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EndNote reference manager. Introduction to EndNote.

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Presentation on theme: "EndNote reference manager. Introduction to EndNote."— Presentation transcript:

1 EndNote reference manager

2 Introduction to EndNote

3 Download Endnote

4 Create a new library

5 1.Open a new library 2.Save under My Endnote library

6 Add references manually Click on References Click on New Reference Add references manually

7 Create New Reference manually

8 Choose reference type

9 Add reference Complete all the fields

10 Click on Reference Click on Attach File Attach File

11 Click on applicable article Click Open

12 Full text is available

13 Click on Equation to add equations

14 Export references from UP Library website Go to Library website

15 Direct export from Science Direct

16 Click on Science Direct

17 Enter staff number e.g. 04234567 Enter PIN or request New PIN

18 Choose SA Consortium click on Remember this computer

19 1.Type keyword in search box Enter 2.Result list appear. Tick on tick boxes 3.Multiple downloads for full text PDF

20 4. Choose destination folder and download

21 5. Full text will download in destination folder

22 6. Export to EndNote

23 6. Click Citations and Abstracts 7.Click RIS format

24 8. Citations appear in EndNote 9. Attach files from destination folder


26 9. Full text will be indicated with a paper clip

27 Direct export from Worldcat to Endnote

28 Type keywords in

29 Result list

30 Click on title

31 10. Click on Export

32 10. Export to EndNote


34 10. Reference appear in EndNote

35 Direct export from Google Scholar

36 Click on Google Scholar

37 Click on Settings

38 Click on Preferences




42 Reference appear in EndNote








50 What is LaTeX? LaTeX is a typesetting program that takes a plain text file with various commands in it and converts it to a formatted document based on the commands that it has been given. The source file for the document has a file extension of.tex. It is widely used at MIT for theses and other technical papers due to its prowess with mathematical and foreign characters. For more information on LaTeX, see LaTeX on Athena Basics, provided by the Athena On-Line Help system.LaTeX on Athena Basics

51 What is BibTeX? BibTex is a bibliographic tool that is used with LaTeX to help organize the user's references and create a bibliography. A BibTex user creates a bibliography file that is separate from the LaTeX source file, wth a file extension of.bib. Each reference in the bibliography file is formatted with a certain structure and is given a "key" by which the author can refer to it in the source file. For more information on BibTeX, see see MIT IS&T's page: How do I Create Bibliographies in LaTeX.How do I Create Bibliographies in LaTeX

52 How do I export from EndNote to BibTeX? Open EndNote, and open the library of references that you would like to export to BibTeX. In the drop-down menu in the toolbar at the top of the screen, click "Select Another Style..." and in the list that appears, chose BibTeX Export. Now you should see the BibTeX-formatted citation in the preview screen.

53 Cite while you write Access Word to cite while you write

54 Click on EndNote

55 Click on EN Go to EndNote Start typing

56 Choose applicable references Click on Insert Reference

57 Automatic Bibliography

58 Choose output style Abstract will appear with annotated style

59 :23 Insert page number in Suffix not pages add : or pp in front of the page no.

60 EndNote Citation styles Add more reference styles

61 Click on Edit Open style manager

62 Click on the Output style that you want to Customise

63 Customise output style

64 Mark the applicable reference style and add reference Or get more reference styles on the web

65 Download the applicable reference

66 Output style will appear in Word

67 Manage references

68 Groups and Endnote Library can be divided into groups to manage references Deleting a reference from a Custom Group does not delete it from the library. Drag references from a library to a group Smart groups are build with search strategies





73 Endnote web Use EndNote web Register for the first time on campus for IP authentication Go to

74 Register on campus for the 1 st time for IP authentication


76 Sync from EndNote to EndNote web

77 Change preferences

78 Sync Settings Update every 15 seconds

79 Click on Sync button to sync With Endnote web

80 Type email address in Use Endnote password

81 1.References will appear in Endnote Web.

82 Direct export from websites to Endnote Web

83 Download installers

84 Click on Capture Reference





89 Click on Favourites Click on Endnote Web Capture

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