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To be associated with Queen Elizabeth during the dangerous times of her reign could bring one great glory or great shame.

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Presentation on theme: "To be associated with Queen Elizabeth during the dangerous times of her reign could bring one great glory or great shame."— Presentation transcript:

1 To be associated with Queen Elizabeth during the dangerous times of her reign could bring one great glory or great shame.

2 Sir Walter Raleigh –Turned to Elizabeth’s court when in need –Gained her favor and rewards –Lost favor and honor


4 1578 - Raleigh and his half brother Sir Humphrey Gilbert went on a piratical expedition against the Spaniards Unsuccessful – Spaniards defended their ships well

5 Piracy Acts of violence or robbery committed at sea (

6 Gilbert – lost money on his ventures Raleigh turned to the Queen’s court to gain her favor

7 Court – a ruler’s group of councillors and friends; aid in political decision making sometimes (



10 Elizabeth gave him Supposedly as a reward for putting down Irish rebellion 600 pounds the command of a military company

11 Other Rewards Property – Durham House (royal guest house)

12 A patent to grant licenses to tavern keepers


14 Many expeditions Colonies in Virginia and North Carolina More piracy

15 1592 – Recalled from sea by Queen She discovered his seduction of and rumored secret marriage to her maid, Elizabeth Throgmorton

16 His Fall Sent to the Tower Queen took most of the booty from his attack on a Portugese ship, Madre de Dios Most unpopular man in England and at court

17 ( raleghbio.htm)

18 On a sheet of paper, write a few sentences to answer the following. WOULD YOU HAVE WANTED TO BE A MEMBER OF QUEEN ELIZABETH I’S COURT DURING HER REIGN? WHY OR WHY NOT?

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