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Culture.  Investigate various theoretical perspectives and viewpoints that attempt to explain culture  (e.g., structural functionalism, conflict, symbolic.

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1 Culture

2  Investigate various theoretical perspectives and viewpoints that attempt to explain culture  (e.g., structural functionalism, conflict, symbolic interactionism, feminism and post-modern)  as well as cultural materialism and sociobiology.  Apply these theoretical perspectives to given cultural scenarios


4  Be sure you remember the following 5 theoretical perspectives from unit 1:  Functionalism  Conflict  Symbolic Interactionism  Feminism  Post-Modernism

5  Theoretical Perspective – a basic way of viewing society that guides thinking and research  Functionalism:  Society is a stable, orderly system in which the majority of members share a common set of beliefs & values  Conflict Theory:  Social groups are in continuous conflict for resources; those in authority benefit from conformity while conformists feel resentment & resist

6  Feminist Theory:  Society has not historically acknowledged the needs of women; inequalities still exist between men & women  Symbolic Interactionism:  People create a world of shared meaning through their interactions; they act based on symbolic meanings they find within a given situation  Post-Modernism:  Societies are characterized by an information explosion by post industrialization; role of media has a huge influence on people


8  The next 2 classes focus on applying theoretical perspectives to the understanding of culture  Cultural Perspective:  Several theoretical perspectives and viewpoints that attempt to explain culture

9  Here are 2 more theoretical perspectives that can be taken on understanding culture.  Take a moment to try and define the following terms.  Cultural Materialism  Socio-biology

10  Cultural Materialism:  A school of thought that says that the best way to understand human culture is to examine material conditions - climate, food supply, geography, etc  Helps to understand the causes of differences and similarities among societies and cultures.  Human social life is a response to the needs of survival and then the wants of people who have met those needs.  Therefore, human cultural groups can be studied through an examination of their “ things” and how they get them.

11  Sociobiology:  The view that human behaviour can be explained through evolution and genetics.

12  Virtually everything that sociologists study is in some way related to culture. For instance, in studying social class, family life, crime, or religious behavior, sociologists are studying things that are influenced by the norms and values that characterize the various subcultures in our society.  But there are some social scientists who are interested in the study of culture in general, rather than the study of social class, the family, crime, or religion in particular. These individuals are typically concerned with one of two questions: first, why are certain elements of culture found in nearly all known societies, and second, why are some elements found in only a few societies?  In answering these questions, researchers draw upon a number of different theoretical perspectives, but three are particularly important. These are (1) functionalism, (3) cultural materialism, and (4) sociobiology.

13  The next 4 slides explain 2 old perspectives on culture, and 2 new cultural perspectives  After you gain a working understanding of those 4 you will watch several videos connected to culture and try to deduce which perspective they match on your worksheet  When you finish begin to gain a deeper understanding by reading the Word doc called Cultural Perspectives

14  The essence of functionalist explanation, when applied to culture, is that a given norm or value is "explained" by showing how it contributes to the overall stability or survival of the society in which it is found.  i.e. raising your hand in class exists so that everyone can have a turn to express their individual thoughts/beliefs and allow for structured discussion

15  The cultural materialist de-emphasizes ideas and ideology as determinants of culture, and instead sees culture as an adaptation to the needs forced upon us by the nature of the physical envi­ronment in which we live.  i.e. Cows are sacred in India and cannot be slaughtered (as a religious idea) because they need cows to drive their agricultural system (plowing, etc)

16  a predispo­sition towards certain social behaviors can be trans­mitted genetically from one generation to the next, as easily as predispositions towards upright posture, large brains, and other physical characteris­tics  Incest is considered taboo in most cultures; biologically, avoiding this ensures you avoid passing on recessive genes that are negative and decrease chances of your bloodline’s survival

17  The essence of conflict theory explanation, when applied to culture, is that a given norm or value is "explained" by showing who benefits from the norm.  i.e. table manners exist to distinguish the upper class (who can afford the various types of silverware, etc) from the lower class


19  In just a minute, you will follow links to view various videos related to culture  It is your job to catalogue these video clips into one of the 7 categories of cultural perspective  You can watch these videos together in pairs, but make your categorizing decisions on your own  Download the Word doc called Cultural Perspectives from the Soc Docs page on my website and fill out the chart according to the following videos

20  Catalogue the video clips from the following slides into one of these 7 categories of cultural perspective:  Functionalism  Conflict  Symbolic Interactionism  Feminism  Post-modern  Cultural Materialism  Socio-biology

21  1. Coke Commercial 

22  2. Japanese Divorce ceremony  9/06/lah.japan.divorce.ceremony.cnn?hpt=T2 9/06/lah.japan.divorce.ceremony.cnn?hpt=T2

23  3. Suri Lip Plates 

24  4. Female Circumcision 

25  5. Quiet Kid Learns to Cope in Prison  feature=related feature=related

26  6. The Sports Fan 

27  If you finish these notes and worksheet early, you should download the Word Doc called Theoretical Perspectives on Culture and begin reading the in-depth examples of your 2 new perspectives  You will have more time to finish this next class

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