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My Trip to Italy by Alexis Oglesby My country is Italy under 5 minutes.

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Presentation on theme: "My Trip to Italy by Alexis Oglesby My country is Italy under 5 minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Trip to Italy by Alexis Oglesby My country is Italy under 5 minutes

2 These are some of Italy’s famous historical sites The leaning tower of Pisa leans 4.4 meters to the side The coloseum is where gladiators and animals fought for entertainment

3 Italy Famous People This is Michelangelo, he built the Statue of David and he painted the Sistein Chapel This is the famous Mona Lisa painting that she made that is incredibly popular

4 This is the Sistine Chapel, painted by Micealangelo.

5 Geography, location, population, and climate of Italy There are currently 60,626,442 people living in Italy. Italy is located in Southern Europe Italy is 116,300 square miles Italy has very hot summers and very cold winters

6 A big catastophe in Pompeii Italy Mount Vesuvius erupted in 17 AD. This eruption caused many deaths. When it erupted it destroyed much of Pompeii. This is a picture of Mount Vesuvius erupting

7 Italy Facts Some of Italy’s natural recources are coal, mercury, zinc, natural gas, and fish. Vatican City is the only city in the world that is aloud to close it’s gates at night time. The coloseum is where Romans brought gladiators and animals to fight each other for entertainment. This is the Coloseum. This is Vatican City.

8 Florence This is a picture of Florence This is a building in Florence.

9 Rome Building in Rome This is another picture of the Coloseum.

10 Venice Picture of Venice. This is the Venice Bridge.

11 Venice Picture’s in Venice

12 My Trip to Italy By: Alexis Oglesby Partners with: Kate Mills

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