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By: Zack Jesmain. Length of tennis strength training. “Off-Season - 6-8 weeks, Early Pre-Season - 6 weeks, Late Pre-Season - 6 weeks, In-Season - 3-4months”

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1 By: Zack Jesmain

2 Length of tennis strength training. “Off-Season - 6-8 weeks, Early Pre-Season - 6 weeks, Late Pre-Season - 6 weeks, In-Season - 3-4months” (Davies) “1 to 6 hours a week depending on the level”(Muller) “1 to 6 hours a week depending on the level” (Muller) Your strength training will mainly be focused in the off-season (2-3 months) and tailored for most athletes even though tennis could sometimes be all year round for those choosing that path. Your strength training will mainly be focused in the off-season (2-3 months) and tailored for most athletes even though tennis could sometimes be all year round for those choosing that path. (Chan) “Training should occur two or three times a week with each session lasting between 30-60 minutes.” (Witchey “Training should occur two or three times a week with each session lasting between 30-60 minutes.” (Witchey) You have two sources that both begin with Davies listed in your works cited. Call me over so that I can show you how to do your in-text citation. You have no source listed under Muller in your works cited.

3 Reasons why a tennis player should train. “For a tennis player to perform at their best, they must have just the right mix of aerobic and anaerobic endurance, explosive strength and power, speed off the mark and agility. In fact, the amount of strength, speed, agility and flexibility conditioning a player is prepared to undertake has been linked to the standard they play at.” (Davies) “Injuries prevention” (Muller) You have two sources that begin with Davies listed in your works cited. Call me over so that I can show you how to do your in-text citation. You have no source listed under Muller in your works cited.

4 Target muscles that are exercised during tennis strength training. QuadricepsHamstrings Pectoralis Major Latissimus Dorsi DeltoidsBicepsTriceps Spinal Erectors Rectus Abdominis Neck Flexors, Neck Extensors (Davies) All ten bullets above. Hip and Thigh Chest Upper Back HamstringsShouldersBicepsTriceps (“Ask the Lab”) All seven bullets above. You have two sources that begin with Davies listed in your works cited. Call me over so that I can show you how to do your in-text citation.

5 Positive results of strength training on athletes. Helps avoid injuries Helps with power and endurance (Dynamic Flexibility and Strength Training) Increases muscle strength which may add more power to one's game. (Witchey) Improves motor skills or performance which may improve one's ability to move on the court. (Witchey) May protect against injuries when hitting off-balance or late. (Witchey) Increases muscular endurance which is the ability to hit and run time and time again, thus, possibly preventing overuse injuries. (Witchey) Has positive psychological benefits which may improve confidence on the tennis court. (Witchey) You have no source listed under Dynamic Flexibility and Strength Training in your works cited.

6 Negative results of strength training on athletes. “Studies have also shown it to have no negative effects.” (Davies) “A strength training program designed only to develop maximum strength may negatively affect the development of aerobic endurance.” (Bompa) “It may cause hypertension (increase in blood pressure) and weight lifter's blackout.” (Witchey) “It has potential to cause acute (sudden) and chronic (occurs over a period of time) injury to either joints or muscle tissue.” (Witchey) You have two sources that begin with Davies listed in your works cited. Call me over so that I can show you how to do your in-text citation.

7 Strength training workouts that help improve a tennis player's swing. “The most important element to getting your power swing going is arm and back strength.” Leg workouts Yoga (Tony Horton) All three bullets above. “Works on all major muscles of the arms, shoulders, abdomen, lower back, chest and legs to maintain balance of the total body.” (Witchey) Your in-text citation for the first three bullets should just be (Horton).

8 How tennis strength training improves hand-eye coordination for athletes. “When polymeric activity is incorporated into their regimen, athletes improve their reaction time, and their overall strength improves -- they learn how to jump and leap higher, run faster, and throw farther. It also improves hand-eye coordination.” (Ovidius University Annals) You need more information to answer this question and a second source for support.

9 Tennis strength training diet. “All tennis players need to focus on eating nutrient-dense carbohydrate meals and snacks such as pasta, rice, bread, cereal, vegetables, fruit and dairy products.” (Sports Dietitians Australia) You need more information to answer this question and a second source for support.

10 Works Cited "ASSOCIATION BETWEEN GRADED EXERCISE TEST INDICATORS OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE RISKS AND PERIPHERAL VASCULAR STIFFNESS." Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport/SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2011.. "Ask the Lab: Strength Training | USTA." United States Tennis Association - Home | USTA. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2011.. This website is about strength training for youth tennis players. This website has step by step instructions on how to do your workout. It has a time layout for how frequent training should be. Finally, it labels the excercises a person should do in order and what muscles each workout trains. Also, it labels how many repititions a person should do each workout for. Barbell, Monster. " Tennis Strength Training." Tennis Strength Training. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2011.. This is a website of how to strength train. This is about the E-Flex Forearm Bar. The website shows u how to use it with certain workouts. It says how the bar improve wrist flexibility. It also states what other muscles the bar workout. This website might not be an accurate source because it is mainly advertisement. Bompa, Tudor. "Strength, Muscular Endurance and Power in Sports." Taking you to website. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2011.. Chan, Richard. " - Training For Tennis: Improve Your Skills And Win!." - Huge Online Supplement Store & Fitness Community!. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2011.. Davies, Phil. "Complete Tennis Strength Training Program." Phil Davies' Sports Fitness Advisor - Get Fit for Sport & Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2011.. This website is about how a tennis player can make an elite approach to tennis strength training. In the beggining the website introducts what the effects of the training are. Then it says how long a person should train for. The website lists the training into phases. Each phase of the training lists how many excersises, rests, and repitition a person should take. Davies, Phil. "Tennis Training & Conditioning." Phil Davies' Sports Fitness Advisor - Get Fit for Sport & Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2011.. Elvin, Mike. "Strength & Conditioning for Kids: How and Why? - - HSS." Hospital for Special Surgery : Top Ranked Hospital for Orthopedics and Rheumatology. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2011.. Fields, Diane. " - Tennis Anyone? Tennis Training Tips.." - Huge Online Supplement Store & Fitness Community!. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2011.. "Free Tennis Strength Video." Free Tennis Strength Video. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2011.. This website is about tennis strength training. This website includes a video of tennis workouts. The video shows you what kind of workouts you can do and how to do them. It also gives you tips on working out. This website is not very reliable because its mainly advertisement. Horton, Tony. "P90X for Tennis Players." P90X Reviews: a Daily Review on the P90X Workout Program. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2011.. Roetert, Paul. "Dynamic Flexibility and Strength Training for Tennis." Dynamic Flexibility and Strength Training for Tennis. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2011.. "Sports Dietitians Australia." Sports Dietitians Australia. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2011.. "Tennis Player Strength." Tennis Fitness Programs. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2011.. "Tennis Strength Training (Tennis)." Videojug - Get Good At Life. The world’s best how to videos plus free expert advice and tutorials.. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2011.. This website is about tennis strength training. This website includes a video of tennis workouts. The video shows you what kind of workouts you can do and how to do them. The person in the video gives you step by step instructions. It also gives you tips on working out. Westcott, Wayne. "Strength Training for Tennis at Wellness.MA." Active Wellness and Fitness. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2011.. This is a website about strength training for tennis players. The website labels what machine exercises you could use. Then includes what target muscles you should exercise. It also lists these target mucles and says what is the best workout to strengthen the particular muscle. Finally, it has a program design which says around what time a person should train for and how long the training should be. Witchey, Ronald. "Sports-Science - STRENGTH TRAINING CONCEPTS FOR ADULT TENNIS PLAYERS 12 | USTA Texas." USTA Texas - Homepage | USTA Texas. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2011.. MLA formatting by You need to listen! I said NEVER copy and paste from Bibme. You need to download from Bibme to Microsoft Word and then save that as a document to upload to your wikipage. Also, remove all annotations and sources that you aren’t using!!!

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