Citation Management Software: Zotero Josh Wilson Physical and Mathematical Sciences Reference Librarian North Carolina State University Libraries Online.

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Presentation on theme: "Citation Management Software: Zotero Josh Wilson Physical and Mathematical Sciences Reference Librarian North Carolina State University Libraries Online."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citation Management Software: Zotero Josh Wilson Physical and Mathematical Sciences Reference Librarian North Carolina State University Libraries Online guide:

2 Keeping track of all of your research ► How do you save all your research work? ► Bookmarking webpages is unstable, no easy way to organize ► Large Word or Excel files ► Notecards are great until one day you leave them on the bus… ► “Citation management software”  Saves all references from most databases in ONE place

3 How Citation Managers Work Agricola Web of Science Saved citations Other websites and sources Saved citations Books from catalog Saved citations Zotero -Access from anywhere - Links back to articles, saved PDFs -Organize citations into multiple folders -Create bibliographies Export:

4 Different products ► Zotero  Free, browser-based, works with Firefox  Library support available! ► RefWorks  Free for NCSU students, internet-based, available through Libraries’ site  Library support available! ► EndNote  Costs $100+, standalone software installed on your computer ► No choice is permanent! Easy to export between them if your needs change

5 Different products ► We’ll talk about Zotero today  Easy to use and demonstrate  Stable  Free  Recommended for Firefox users ► If you think another product suits your work better later on, it’s easy to change

6 Zotero setup ► Let’s take a few minutes now to install Zotero and talk about setting up an account… ► Firefox is requried (sort of). Zotero is a browser plugin: a piece of software that extends the functionality of your browser. ► Setting up an account is required for syncing between computers, using Groups, and backing up references

7 Zotero setup ► Start Firefox ► Go to ► Download latest version  May need to Allow pop-ups/install  Will require restart of Firefox ► Now use the Zotero button to open the pane


9 Getting citations into Zotero ► All citation managers work mostly the same:  Export from database, catalog, webpage, etc.  Import into citation manager ► Most modern citation managers work with nearly all databases ► Zotero has a one-click function that makes this even easier for most databases


11 Saving a websiteSave several citations Save an individual citation Saving a book


13 Organize using collections and subcollections (they look like folders) Drag and drop imported citations – easy!

14 Zotero also saves snapshots and/or attachments, which you can annotate

15 Add notes and tags to citations to better organize them. Sometimes Zotero will capture subject terms as tags.

16 Not all is happy rainbows… ► Some databases do not support Zotero ► You may be able to export/import manually  Export as an RIS or BibTeX file (or an EndNote format?)  Import into Zotero ► Last resort:  Create a New Item in Zotero  Fill in fields you need

17 Citations imported – now what? ► Organize  Add to appropriate collections/groups ► Add notes  Expand citation to see these ► Add tags  Sometimes Zotero captures subject terms ► Add attachments  Expand citation to see these  NOT BACKED UP!

18 Creating a bibliography ► Eventually you’ll write something and need to cite all the references you’ve collected ► Zotero automatically creates bibliographies for you  Hundreds of styles available ► A few different ways to do this…

19 Drag and drop from Zotero/Firefox into Word…

20 Or right-click selected citations to create a bibliography.

21 Or install the MS Word plugin to create a bibliography while you write.

22 Extra stuff you can do ► Configure preferences  Enables you to locate full text online  Simplifies saving items  Create a Zotero account  Turn on syncing ► Use Groups to share references  Work with others on a research project ► Everyone can save to the same account, create a shared literature database ► Annotate screenshots, manage PDFs


24 Group libraries work just like collections They appear along the left You can drag and drop items from them Requires a Zotero account, and syncing

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