) unaffected VBA unaffected

5 A fragmented platform Windows APIStateless, Code embedded in HTML pages Sub-classing,Power,ExpressivenessRAD,Composition,Delegation VB FormsMFC & ATLASP Visual Studio,.NET Framework, Common Language Runtime Consistent API availability regardless of language and programming model Different Tools Different Languages Different Libraries (API’s)

6 Where are we with VB.NET?.NET Version 1.1 Separation of runtime, library, language and IDE Server 2003*, XP, 2000, NT, ME, 98 90 million downloads from Windows Update SDKSDK, Redistributable (23MB), Service Pack 1RedistributableService Pack 1 Dates: 2000, 2003, 2008, 2013 Version 2.0 on its way…

7 And where are we going? Builds on the.NET Framework Well-structured programming framework for Windows Continued commitment to backwards compatibility Builds on the.NET Framework Well-structured programming framework for Windows Continued commitment to backwards compatibility

8 Agenda Scene setting The Common Language Runtime The VB.NET Language The.NET Framework & applications

9 Common Language Runtime Visual Basic C#C++ Compiler.NET Assembly Metadata Code (CIL)

10 Common Language Runtime.NET Assembly Metadata Code (CIL) Common Type System (CTS) Int16 Int32 float double string object Common Intermediate Language (CIL).ldstr “Hello World” Base Class Library Metadata Type Definitions ClassesFieldsMethods ParamsEvents… Type References AssembliesModulesMethods FieldsClasses…

11 Common Language Runtime Common Language Runtime (CLR) Class Loader IL to Native Compilers Code Manager Garbage Collector Security EngineDebug Engine Type CheckerException Manager Thread SupportCOM Marshaler Base Class Library Support.NET Assembly Metadata Code (CIL) Native Code 0101010101 0100101011 Verified? Permitted?

12 Assemblies & CLR Services

13 Agenda Scene setting The Common Language Runtime The VB.NET Language The.NET Framework & applications

14 VB Language for.NET OO additions Exception handling Event handling Properties Namespaces Attributes Parameters Arrays Short-circuiting logic i++, i += 2 Data Type changes

15 Visual Basic on.NET

16 Agenda Scene setting The Common Language Runtime The VB.NET Language The.NET Framework & applications

17 System System.DataSystem.Xml System.Web Globalization Diagnostics Configuration Collections Resources Reflection Net IO Threading Text ServiceProcess Security Design OleDb SqlTypes SqlClient XPath XSLT Runtime InteropServices Remoting Serialization ConfigurationSessionState CachingSecurity Services Description Discovery Protocols UI HtmlControls WebControls System.Drawing Imaging Drawing2D Text Printing System.Windows.Forms DesignComponentModel The.NET Framework

18 Unified Tools, Libraries, Platform Operating System Common Language Runtime Base Class Library ADO.NET and XML ASP.NETWindowsForms Common Language Specification VBC++C#JScriptJ# Visual Studio.NET Web Services Web Forms

19 Unified Tools, Libraries, Platform Operating System Common Language Runtime Base Class Library ADO.NET and XML ASP.NET WindowsForms Common Language Specification VBC++C#JScriptJ# Visual Studio.NET Web Services Web Forms

20 Building Apps with VB.NET

21 Resources

22 © 2003-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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