Leading Effective Teams Chris Greenland. Key themes Holding to account Making a positive impact Working together Fulfilling our vision.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading Effective Teams Chris Greenland. Key themes Holding to account Making a positive impact Working together Fulfilling our vision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading Effective Teams Chris Greenland

2 Key themes Holding to account Making a positive impact Working together Fulfilling our vision

3 On the bus

4 Where are we going?

5 Confront the brutal facts

6 Our culture Shared goals : we know where we are going Responsibility for success: we must succeed Collegiality: we are in this together Continuous improvement: we can get better Lifelong learning: learning is for everyone Risk taking: we learning by trying something new Support: there is always someone there to help Mutual respect: everyone has something to offer Openness: we can discuss our differences Celebration and humour: we feel good about ourselves

7 How will we get there? How will we work together productively? How do we need to behave in order to get the most from our meetings?

8 Teams A group of people working together on the basis of : Shared perceptions Common purpose Agreed procedures Commitment Cooperation Resolving disagreement by open discussion L.Ball: Managing Teams in Secondary Schools

9 Sound Inter-group relations Balanced roles Clear objectives Openness and confrontation Support and trust Co-operation and conflict Sound procedures Appropriate leadership Regular review Individual development Good communications

10 An effective leadership team.... Models best practice for the rest of the school Maximizes leadership and management effectiveness of the team members Demonstrates the school's commitment to the development of every individual Models effective learning

11 Effective teaching teams:evidence from research collaborate and share a strong vision for their work are well organised in terms of assessment, record keeping employ good resource management have efficient systems for monitoring and evaluating pupil progress structured and regular feedback operate very clear teaching routines and practices within lessons are centrally concerned with teaching and learning

12 Mutual support and coaching Constructive Challenge Effectiveness in breakdown Alignment Accomplishment Decisive coordinated action Accountability and responsibility Innovation and originality Nine features of effective team working: how do you rate your team? Team Commitment

13 The steps to an effective team 1.Choose team members who are diverse in their skills and styles. A good team needs a range: analysers, doers, researchers, innovators 2.Agree objectives and strategies with the team. Without understanding what is expected of them, even the best team will not deliver. 3.Set the climate; establish ‘norms’ that create an open culture 4.Devise an effective way of evaluating the team's efforts and rewarding the members.

14 Feelings not dealt with Workplace is for work Established line prevails No rocking the boat Poor listening Weaknesses covered up Unclear objectives Low improvement Bureaucracy Boss takes most decisions Experimentation Risky issues debated Wider options considered Personal feelings raised Increased listening Experimentation Consolidation Flexibility Appropriate leadership Maximum use of energy Principles considered Needs of individuals met Development a priority Experimentation, plus methodical working Agreed procedures Established ground rules Undeveloped team Experimenting team Mature team Consolidating team midnight 6 noon 18

15 15 Evaluation: Team review How has the team worked? What has been our impact on: The children Each other The whole school? Wider stakeholder groups What has worked well? Where could we be even better? How will we build on our strengths and develop those areas where we could improve ?

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