The Geography of the United States

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Presentation on theme: "The Geography of the United States"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Geography of the United States

2 US Geography Basics Third largest country in the world.
Half the size of Russia. One third the size of Africa. Half the size of South America. 2 ½ times the size of Western Europe.

3 Regions & Time Zones of the U. S.

4 Label as many states as you can:


6 Label the early regions of the English colonies:
1. Southern 2. Middle 3. New England



9 Topography

10 Topography of the US What type of map is this?

11 The Contour of the US

12 Waterways

13 How did these many rivers impact the development of America?

14 Name all the major bodies of water:
Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Mississippi River Hudson River St. Lawrence River Ohio River Erie Canal Great Lakes Missouri River Colorado River Rio Grande Chesapeake Bay

15 Bodies of Water Great Lakes Great Salt Lake Chesapeake Bay

16 Rivers St. Lawrence R. Columbia R. Missouri R. Hudson R. Potomac R.
Mississippi R. Ohio R. Colorado R. Arkansas R. Rio Grande R. Yukon R.

17 Mountains - topography

18 Label all the major mountain
ranges: Appalachian Mountains Rocky Mountains Sierra Nevada Great Plains

19 Mountains & Plateaus Adirondack Mts. Cascade Mts. Rocky Mts.
Great Plains Sierra Nevada Mts. ^ Mt. Whitney Appalachian Mts. ^ Pike’s Peak ^ Mt. McKinley Alaskan Range


21 The Contour of the US

22 Atlantic Coastal Plains
Great Basin Central Plains Atlantic Coastal Plains Gulf Coastal Plains

23 Deserts Death Valley Mohave Desert

24 Atlantic Coastal Plains
Completed Map St. Lawrence R. Columbia R. Adirondack Mts. Cascade Mts. Missouri R. Hudson R. Rocky Mts. Great Basin Potomac R. Great Salt Lake Cumberland Plateau Mississippi R. Chesapeake Bay Central Plains Sierra Nevada Mts. ^ Mt. Whitney Appalachian Mts. Ohio R. Colorado R. ^ Pike’s Peak Death Valley Arkansas R. Atlantic Coastal Plains Mohave Desert Gulf Coastal Plains Lake Okeechobee Rio Grande R. Yukon R. ^ Mt. McKinley Alaskan Range


26 Climate

27 Climate of the U.S.

28 Now let’s take a QUIZ! Essential Questions
How does geography affect how and where people live? How did geographic factors affect political, social, and economic settlements of early Americas? How does geography continue to affect the United States today? Make some generalizations about the geography of America. Now let’s take a QUIZ!

29 HOMEWORK Study for a map quiz on the 50 states and key geographic features. Note: You must achieve mastery on this quiz 85%! Otherwise you must retake it after school until you do!

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