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Henry Fuelberg Nick Heath Sean Freeman FSU WRF-Chem During SEAC 4 RS.

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Presentation on theme: "Henry Fuelberg Nick Heath Sean Freeman FSU WRF-Chem During SEAC 4 RS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Henry Fuelberg Nick Heath Sean Freeman FSU WRF-Chem During SEAC 4 RS

2 What We’ll Be Running : The Weather Research and Forecasting model with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) Version 3.4 (Release Date: April 2012) Fully coupled, “online”, state-of-the-art weather/chemistry model

3 Horizontal Domains: 45 km 15 km (tentatively)

4 Vertical Domains: ~70 terrain-following sigma levels Packed in the boundary layer and near the tropopause Model top of 10 hPa ~1 km TTL

5 Met Initial and Boundary Conditions Global Forecast System (GFS) 0.5°x0.5° real- time data 3 hourly time intervals

6 Chem Initial and Boundary Conditions MOZART-4 CO is assimilated with MOPITT CO retrievals Also uses GFS meteorology RACM chemical mechanism MEGAN biogenics Biomass burning emissions from MODIS Anthropogenic emissions from RETRO GOCART aerosol parameterization

7 FieldSetting Cumulus SchemeGrell-Devenyi 3D ensemble PBL SchemeMellor-Yamada-Janic Microphysics5-class w/graupel Shortwave RadiationGoddard shortwave Longwave RadiationRapid Radiative Transfer Model

8 MET Products: “Standard” variables at multiple pressure levels Simulated radar reflectivity Convective fields (convective precip, etc.) Thermodynamic Diagrams Total 24 h PrecipSim. Radar Reflectivity

9 Simulated Reflectivity

10 CHEM Products: CO O 3 NO NO 2 CH 4 SO 2 Surface CO200 hPa Ozone

11 Surface CO & 10 m Winds

12 Website:

13 Website:

14 Choose Variable View Model Info Website:

15 Animate

16 Post Mission: Finer horizontal resolution 1-2 km grid spacing Explicitly resolve convection ICs and BCs from GFS final analyses Includes observations Better representation of atmosphere

17 We’re here to help… Henry Fuelberg Nick Heath Sean Freeman

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