11-12 April 2015 Peter Eckl, PLUS “ Encouraging the process of curriculum development based on learning outcomes and research guided teaching in the private.

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Presentation on theme: "11-12 April 2015 Peter Eckl, PLUS “ Encouraging the process of curriculum development based on learning outcomes and research guided teaching in the private."— Presentation transcript:

1 11-12 April 2015 Peter Eckl, PLUS “ Encouraging the process of curriculum development based on learning outcomes and research guided teaching in the private higher education institutions of Kosova (LO@HEI) ” PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT RESULTS

2 Basic project information:  Project title: “Encouraging the process of curriculum development based on learning outcomes and research guided teaching in the private higher education institutions of Kosova”  Contractor: Paris-Lodron University, Austria.  Duration: 15 October, 2012 – 14 April, 2015

3 Project objectives:  Main objective:  The main project objective is to support and encourage private higher education institutions (PHEIs) of Kosova in enhancing the process of curriculum development based on learning outcomes and research-guided teaching.  Specific objectives:  Defining a set of descriptors indicating the learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at levels 6 and 7, that a learner in the business field can gain during the studies, aligned to the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and the European Qualification Framework (EQF) (based on the NQF and EQF matrix of knowledge, skills and competence);

4 Project objectives - Specific objectives  Enhancing teaching based on a learning outcomes approach;  Promoting research-guided teaching;  Developing key indicators to monitor and benchmark R&D activities;  Promoting review of curricula based on the demands of the labor market;  Strengthening cooperation of the private higher education institutions with industry and enterprises;  Improving career guidance services for students.

5 Project partners:  Paris – Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS)  University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Cork  University of Edinburgh  University POLITEHNICA form Bucharest  WUS Kosova  Arena e Arsimit Bashkëkohor (AAB) College  Biznesi College  Dardania College  Dukagjini College

6 Project partners:  College “European School of Law and Governance” (ESLG)  Akademia Evolucion  Fama College  Iliria College  Pjeter Budi College  Tempulli College  UBT College  Universum College  Victory College  Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA)  National Qualification Authority of Kosovo (NQA)

7 Main project outcomes and outputs:  WP1: Study visits undertaken at European Union Universities (EUU) and training workshops with regard to competences based teaching and development of curricula based on the needs of the labor market. Development of questionnaires for alumni and employers.  WP2: Designing a set of descriptors indicating learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at level 6 and 7 for the business field according to the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and the European Qualification Framework (EQF).  WP3: Promotion of research guided teaching, developed and designed key indicators to monitor and benchmark R&D activities.

8 Main project outcomes and outputs:  WP4: Establishment/Strengthening of student support services on aspects of career guidance, creating relationships with employers and strengthening cooperation among HEIs and business.  WP5:Conducting quality control and monitoring procedures.  WP6:Ensuring sustainability of project outcomes  WP7:Disseminating project results  WP8:Project management

9 The achieved results of the project:  5 study visits conducted at 4 partner universities: University of Salzburg (2 times), University College Cork, University of Edinburg and University Politehnica of Bucharest.  5 training workshop conducted at 4 partner universities with the following topics: defining and writing learning outcomes, improving career guidance services for students, evaluating learning outcomes, role and importance of research guided teaching in the teaching and learning process, and development of benchmarks and indicators for R&D.

10 The achieved results of the project:  Organization of 2 training workshops in Prishtina for teaching staff of private HE institutions in the following subjects: developing curricula driven by the needs of the labor market and on aspects of quality assurance (QA) in the research field and in publishing.  2 training workshops organized for students of 13 private HE institutions with the participation of 800 students. Topics of the trainings: “Career Development”, “Presentation Skills” and “Business Communication”.

11 The achieved results of the project:  Organization of 1 career fair for students of 13 PHEI. More than 300 students and 11 public and private companies/institutions participated in this fair.  Around 200 students from PHEI participated in the 2 nd career fair.  Development, publication and distribution of the “Report on a survey conducted by PHEI alumni and employers” to 13 PHEIs (1.300 copies). 206 questionnaires were completed by PHEIs, and 82 questionnaires by employers.

12 The achieved results of the project:  Development, publication and distribution of the “Guideline for Research and Research Guided Teaching” to 13 PHEIs (2.000 copies).  Development, publication and distribution of the “Career Development: Practical Guideline” to 13 PHEIs (15.000 copies in English and 15.000 in Albanian).  Development, publication and distribution of the of the “Project Final Report” (1.300 copies).

13 The achieved results of the project:  Development and distribution of a document on “Building up a network for students’ internship” which contains contact details of 100 public and private companies/institutions.  Promotion of the process of curricula development based on the demands of the labor marked realized through study visits and training workshops.  Strengthening cooperation of the private HE institutions with industry and enterprises.  Improving career guidance services for students of the partner PHEIs within the project.

14 Thank you!

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