Career development within the context of the South African National Qualifications Framework Samuel Isaacs Chief Executive Officer.

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1 Career development within the context of the South African National Qualifications Framework Samuel Isaacs Chief Executive Officer

2 Realities in South Africa 17 years into democracy (population 52m) Middle-income country (USD 3,600 per capita income) Large proportion of young people (51% below 25 and largely black) Life expectancy about 50 years 45% live below national poverty line (ZAR 354 per month) Unemployment rate between 25% and 40% Over 13.5m enrolment in the education and training system, 87% enrolment rate (7-18 years)

3 1.Create an integrated national framework for learning achievements 2.Facilitate access to and mobility and progression within education, training and career paths 3.Enhance the quality of education and training 4.Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities 5.Contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large Objectives of the South African NQF

4 The NQF and career guidance 4 The principles underpinning the NQF have important implications for the career development of individuals, particularly the principles of recognition of prior learning and portability. Guidance Counsellors need to have a good understanding of these principles, and be able to advise learners on the opportunities that these provide World Bank Report by Kay and Fretwell 2003

5 Career Advice Services Flagship project of the Ministry of Higher Education and Training DHET and SAQA Partnership Initiative National project 5

6 What is this project? Establishment of a national, comprehensive, independent Career Advice Service To achieve a credible institutional planning mechanism for skills planning With a specific focus on coordination and establishment of career guidance services for the country 6

7 7

8 Festivals and exhibitions Conferences, summits and workshops Radio campaign Print media campaign Guides, packs and booklets Walk-in centres Telephone Helpline Telephone, Internet and computer technologies Knowledge base Database of cases Website Mobisite Social networking 8 Multiple channels

9 Estimated beneficiaries 9

10 Helpline statistics 2009-2011

11 Under consideration Roadshows: bus, train, truck, local venue Provincial summits, indabas, festivals, TV campaign FET SLOs (training and national database) School guidance teachers (training and national database) SETA guidance staff (training and national database) Peer Career Advisors in High Schools National career advice system 11

12 1 month Starting February 2012 1 week 16-23 March 2011 1 week August 2011 4 months April – July 2012 Block 1 e-learning platform e-event webinar agree on assessment criteria Block 2 lectures/plen aries 5 themes group and individual work Block 3 webinar literature review study groups Block 4 leadership and strategy present assignment 3 organisation al change self evaluation Lifelong Learning and National Qualifications Frameworks: Leaders for Learning A University of Western Cape (UWC) Continuing Education course, in partnership with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) For more information contact:

13 Career development within the context of the South African National Qualifications Framework Samuel Isaacs

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