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Warm ups 3 + x < > x – 15 2x – 10 > x + 6

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Presentation on theme: "Warm ups 3 + x < > x – 15 2x – 10 > x + 6"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm ups 3 + x < 12 23 > x – 15 2x – 10 > x + 6
Solve for x. 3 + x < 12 23 > x – 15 2x – 10 > x + 6 -3.4 > 0.9 – p -3 + x > 2x – 4 . x < 9 x < 38 x > 16 p > 4.3 x < 1 x = 27

2 7-2 Solving Inequalities Using Multiplication and Division
Objective: To solve inequalities by multiplying and dividing. Standard 5.0

3 Flip Inequality sign when:
You need to move the letter (variable) to the left 3 < x > p You multiply or divide by a negative number -2x > 4

4 Examples – solve and graph
3w > 27 w > 9 x < 3 12 2 x < 18 6 (12) (12)

5 Examples – solve and graph
x > 3/4 18 < -3m 4 -24 > m m < -24 Divide by a negative – FLIP! 6 -4 3 -4 3 Multiply by a negative – FLIP! Move letter to left – FLIP!

6 TOO – watch the flip!

7 Multi-step inequalities
3n > -18 n > - 6

8 Homework Pg. 396 # ODD

9 7-1 – 7-2 Review Math Lab. Standard 5.0

10 Flip Inequality sign when:
You need to move the letter (variable) to the left 3 < x > p You multiply or divide by a negative number -2x > 4

11 7-1 Review

12 7-2 Review

13 7-3 Preview/Review

14 7-3 Preview/Review

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