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Www.cs.toronto.eduUniversity of Toronto - Department of Computer Science Research Group Profile: Dynamic Graphics Project (dgp)

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Presentation on theme: "Www.cs.toronto.eduUniversity of Toronto - Department of Computer Science Research Group Profile: Dynamic Graphics Project (dgp)"— Presentation transcript:

1 www.cs.toronto.eduUniversity of Toronto - Department of Computer Science Research Group Profile: Dynamic Graphics Project (dgp)

2 www.cs.toronto.eduUniversity of Toronto - Department of Computer Science Ron Baecker Human-Computer Interaction Ravin Balakrishan Human-Computer Interaction Eugene Fiume Computer Graphics Aaron Hertzmann Computer Graphics, Computer Vision Kyros Kutulakos Computer Vision, Computer Graphics Khai Truong Ubiquitous Computing, Human-Computer Interaction Karan Singh Computer Graphics … and 50+ students 40 th anniversary Research Group: dgp - Dynamics Graphics Project

3 www.cs.toronto.eduUniversity of Toronto - Department of Computer Science modelling Sketch-Based Modeling  Design interfaces for quickly creating 3D models using sketching Geometry Processing  Automatically analyze and process 3D scan data dgp1.mpg

4 Research Group: dgp - Dynamics Graphics Project www.cs.toronto.eduUniversity of Toronto - Department of Computer Science animation Motion Simulation  Combine physically-based simulation and animation to increase expressiveness Motion Analysis  Apply machine learning to motion capture data to generate realistic human gaits

5 Research Group: dgp - Dynamics Graphics Project www.cs.toronto.eduUniversity of Toronto - Department of Computer Science industry Connections with the major animation studios  Oscar for animated short Ryan (2005)

6 Research Group: dgp - Dynamics Graphics Project www.cs.toronto.eduUniversity of Toronto - Department of Computer Science industry Connections with industry:  OctigaBay -> Cray.  NGRAIN (volume visualisation).  View22 (web based graphics).  Tucows (internet services).  Autodesk/Alias.  Side Effects.  Core Digital Productions.  BumpTop.  and many others

7 Research Group: dgp - Dynamics Graphics Project www.cs.toronto.eduUniversity of Toronto - Department of Computer Science collaboration and multimedia Aids for Cognition  Supporting seniors, individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, and others in tasks such as remembering and reminiscing Internet Communications  Webcasting, webconferencing, rich media archiving

8 Research Group: dgp - Dynamics Graphics Project www.cs.toronto.eduUniversity of Toronto - Department of Computer Science mobile and ubiquitous computing Location-Awareness  Study usability & usefulness of location-awareness in mobile applications Interactions On-the-Go  Design and evaluate novel input & output techniques for interacting with mobile/ wearable devices while not stationary

9 Research Group: dgp - Dynamics Graphics Project www.cs.toronto.eduUniversity of Toronto - Department of Computer Science interaction devices & techniques Handheld Projector Interaction  interacting with dynamically defined information spaces using a handheld projector and a pen Mnemonic Rendering  an image-based approach for exposing hidden changes in dynamic wall-sized displays

10 Research Group: dgp - Dynamics Graphics Project www.cs.toronto.eduUniversity of Toronto - Department of Computer Science Deblurring OriginalOur algorithm

11 Research Group: dgp - Dynamics Graphics Project www.cs.toronto.eduUniversity of Toronto - Department of Computer Science Close-up OriginalNaïve SharpeningOur algorithm

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