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By Cammie Goodman.

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1 By Cammie Goodman

2 What makes planet Earth different from our solar systems other planets
What makes planet Earth different from our solar systems other planets? Water Earth is the only planet with bodies of liquid water on its surface. Without water, life on Earth would not be possible. Energy from the sun keeps water moving and changing, but the amount of Earths water stays about the same.

3 How Water Cycles The water cycle is the movement of water between Earth’s surface and atmosphere. Water moves from the oceans and land into the air and back again. Recall that a cycle is a set of events that happen over and over. It does not have a beginning or end. But you can think of the water cycle as having four main steps.

4 Step 1 The sun warms liquid water on Earth’s surface in oceans and lakes. The sun’s energy makes some of the liquid water change to a gas. The change from a liquid to a gas is called evaporation. Recall that water in the form of a gas is called water vapor. The water vapor rises into the air. It moves from Earth’s surface into the atmosphere.

5 Step 2 As water vapor rises, it cools off.
When it gets cool enough, the water vapor changes back to liquid water. This change from a gas to a liquid is called condensation. The water vapor condenses into tiny droplets of liquid water. These droplets form clouds.

6 Step 3 Droplets of liquid water in clouds combine with other droplets and grow. When they become too big and heavy, they fall into Earth’s surface as precipitation. Precipitation is water that falls from the atmosphere. It includes rain, snow, hail and sleet.

7 Liquid and frozen water fall from the atmosphere to Earth’s surface as precipitation.
Also, water vapor in the atmosphere condenses directly onto Earth’s surface to form liquid drops called dew.

8 Step 4 Some precipitation falls into the oceans. Some falls on land. Some of this water sinks into the ground. Some of it flows downhill over the ground. Water that flows over the ground is called runoff. It flows into bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. There, evaporation keeps the water cycle going.


10 The Water Cycle Animation Video The Water Cycle Video BrainPop Video- The Water Cycle Bill Nye the Science Guy - Water Cycle

11 Lesson Review In the water cycle, what happens during evaporation?
Water vapor changes to liquid water Water falls to the ground from clouds Liquid water changes to water vapor Water flows over the ground.

12 2. During condensation Water vapor changes to liquid water
Liquid water changes to water vapor Water sinks into the ground Water falls to the ground from clouds

13 3. Where does precipitation begin to form?
In oceans In lakes Under the ground In clouds

14 4. The water cycle has A beginning and an end No beginning and no end
Only a beginning Only an end

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