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ASL 1 Unit 5 Talking About Activities MRS. SHELDON CREEKVIEW HIGH SCHOOL.

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1 ASL 1 Unit 5 Talking About Activities MRS. SHELDON CREEKVIEW HIGH SCHOOL

2 Wh-Word Question-When  In English, a “when” question can be used to ask for either “what day” or “what time.”  In ASL, a “when” question can only be used to ask “what day”  To ask a “when” question: 1. Name the activity  Raise brows 2. Ask “when”  Lower brows  Lean head forward  Hold the last sign (the “when” question sign) Ex: YOU PRACTICE EXERCISE WHEN

3 Ask what time (when)  If you want to know what time your friend planned to do an activity, make sure to sign TIME and use non-manual marker for wh-question (eyebrows down).  In ASL, we do NOT sign WHEN if you’re asking what time someone is doing something.

4 Wh-Word Question-What a person Did/Will do  #DO+++ is used to ask a question about what a person did or will do on a particular day. One hand or both hands  To ask a “what one did/will do” question:  1. Name the day  Raise brows  2. ask what person did/will do  Lower brows  Lean head forward  Hold the last sign (#DO+++) Ex: PAST TUESDAY YOU #DO+++

5 ESTABLISHING TENSE  Time signs usually occur at the beginning of a sentence to establish tense.  If a time sign is not specified, then assume events are present tense.  Verbs in ASL are NOT modified specifically for tense in some other languages. Woo Hoo! No conjugated verbs!! Isn’t ASL the best?!  Use an imaginary time line:  Future =forward  Past =move back  Present =Right in front of body

6 Timeline in ASL

7 ASL Sentence Structure  American Sign Language does not use suffixes to indicate past or future tense, such as -ed or -ing. Instead, we use time concepts to indicate the past, present or future tense. To change a verb to past tense, we would simply tack on the word "past, before, ago." For example: EAT PAST = ate; SEE PAST = saw; Or you can sign: EAT FINISH= already ate; SEE FINISH = already saw To make it future tense, we add “WILL (FUTURE)." For example: EAT WILL= will eat; SEE WILL = will see To indicate the present tense, simply sign the verb.

8 How to use time concepts within a sentence.  In English, verbs have to agree. For example, it would be incorrect for me to write: "Yesterday, I go to the store. " The correct way is to write, "Yesterday, I went to the store.“  In American Sign Language, that's an entirely different matter. The above example: "Yesterday I go store" is grammatically correct, because "yesterday" in ASL automatically alters "go" into the past tense. Yesterday changes everything in that sentence into the past tense.  That being the case, time concepts are almost always placed at the beginning of a sentence.

9 Past Tense  PAST WEEKEND, I GO SKI. (Last weekend, I went skiing) PAST MONTH, I CL:3-CRASH. (Last month I was in a car accident)  You can substitute past weekend or past month with: yesterday, long ago, a while ago, recently, years ago, etc  Or: You can sign the following, tacking finish at the end (which still makes everything past tense). I ATE FINISH. (I already ate) MY MOM WORK FINISH. (My mom is done with her work).

10 Future Tense  SOMEDAY, I MARRY I. (Someday, I will marry)  TOMORROW, I BIKE WORK. (Tomorrow, I will bike to work)  SEE LATER. (I will see you later)  SOON, I VACATION WORK. (Soon I'll be off work)

11 Present Tense  SCHOOL I GO. (I'm going to school)  BOOK I READ. (I'm reading a book)  MY HOUSE I CLEAN. (I’m cleaning my house)

12 Compare the following  TODAY, MOVIE I GO. (Today, I will go to the movies)  FINISH SAW MOVIE TODAY. (I already saw that movie today)  YESTERDAY, MOVIE I GO. (I went to the movies yesterday)


14 Agreement Verbs  Agreement verbs must AGREE with the subject and object of a sentence.  Orienting and moving the hand to reflect the action between subject and object in these contexts:  1. me to another person  2. another person to another  3. one person to another  4. me from another person  5. another person from me  6. one person from another

15 Agreement Verbs AKA Directional Verbs  Person-GIVE-TO-person  Person-TAKE-FROM-person  Person-SHOW-TO-person  Person-THROW-TO-person  Person-ASK-TO-person  Person-TELL-TO-person

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