Saferworld Working for the prevention of armed violence Latent Reconstruction/ Reconciliation Positive peace Conflict cycle Development humanitarian assistance.

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Presentation on theme: "Saferworld Working for the prevention of armed violence Latent Reconstruction/ Reconciliation Positive peace Conflict cycle Development humanitarian assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saferworld Working for the prevention of armed violence Latent Reconstruction/ Reconciliation Positive peace Conflict cycle Development humanitarian assistance Development humanitarian assistance Strengthen mechanisms & processes for managing conflict non-violently: peacebuilding; conflict prevention; conflict-sensitive development, etc. Peacebuilding; conflict prevention; programmes on long-term stability & structural causes, eg good governance, democracy, access to justice Conflict management: dialogues, mediation, facilitation Crisis prevention, conflict resolution, moving towards peace making (settlement/agreement) Peace enforcement (e.g. UN/AU/EU mandated to use force to stop hostilities), peacekeeping (monitoring peace) Peacebuilding; reconstruction; reconciliation; DDR; conflict prevention © Saferworld

2 Saferworld Working for the prevention of armed violence Why do we work with PARL Promote empowerment Work in partnership with others Ensure accountability and promote responsibility Address discrimination Promote the non-violent resolution of conflicts Seek sustainable results

3 Saferworld Working for the prevention of armed violence How Does PARL Work? PARL Land Grab Law IDP resettlement Access to land Involuntary eviction Land Reforms

4 Saferworld Working for the prevention of armed violence Options for INGOs! Lessons Learned & Reconciliation Commission recommendations Support to local partners Research Articulation, presentation

5 Saferworld Working for the prevention of armed violence Possible scenarios Best case scenario Middle case or status quo scenario Worst case scenario

6 Saferworld Working for the prevention of armed violence Best case scenario  Describes the best possible outcome  Examples: opportunities for peace- building are used; actors use their influence and resources to encourage peace and address conflict causes Possible scenarios

7 Saferworld Working for the prevention of armed violence Middle case or status quo scenario  Describes the continuation of the current trends  Examples: nothing much changes; the same conflict causes remain present and no real movement takes place either towards or away from violent conflict Possible scenarios

8 Saferworld Working for the prevention of armed violence Worst case scenario  Describes the worst possible outcome  Examples: the conflict escalates; actors may use their influence and resources to fuel conflict deliberately; actors may unintentionally aggravate existing tensions by not being sensitive to conflict causes Possible scenarios

9 Saferworld Working for the prevention of armed violence Example: Sudan Best case scenario Peace negotiations address the conflict causes between North and South. A legitimate government is established which the whole country accepts. The conflict in Darfur is addressed, whether separately or as part of North/South peace agreement.

10 Saferworld Working for the prevention of armed violence Middle case scenario Peace negotiations stop and start for several years. The causes of the conflict are not addressed. The Darfur conflict is not really solved and violence continues to occur from time to time. Example: Sudan

11 Saferworld Working for the prevention of armed violence Worst case scenario Peace negotiations stop completely. Violent conflict between the North and South continues on the same level as before or worsens. Violent conflict in Darfur continues or worsens. Example: Sudan

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