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“I’ve got a strawberry yoghurt” Same Sex Adoption & Adoptive families in the UK.

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Presentation on theme: "“I’ve got a strawberry yoghurt” Same Sex Adoption & Adoptive families in the UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 “I’ve got a strawberry yoghurt” Same Sex Adoption & Adoptive families in the UK

2 UK’s Route to Same Sex Adoption Adoption and Children Act (England & Wales) 2002 First time same sex couples allowed to adopt together Legislation enacted 2005 Civil Partnership Act 2005 Enables same sex couples to enter into Civil Partnership Children Adopted by Same Sex Couples (UK) 2010: 120 2012: 160 (4% total adoptions) 2013: 230 (6% total adoptions)

3 Our Adoption Story begins… 2007 Attend information evening run by local authority adoption team 2008 Adoption Process 2009 June – Approved as adopters by Local Authority Panel November – Matched with Matthew December – Match Approved 2010 January – Matthew placed June – Leave to Adopt granted September – Courts grant Adoption Order

4 2011 September – Apply for Approval for 2 nd Child 2012 February – Approved as adopters for further child(ren) by Local Authority Panel May – Matched with Megan June – Match Approved October – Leave to Adopt granted December – Court grants Adoption Order The journey to Number 2

5 Accommodating same sex adopters Paperwork Perception LGBT Adoption Week Media Portrayal Sexual Orientation Regulations 2008 Equalities Act 2010 Catholic Adoption Agency’s appeal rejected 2012 Northern Irish Minister of Health appeal rejected 2013 Our own experience Supportive support & Disappearances Families come in all shapes & sizes “We just can’t decide” You know, we just can’t decide..

6 Why adopt? Sense of family Altruism? Encouragement Specific circumstances Ticking the box A particular kind of love The past Boundaries A resource to be used A large community Untapped talents & possibilities Were we selfish?

7 Strawberry yoghurts At Lunchtime Child 1: “Is it true you’ve got two Dads?” Adopted Child: “Yes, I’m adopted and I have two Dads” Child 2: “Cool. I’ve got a strawberry yoghurt.”

8 Thank you Thank you for listening References: British Association for Adoption and Fostering Centre for Family Research – University of Cambridge - Gay Lesbian & Heterosexual Adoptive Families Laura Mellish, Sarah Jennings, Fiona Tasker, Michael Lamb & Susan Golombok Published by BAAF New Family Social (UK LGBT Adoption & Fostering Support Charity)

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