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By Sophia 3 rd grade. They come right out of their mom. They have one to six cubs. They feed on their moms milk. At birth they are blind, toothless, and.

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Presentation on theme: "By Sophia 3 rd grade. They come right out of their mom. They have one to six cubs. They feed on their moms milk. At birth they are blind, toothless, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Sophia 3 rd grade

2 They come right out of their mom. They have one to six cubs. They feed on their moms milk. At birth they are blind, toothless, and hairless. Also they weigh less than 450 grams. When they have developed enough. They start to eat solid food

3 Cubs remain with their mother for two to four years. During it they learn to survive such as hunting and where to make a den. A adult male bear might try to kill the cubs. The cubs would flee up a tree if they see a strange male bear and their mom often defends even though it might be twice as big as her.



6 They often feed on berries, grass, and flowers. Also acorns, pine cones, and mushrooms. Sometimes they feed on salmon.

7 Brown bears are long living animals. Some females can reproduce at 28 years old. Male commonly can live to be 25 years old. The female can live to be 37 years old, In captivity they can live to be 48 years old.




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