Overview USJFCOM Unclassified US Joint Forces Command Joint Warfighting Training The Way We Fight MajGen Jon Gallinetti, USMC Director Joint Force Trainer.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview USJFCOM Unclassified US Joint Forces Command Joint Warfighting Training The Way We Fight MajGen Jon Gallinetti, USMC Director Joint Force Trainer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview USJFCOM Unclassified US Joint Forces Command Joint Warfighting Training The Way We Fight MajGen Jon Gallinetti, USMC Director Joint Force Trainer Commander, Joint Warfighting Center

2 2 Evolution of Joint Forces Command LANTCOM USACOM commands US-based forces Joint Training and Integration of assigned forces Joint Integration and Interoperability Joint Experimentation and Partnership for Peace USACOM US Joint Forces Command leads Joint Deployment Process enhanced joint training establishes Joint requirements Unified Command Plan 02 Future is new “AOR” 1947 1993 1995 1997 1998 1999 2002 2003 2004 Transformation Planning Guidance 03 SUPREME ALLIED COMMAND, ATLANTIC (SACLANT) ALLIED COMMAND TRANSFORMATION (AC-T)

3 3 USJFCOM Mission USJFCOM maximizes the Nation’s future and present military capabilities by leading the transformation of joint forces, through joint concept development and experimentation, identifying joint requirements, advancing interoperability, conducting joint training, and providing ready continental U.S.-based forces and capabilities – all to support the Combatant Commands.

4 4 Transforming the Joint Force The U.S. approach Deconflict Service Forces Stitch Service Seams Integration of Service Capabilities Coherently Joint Effects-Based Network Centric Interagency-Multinational Army Forces Air Forces Marine Forces Navy Forces Army Forces Air Forces Marine Forces Navy Forces Army Forces Air Forces Marine Forces Navy Forces Services Deconflicting Services Coordinating Services Integrating A Full Spectrum capabilities-based joint force Multinational Interagency The Future is our new “AOR” SOF

5 PeaceConflict War Why Transform? The Threat is Changing Our adversaries will: fight by any means seek to deceive us exploit opportunities learn as they go The Environment is Changing Currently optimized for this Need better balance across the spectrum Our Capabilities are Evolving Capabilities must be optimized for the changing environment

6 6

7 7 USJFCOM Service Components 15,500 sailors (Reserves) 107,521 Sailors 6 Battle Groups 5 Amphib Groups Fleet Forces Command 37,403 Marines (Reserves) 41,556 Marines 1 Division 1 Wing 1 FSSG Marine Forces Atlantic 62,300 Airmen (Reserves) 84,269 Airmen 17 Fighter/Bomber Composite Wings Air Combat Command 619,656 Soldiers (Reserves) 193,235 Soldiers 6 Divisions 4 Sep Brigades 2 ACRs Forces Command Working with West Coast Forces:  Navy: Third Fleet (San Diego)  USMC: I Marine Expeditionary Force (Camp Pendleton)  Army: I Corps Headquarters (Fort Lewis) 1.1 Million Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines

8 8 MANPOWER/ INTEL OPNS, PLANS, STRATEGY/ C4 SYSTEMS JOINT JTF JOINT RQRMNTS/ JOINT PERSONNEL LOG, ENGINEERING ANALYSIS TRAINING TRAINING LL INTEGRATION EXPER. Commander J-1 J-6 J-8 J-2 J-3/4 J-7 J-9 J-5 Dedicated Organization Deputy Commander Deputy Commander SJFHQSJFHQ Unique HQ Functions Joint C4ISR Battle Center Joint Futures Lab Joint Warfighting Center Joint Communications Support Element Joint Forces Intel Command Special Ops Command, JFCOM 34% Military 24% Civilian 42% Contractor Army 30% Navy 34% Air Force 25% Marine Corps 11% { Joint Warfare Analysis Center Joint Combat Identification Team Joint Personnel Recovery Agency JLL

9 9 JFCOM’s Transformation Engines Integrating all enterprises to create coherent joint and combined capabilities Joint Force Trainer Joint Interoperability Joint Force Provider Integration Joint Concept Development and Experimentation Trained and Ready Forces today are the foundation for transformation for tomorrow Building tomorrow’s joint force today

10 10 Joint Warfighting Center (JWFC) Center of excellence for distributed and deployed simulation-based and simulation- supported training with state-of- the-art C4ISR systems Cutting Edge Technology Experienced government/ military/ contractor team Global Joint Training Partners: Joint Warfighters Services Multinational, Interagency OSD, Joint Staff Personnel 85 -- Government Civilians 146 -- Uniformed members 681 – Contractors 180 – Reserve Component

11 11 Joint Warfighting Center Mission Contribute to the Nation’s current and future Joint force capabilities and Joint capable forces by conducting and assessing Joint force training and validating Joint concepts using training as an integrating environment. Training is the Integrating Environment for Transformation

12 12 Worldwide Joint Training Support Training Modeling & Simulation Joint Doctrine Development Joint Distributed Learning Joint Training System Mgmt / Scheduling - One Stop Shopping - Joint Training Approach Enhancing Jointness, Fostering changes in Culture Embedding New Ways of Warfighting Enhancing Jointness, Fostering changes in Culture Embedding New Ways of Warfighting A single program single program which provides which provides rigorous, high fidelity Joint training support support

13 13 Exercise Phasing Commander and Staff Training Scenarios Scenarios based on realistic contingencies, against realistic threat, on realistic digitized terrain JWFC provides “full service” support (Opposing Forces, After Action Reviews, etc.) Phase I AcademicTraining Phase II DeploymentExercise Planning PlanningExercise Phase III ExerciseExecution Phase IV Analysis Analysis

14 14 "Dynamic" Scripting & Relevant Scenario “EXCON” Cell SECDEF/CJCS Supported Combatant Commander OBSERVER TRAINERSSENIOR MENTORS JOINT EXERCISE CONTROL GROUP Real World Communications Exercise Architecture Response Cells Joint Task Force Headquarters Primary Training Audience Adaptive& Credible Opposing Force

15 15 A global network of joint training enablers; comprised of live, virtual, and constructive components; that provides a seamless training environment across a broad spectrum of Joint training requirements. Requirements Phase Plans Phase Assessment Phase Execution Phase Joint Training System JNTC Vision

16 16 Why a Joint National Training Capability? Tactical Operational Strategic Theater Strategic National Unified Command Components Joint Force Headquarters Service Tasks Unified Command & Joint Force Headquarters Tasks Issue 1 Issue2Issue2 MARFORAFFORNAVFORARFOR JNTC can help to... 1. Close gaps & seams (Combatant Commander Title 10 vs. Service Title 10 responsibilities) at all levels of joint operations (i.e. joint command and control, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and other joint tasks). 2. Provide the capability to conduct coherent joint training across all levels with proper joint context. SOF

17 17 Joint National Training Capability Defined Transformed Joint Capabilities Realistic Combat Training Proper Joint context for training Joint National Training Capability Adaptive and Credible Opposing Force Common Ground Truth High Quality Feedback

18 SOF USMC USN USAF US Army JTF Constructive Live/Range Live/Real World C2 Virtual Simulators & Simulations Training forces at all levels, from the Joint Task Force HQ staff to the tactical unit, in an integrated live, virtual and constructive training environment. The Joint National Training Capability

19 19 JNTC Networked Sites National Training Center FT Irwin Naval AWC Weapons Div Pt Mugu Air Warfare Center Nellis AFB Naval AWC Weapons Div China Lake Naval Strike Warfare Training Center, Fallon USMC Training Center 29 Palms USMC Training Range Camp Pendleton MCAS Miramar Fleet Training Center Pacific Air Force OT&E Center Joint Interop Test Cmd Ft Huachuca MCAS Yuma Davis Monthan AFB White Sands Test Range Ft Bliss NORTHCOM & Joint National Intel Center National Simulation Center Ft Leavenworth Hurlburt Field Joint Readiness Training Cmd Ft Polk Barksdale AFB Eglin AFB Camp Lejeune JWFC Dam Neck Ft Bragg CENTCOM & SOCOM SOUTHCOM Naval AWC Aircraft Div Patuxent River Keesler AFB Ft Sam Houston Ft Benning Ft Hood PACOM FY 04 Sites FY 05 Sites

20 20 Global JNTC

21 UNCLASSIFIED SOUTHCOM: Able Warrior 05-1 Blue Advance 05 Able Warrior 05-2 Fuertes Defensas 05 4 Major Exercises CENTCOM: CFC-A SAV MNC-I SAV Bright Star 06 Regional Cooperation 05 4 Major Exercises PACOM: Terminal Fury 05 JTFEX 05-2/BF 05-1 Ardent Sentry/TOPOFF 3 Cobra Gold 05 Talisman Saber 05 Cope Thunder 06-1 4 Major Exercises EUCOM: SCWC 05-1 Flexible Leader 05 Sharp Focus 05 SCWS 05-2 Rescue Medcuer 05 Flexible Response 06 5 Major Exercises NORTHCOM: Ardent Sentry/TOPOFF 3 Northern Edge 05 2 Major Exercises USJFCOM: CAPSTONE 05-1 Pinnacle 05-1 UE 5-1/OIF 3 MRX Sea Viking 04 BGIE/VF 05-1 Cooperative Focus 05-1 SEESIM 04 Allied Warrior 04 I/ITSEC UE 05-2/OEF 6 MRX JTFEX 05-2/BF 05-1 CAPSTONE 05-2 CSEL CAPSTONE 05-1 BIGIE/JSTE JRTC 05-5 Cooperative Focus 05-2 Joint Red Flag 05 WTI Course 2-05 CAPSTONE 0503 PINNACLE 05-2 Allied Action 05 Eloquent Nugget 05 JTFEX C2F CAPSTONE 05-4 CSEL CAPSTONE 05-2 JRTC/AW NTC 05-10 AW UE 05-3 OIF 4 MRX CAPSTONE 06-1 PINNACLE 06-1 CTC 06 JTFEX 06-1 Red Flag 6-1 14 Major Exercises FY05/06 Joint/Combined Exercise Support Total: 65 30 Major Exercises 35 Exercises STRATCOM: Global Storm 05 1 Major Exercise

22 UNCLASSIFIED FY03/04 Joint/Combined “On Call” Support “Never Said No” Total: 13 Major Unplanned Events CJTF-180 MAY-JUN 03 Determined Promise 03 AUG 03 Special Kuwaiti Exercise Program/ Lucky Warrior 03 FEB 03 CJTF-7 OCT 03 III Corps MRX (CJTF-7) DEC 03 Unified Defense 03 JAN 03 MRX CFC-IZ MAR 04 25 th ID MRX (CJTF-180) FEB 04 CFC-A/CJTF- 180 SAV MAY 04 MNF-I/CFC-A SAV JUN 04 MNC-I SAV JUN 04 CFC-A JMD Assessment OCT 04 CJTF-7 JUN-JUL 03

23 23

24 24 UAV’s Role in the JNTC Fully integrated with East Coast multi-range instrumentation Supports ground truth assessment and After Action Reporting All systems (live / virtual / constructive) feed an overall Common Operational Picture (COP) for the JTF Commander Joint Tactical Tasks (JTTs) directly supported by UAVs during CJTFEX 04-2 - Establish, Operate and Maintain Baseline Information Exchange - Provide for Combat Identification

25 25 Questions?

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