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Nursing Education N333.

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1 Nursing Education N333

2 A Nurse is a Nurse is a Nurse !!!

3 Pathways to nursing education
Other professions have one pathway of educational preparation Nursing has 3 pathways that lead to licensure and professional status! Diploma programs Associate degree programs Baccalaureate programs

4 Diploma Programs Hospital based Apprenticeship programs
Usually 24 months to 3 years in duration Were the first nursing programs to emerge Florence Nightingale – St. Thomas Hospital, London, 1860 Famous trio here in the United States Bellevue Hospital, NY New England Hospital for Women and Children, New Haven, Conn. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

5 Decline in Diploma Programs
Growth of AND and BSN programs Inability of hospitals to finance nursing education Accreditation standards Increasing complexity of health care Students earn no college credit, but may have gateway course into an ADN program One diploma program remaining in LA Baton Rouge General

6 Associate Degree Nursing
Developed in 1952 to help alleviate the nursing shortage, especially experienced with WWII Mildred Montag – founder of Associate Degree Nursing Education Primarily housed in community colleges Usually 2 years in length (minimum of 60 college credits) NOADN ADN Professional Organization 8 ADN programs in Louisiana

7 Baccalaureate Nursing Programs
1909 – University of Minnesota Followed the three year diploma model 1919 – 7 additional BSN programs Most were 5 years 2 years liberal arts, 3 years nursing 1924 – Yale School of Nursing First nursing school established as a separate university department with an independent budget and its own dean Current Basic Program 4 years (minimum 120 college credits Combines general education courses and nursing courses

8 Influences on the Growth of Baccalaureate Education
The Brown Report ANA Position Paper The Lysaught Report The NLN Position Statement The PEW Commission Report

9 The Brown Report Nursing for the Future – 1948
Report prepared for the National Nursing Council Recommended that basic school of nursing be in universities and colleges and that efforts be made to recruit men and minorities into the programs

10 ANA Position Paper 1965 – Educational Preparation for Nurse Practitioners and Assistants to Nursing Concluded that the BSN should be the foundation for nursing practice Four Major Recommendations Education for all those licensed to practice should take place in institutions of higher learning Minimum preparation for beginning professional nursing practice should be the BSN Minimum preparation for beginning technical nursing practice should be the ADN Education for assistants in health service occupations should consist of short, intensive programs in vocational education programs rather than on the job training

11 ANA – Additional Position Statements, 1979
Proposed that by 1985 entry into practice should be the BSN level By 1985, the minimum preparation for entry into professional nursing practice should be the BSN Two levels of nursing practice should be identified Professional Technical There should be an increased accessibility to high quality career mobility programs that use flexible approaches to individuals seeking academic degrees

12 The Lysaught Report AKA – An Abstract for Action
1981 – Conducted by the National Committee for the Study of Nursing and Nursing Education Sponsored by the Kellogg Foundation Recommended 2 licensures for nurses One in acute care One in distributive care

13 NLN Position Statement
1982 – The Position Statement on Nursing Roles Reaffirmed the BSN as the minimum educational level for entry into practice for professional nursing, and the ADN as entry into practice for technical nursing

14 The PEW Commission Report
Major Recommendations Change professional training to meet the demands of the new-health care system Ensure that the health profession’s workforce reflects the diversity of the nation’s population Require interdisciplinary competence in health professionals Continue to move education into ambulatory practice Encourage public service of health professionals, students, and graduates

15 Other Types of Nursing Programs
Articulated programs LPN to RN ADN to BSN Diploma to ADN or BSN ADN to MSN Alternative programs On-line programs University of Phoenix Regents Licensed Practical Nurse (Vocational) Licensed as an LVN or LPN Work under the supervision of an RN providing basic, direct patient care

16 Accreditation Process for Nursing Education Programs
Accreditation – a review process of an educational program by an external professional accrediting organization State Boards of Nursing National League for Nursing – NLN Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education - CCNE

17 Specialty Education Basic education prepares a nurse generalist
Learned specialty occurs in a hospital program after basic education As nurses become more active, area of practice become more specialized Certification Programs – offer certification in different nursing specialties General requirements Specific number of practice hours in specialty Certification exam Periodic recertification Available through ANA, NCC, etc.

18 Continuing Education Planned learning experiences beyond a basic nursing program In Louisiana, mandatory continuing education is required to maintain licensure 5 CE’s – practicing fulltime 10 CE’s – practicing parttime 20 CE’s – not practicing Varies by state No CE requirements in MS Higher yearly CE requirements in TX

19 Advanced Education Master’s Degree Doctoral Degree

20 Masters Degree Study in one particular subject area to assume advanced roles in practice, education, administration and research

21 Master’s level history
1899 – Teacher’s College, New York City Focused on administration and education 1940’s/1950’s – saw an increase Return of nurses from military service with GI benefits 1946 – National Mental Health Act Provided funds for psych/mental health nurses 1954 – Rutger’s University First clinical master’s – Psych/mental health Clinical Nurse Specialist 1965 – University of Colorado First Nurse Practitioner Program - Pediatric 1970 – 70 programs 1996 – 321 programs Current statistics (National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses, 2000) MSN – 7.5% Related field – 2%

22 Masters in Nursing Areas include: Nursing administration
Community health Psychiatric/mental health Adult health Maternal/child nursing Gerontology Rehabilitation Nursing education Most require one year of practice experience. Takes from mos. to complete, many have 2 focuses, ie: Education/Maternal-child nursing Degrees awarded MA, MN, MSN and MS Can obtain more advanced areas of practice CRNA, NP, CNS

23 Doctoral Education - History
1910 – Columbia Teacher’s College EdD Major – Nursing education 1934 – New York University First PhD program for nurses 1996 – 66 programs

24 Doctoral Studies Motivation for this degree stems from academic advancement or tenure in educational settings. Also includes those nurses interested in research and the development of a body of nursing knowledge Various degrees DNSc – Doctor of nursing science DSN – Doctor of science in nursing Only one available in LA DNEd – Doctor of nursing education PhD – Doctor of philosophy Not available in nursing in LA EdD – Doctor of education Current statistics (National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses) 0.3% - Doctorate in nursing 0.3% - Doctorate in related field

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