UNOFFICIAL VISITS. o Basics o Transportation o Entertainment/Tickets o Permissible/Prohibited Activities o Student Host o Lodging o Meals OVERVIEW.

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2 o Basics o Transportation o Entertainment/Tickets o Permissible/Prohibited Activities o Student Host o Lodging o Meals OVERVIEW


4 o PSA can make an unlimited number of unofficial (Nonpaid) visits to campus at any time, except: o Men’s Basketball – No unofficial visits in July, except: o May make unofficial visit the calendar day after signing NLI or the institution receives a financial deposit from PSA o Women’s Basketball – No unofficial visits in July o Coaches are to submit an Unofficial Visit Roster after every unofficial visit UNOFFICIAL VISIT - Basics


6 o CANNOT pay for transportation expenses, except: o May provide PSA (and those accompanying PSA) with transportation to view practice and competition sites in PSA’s sport o To view other institutional facilities o To attend a home athletics contest at any local facility o Institutional staff member must accompany PSA UNOFFICIAL VISIT – Transportation


8 o CANNOT pay any expenses or provide any entertainment except a maximum of three (3) complimentary admissions to a home athletics event o Nontraditional family: may provide two (2) more comp admissions to accommodate (step)parents o within 30-mile radius of main campus o issued through pass list (no hard tickets) o general seating area only o May NOT arrange special parking for PSA to use while attending athletic event UNOFFICIAL VISIT – Entertainment/Tickets

9 o May NOT reserve further tickets to be purchased by the PSA (or individuals accompanying PSA). Tickets may be purchased only in the same manner as any other member of the general public o No comp admissions for the following events: o Conference tournaments o NCAA championships or other postseason contests UNOFFICIAL VISIT – Entertainment/Tickets


11 o Prohibited activities during the unofficial visit include: o arranging miscellaneous, personalized recruiting aids o e.g., personalized jerseys, personalized audio/video scoreboard presentations o includes decorative items and special additions to any location the PSA will visit (e.g., hotel room, locker room, coach’s office, conference room, arena) regardless of whether the item includes the PSA’s name or picture o permitting PSA to engage in any game-day simulations o e.g., running onto the field during pregame introductions, pregame on-field traditions UNOFFICIAL VISIT – Permissible/Prohibited Activities

12 o Prohibited activities during the unofficial visit include: o PSA may NOT attend professional tryout or workout activities o In men’s and women’s basketball, a PSA and those accompanying the PSA, may NOT attend an informal basketball scrimmage o Permissible activities during the unofficial visit include: o Arranging an academic interview for a PSA UNOFFICIAL VISIT – Permissible/Prohibited Activities

13 o Men’s Basketball Proposal 2012-2: On-Campus Evaluation o Would allow on-campus evaluations of a PSA during an unofficial visit o One evaluation per PSA limited to 2 hours o High school or prep school senior: after the season and has exhausted eligibility o Two-year college PSA: after the season and exhausted two-year college eligibility o 4-year PSA: after the season with permission to contact o Conducted no later than opening day of fall classes UNOFFICIAL VISIT – Permissible/Prohibited Activities


15 o Must be a current enrolled student-athlete o A nonqualifier CANNOT serve as student host during first academic year in residence UNOFFICIAL VISIT – Student Host


17 o Institution CANNOT pay for housing accommodations o PSA may stay in an enrolled student-athlete’s dorm room only if the PSA pays the regular institutional rate UNOFFICIAL VISIT – Lodging


19 o PSA must pay actual cost of meals o But may eat with other PSA’s on their official visit UNOFFICIAL VISIT – Meals

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