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Presentation on theme: "3 RD GRADE SCIENCE TEXT SETS FOR THE WATER CYCLE Created by Margaret Martell."— Presentation transcript:


2 Standards of Learning At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Understand the importance of the sun, as it drives the water cycle (SOL 3.9a) Identify and explain the processes involved in the water cycle (SOL 3.9b) Demonstrate concern for water supply and conservation (SOL 3.9d)

3 Bill Nye the Science Guy: The Water Cycle Bill Nye captivates his audience with a quick attention grabber in a lake. He then introduces the water cycle simulator. Bill Nye has created many science videos. Everyone has heard of Bill Nye. He is a great presenter of ideas to children. Readability: N/A Suitability: 3 rd grade +

4 Scholastic Water Cycle Video This video introduces an easy explanation of the water cycle for students. Instead of a boring video, Scholastic relates the water cycle to having a basketball game. This video makes the water cycle easy to understand for almost all ages. Readability: N/A Suitability: 3 rd grade +

5 Water, Water Everywhere This text is a great way to instill the water cycle in the students heads. Having a fun activity, like a read aloud in class could engage students even more. “Water, Water Everywhere” explains the main processes of the water cycle as well as how water gets from lakes and streams to the faucet at home. Readability: 3 years + Suitability: 3 years + Written by Melvin Berger

6 Water Cycle Classroom Poster This poster has a big picture of the water cycle on Earth. On the side of the poster, there is a key to explain some of the images on the picture. This would be a great poster to hang on the wall because it gives a visual representation of something that can get more complicated as the water cycle lessons go more in-depth. Readability: 5 th grade + Suitability: 3 rd grade +

7 The Snowflake: A Water Cycle Story Written by Neil Waldman This book follows the story of a snowflake going through the water cycle. As part of its journey, it also goes through the part of human interaction when it washes a girls face. This text incorporates other parts of the water cycle rather than just from bodies of water to the atmosphere and back down again. Readability: 5 years + Suitability: 3 rd grade +

8 Water Cycle Coloring Page This text is more of an activity than something for the students to read. This coloring page is their own way to remember the water cycle. On the page, the water cycle is drawn along with some of the most important key processes that are involved in the water cycle. Each student has their own coloring page to keep and to look at when they want to remember what precipitation or condensation means. Readability: N/A Suitability: 1 st grade +

9 Water Cycle Poem Written by Mr. R Although the readability level is over 3 rd grade, I think that this text would be a good supplement to a water cycle lesson. The rhyming of the poem is kid-friendly and would make it interesting for them to listen to. The poem could also be turned into a catchy song that the class would be able to easily memorize. Readability: 5 th grade + Suitability: 3 rd grade + Water goes, Round and round, From the sky, To the ground, In a cycle, You can't see, Water comes to you and me! Evaporation is a start, But it's not the only part, From sea to sky, Vapor floats, But leaves enough to float in boats! In the sky, Water cools, Forming clouds, Like fish form schools, Condensation makes it dense, Like dollars have one hundred cents! Then it falls, precipitation! It's like group participation... Rain and hail, Sleet and snow, Water falls, Plants can grow... Fills up lakes, and streams, and seas, We can drink it as we please, Water used to brush our teeth, Water wets the coral reef! Water, water, what we need, We need water to succeed, And water cycle keeps it fresh, Water cycle, you're the best!

10 Water Cycle Song Written by “Have Fun Teaching” Readability: N/A Suitability: 3 rd grade + This song attracts young students by its catchy tune and modern musical appeal. It is meant to supplement the water cycle lesson by adding a little fun. The song goes through the water cycle in specific detail. It is a fun way to learn the water cycle by just listening!

11 Kid Zone on the Water Cycle Readability: 5 th grade + Suitability: 3 rd grade + This website is a great source to read about the water cycle. A hook first gets the students’ interest. The text is supported with pictures to help explain the text visually. Kid Zone relates the water cycle to everyday life which engages the students further.

12 Water Cycle Poster #2 This poster is great visual supplementary material for the classroom. It shows simple pictures of the water cycle. Each part of the water cycle is labeled. Since it is very simple, it allows students to describe each process in their own words and enhances comprehension. Readability: N/A Suitability: 3 rd grade +

13 Bibliography  Fun Teaching. (n.d.). Water Cycle Song. YouTube. Retrieved September 30, 2014, from  KidZone ScienceThe Water Cycle. (n.d.). TheWater Cycle. Retrieved September 30, 2014, from  R. (n.d.). Water Cycle Poem. water cycle poem: A science Poem. Retrieved September 30, 2014, from  Nye, B. (n.d.). Bill Nye Water Cycle. SchoolTube. Retrieved September 30, 2014, from  Rauzon, M. J., & Bix, C. O. (1994). Water, water everywhere. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books for Children.  Scholastic. (n.d.). StudyJams. StudyJams. Retrieved September 30, 2014, from  The Circle of H2O. (2013, March 22). Fw:Thinking. Retrieved September 30, 2014, from  "The Water Cycle for Kids." The Water Cycle for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2014...  Waldman, N. (2003). The snowflake: a water cycle story. Brookfield, Conn.: Millbrook Press.  "Water Cycle Coloring Sheet #7158."Water Cycle Coloring Sheet. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Oct. 2014...

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