B IRTH Cubs are born from Nov.–Jan. in a den. They stay there with their mother until spring. Weight: About 1 lb. Polar bear cubs are so tiny at birth.

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3 B IRTH Cubs are born from Nov.–Jan. in a den. They stay there with their mother until spring. Weight: About 1 lb. Polar bear cubs are so tiny at birth that they can fit in the palm of your hand!!! They’re very helpless and are born with their eyes closed.

4 There are usually 2 cubs per litter Mother polar bears are VERY protective of their young Open their eyes within a month Start walking at two mos. Start eating solid food at 3-4 mos. Learn to hunt from watching their mom I was very sad to find out that: when cubs are about 30 mos. old, an adult male may start following the mom. At this time, the mom or the male will chase away the cubs.  P OLAR B EAR C UBS :

5 A DULT P OLAR B EARS : Polar bears start mating every other year in mid-summer. After that, they’re on their own in the wild. They mostly eat seals, although they can also eat fish, seabirds, even reindeer! If they’re desperate in the summer for food, they may eat berries and plants! After that, they mate, reproduce, and the cycle starts all over again!

6 Birth Cub Adult

7 C REDITS http://www.seaworld.org/animal-info/info-books/polar-bear/birth-&-care.htm http://cdn.animaltalk.us/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/image0019.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_qwq6dkQv154/S_u0LMQj3PI/AAAAAAAAAQU/j8 BCHXqXFE4/s640/PolarBears_02a-Mom_N_Baby-S.jpg http://gtm- media.discoveryeducation.com/videos/imagelibrary/web//340B4262-EA08- 9779-5FA847D2ED14464E.jpghttp://gtm- media.discoveryeducation.com/videos/imagelibrary/web//340B4262-EA08- 9779-5FA847D2ED14464E.jpg http://www.worldbookonline.com/kids/article?id=ar830170&st=polar+bear http://www.polarbearplanet.com/polar-bear-pictures/polar-bear-cubs.jpg http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media- live/photos/000/036/cache/polar-bear-cubs-playing- 082809_3641_990x742.jpg http://www.nhptv.org/natureworks/polar.htm#6

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