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Figure 1–3 Family Tree for RDF Example (see Monday October, 10 link - Oracle Semantic Tutorial examples on 1-28 and 1-29)Oracle Semantic Tutorial examples.

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Presentation on theme: "Figure 1–3 Family Tree for RDF Example (see Monday October, 10 link - Oracle Semantic Tutorial examples on 1-28 and 1-29)Oracle Semantic Tutorial examples."— Presentation transcript:


2 Figure 1–3 Family Tree for RDF Example (see Monday October, 10 link - Oracle Semantic Tutorial examples on 1-28 and 1-29)Oracle Semantic Tutorial examples on 1-28 and 1-29

3 RDF Triple Store - rts Entity or Subject Attribute or Predicate Value or Object JohnSpouseJanice SpouseJohn SammySpouseSuzie SpouseSammy MattSpouseMartha SpouseMatt JohnGenderMale JaniceGenderFemale SammyGenderMale SuzieGenderFemale MattGenderMale MarthaGenderFemale CathyGenderFemale JackGenderMale TomGenderMale CindyGenderFemale JohnFatherOfSuzie JohnFatherOfMatt JaniceMotherOfSuzie JaniceMotherOfMatt CathySisterOfJack BrotherOfCathy... Unnormalized Relational Table - person PersonSpouseGenderFatherOfMotherOfSisterOfBrotherOf JohnJaniceMaleSuzie JohnJaniceMaleMatt JaniceJohnFemaleSuzie JaniceJohnFemaleMatt SammySuzieMaleCathy SammySuzieMaleJack SuzieSammyFemaleCathy SuzieSammyFemaleTom MattMarthaMaleTom MarthaMattFemaleTom CathyJackFemaleJack CathyMaleCathy TomCindyMaleCindy TomFemaleTom

4 RDF Triple Store - rts Entity or Subject Attribute or Predicate Value or Object JohnSpouseJanice SpouseJohn SammySpouseSuzie SpouseSammy MattSpouseMartha SpouseMatt JohnGenderMale JaniceGenderFemale SammyGenderMale SuzieGenderFemale MattGenderMale MarthaGenderFemale CathyGenderFemale JackGenderMale TomGenderMale CindyGenderFemale JohnFatherOfSuzie JohnFatherOfMatt JaniceMotherOfSuzie JaniceMotherOfMatt CathySisterOfJack BrotherOfCathy... Unnormalized Relational Table - person PersonSpouseGenderFatherOfMotherOfSisterOfBrotherOf JohnJaniceMaleSuzie JohnJaniceMaleMatt JaniceJohnFemaleSuzie JaniceJohnFemaleMatt SammySuzieMaleCathy SammySuzieMaleJack SuzieSammyFemaleCathy SuzieSammyFemaleTom MattMarthaMaleTom MarthaMattFemaleTom CathyJackFemaleJack CathyMaleCathy TomCindyMaleCindy TomFemaleTom select Person from person where BrotherOf = ‘Cathy’ select x from rts where ?x BrotherOf ‘Cathy’

5 -- Create the table to hold data for the model. CREATE TABLE family_rdf_data (id NUMBER, triple SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S); -- Create the model. execute SEM_APIS.create_rdf_model('family_cs345_XXX', 'family_rdf_data', 'triple'); -- John is the father of Suzie. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (1, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', ''));... INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (14, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', '')); Figure 1–3 Family Tree for RDF Sample (see Monday October, 10 link - Family Tree RDF Example for Full Details)

6 -- Person is a class. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (17, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', '')); -- Male is a subclass of Person. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (18, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', '')); -- Female is a subclass of Person. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (19, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', '')); -- siblingOf is a property. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (20, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', '')); -- parentOf is a property. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (21, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', '')); -- brotherOf is a subproperty of siblingOf. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (22, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', '')); -- sisterOf is a subproperty of siblingOf. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (23, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', '')); -- A brother is male. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (24, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', '')); -- A sister is female. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (25, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', '')); -- fatherOf is a subproperty of parentOf. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (26, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', '')); -- motherOf is a subproperty of parentOf. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (27, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', '')); -- A father is male. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (28, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', '')); -- A mother is female. INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (29, SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family_cs345_XXX', '', '', ''));

7 -- Select all males from the family model, without inferencing. SELECT m FROM TABLE(SEM_MATCH( '(?m rdf:type :Male)', SEM_Models('family_cs345_XXX'), null, SEM_ALIASES(SEM_ALIAS('','')), null)); -- Select all males from the family model, with RDFS inferencing. SELECT m FROM TABLE(SEM_MATCH( '(?m rdf:type :Male)', SEM_Models('family_cs345_XXX'), SDO_RDF_Rulebases('RDFS'), SEM_ALIASES(SEM_ALIAS('','')), null)); -- RDFS inferencing in the family model BEGIN SEM_APIS.CREATE_RULES_INDEX( 'rdfs_rix_family_cs345_XXX', SEM_Models('family_cs345_XXX'), SEM_Rulebases('RDFS')); END; / RDF Inferencing

8 -- General inferencing in the family model EXECUTE SEM_APIS.CREATE_RULEBASE('family_rb_cs345_XXX'); INSERT INTO mdsys.semr_family_rb_cs345_XXX VALUES( 'grandparent_rule', '(?x :parentOf ?y) (?y :parentOf ?z)', NULL, '(?x :grandParentOf ?z)', SEM_ALIASES(SEM_ALIAS('',''))); COMMIT; -- Select all grandfathers and their grandchildren from the family model, -- without inferencing. (With no inferencing, no results are returned.) SELECT x grandfather, y grandchild FROM TABLE(SEM_MATCH( '(?x :grandParentOf ?y) (?x rdf:type :Male)', SEM_Models('family_cs345_XXX'), null, SEM_ALIASES(SEM_ALIAS('','')), null)); -- Select all grandfathers and their grandchildren from the family model. -- Use inferencing from both the RDFS and family_rb rulebases. SELECT x grandfather, y grandchild FROM TABLE(SEM_MATCH( '(?x :grandParentOf ?y) (?x rdf:type :Male)', SEM_Models('family_cs345_XXX'), SEM_Rulebases('RDFS','family_rb_cs345_XXX'), SEM_ALIASES(SEM_ALIAS('','')), null)) RDF Inferencing

9 import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.*; public class MainClass { public static Connection getConnection() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { String driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"; String url = ""; String username = "________________________"; String password = "________________________"; Class.forName(driver); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); return conn; } public static void main(String args[]) { Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; CallableStatement callStmt = null; try { conn = getConnection(); stmt = conn.createStatement(); // Uncomment the following line if the family_rdf_data table already exists AND IF you want to drop the table and start over. // stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE family_rdf_data"); stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE family_rdf_data (id NUMBER, triple SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S)"); System.out.println("Created RDF Table"); // The following commented out lines don't appear to be necessary even though they are in the tutorial. // callStmt = conn.prepareCall(" begin SEM_APIS.drop_rdf_model('family'); end;"); // callStmt.execute(); // callStmt = conn.prepareCall(" begin SEM_APIS.create_rdf_model('family', 'family_rdf_data', 'triple'); end;"); // callStmt.execute(); // System.out.println("Create RDF Model"); stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO family_rdf_data VALUES (1,SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S('family','','',''))"); System.out.println("Inserted"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("error: failed to load Oracle driver."); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("error: failed to create a connection object."); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("other error:"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { stmt.close(); conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } Get an Oracle Account (One per Project Group, You Can Share It)

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