Definition of war  War is armed conflict between two or more groups or nations.

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2 Definition of war  War is armed conflict between two or more groups or nations.

3 Types of war  Conventional- using weapons like guns, tanks,etc  Civil- within a country  Nuclear- using atomic bombs

4 Causes of war  Land, territory  Self defence  Change leadership  To help an ally  Against terrorism  Religion

5 Victims of war  Most wars in the modern world are fought in less developed countries with weak economies, poverty and unstable governments. Many civilians lose their homes and livelihood and may become refugees.  The Red Cross  Is an international agency that aims to relieve pain and suffering for all people involved in wars.  They provide hospitals, refugee camps, food and shelter. Principles: Impartial, Neutral, Voluntary

6 Terrorism  Terrorism means acts of violence that are intended to create FEAR. A terrorist is any one who plans or carries out such an act.  The purpose is to intimidate people and force governments to change in some way.

7 Holy War  A war fought in the name of God  A war fought between religions  e.g. wars in the Old testament of the Bible  e.g. the Crusades fought between Muslims and Christians over Jerusalem.

8 Pacifism  The belief that all violence and war is wrong.  Many religious believers are pacifists.  Some pacifists were conscientious objectors in WW2.  Quakers are a Christian denomination known for being pacifists.

9 Nuclear warfare  Nuclear bombs (atomic bombs) are WMD’s= Weapons of mass destruction.  First atomic bomb used in war was Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the USA in 1945.  An immense destructive force/ intense heat/shock wave/ radioactive fallout.  Arguments for and against.

10 Christian attitudes  Many Christians are pacifists.  Jesus taught “Love your Enemy”, “turn the other cheek”, “Blessed are the peacemakers”.  Jesus did not fight when he was treated violently.  Christians believe in the “sanctity of life” and the Commandment “ You shall not kill.”

11 Just War Theory/St Thomas Aquinas- 13 th century  Proper Authority- must declare the war  Just Cause- for the war, not greed or power  Good Reason- aim is to promote good over evil  Last Resort- try to resolve conflict with negotiations.  Reasonable force- risk to civilians minimised.  Good Outcome-peace restored

12 Buddhist teaching on war  Most Buddhists are against war because;  Of Karma- every action has a consequence.  The First moral precept- “ahimsa”- do not harm any living thing. But- some Buddhists have sacrificed themselves believing this is “right intention” and for the and for the greater good.  ( Vietnam war 1967) 

13 Religious believers who have worked for peace.  The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists  He was forced into exile when Chinese invaded.  He refuses to agree to fighting against the Chinese.  He says hatred and violence leads to more hatred and violence.  Buddhist monks in Tibet do peaceful protests against China


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