TYPES OF CAMERAS PART 1- WILLIAMS. QUESTIONS TO ANSWER 0 What are different types of cameras? 0 What makes a camera work? 0 What are the similarities.

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2 QUESTIONS TO ANSWER 0 What are different types of cameras? 0 What makes a camera work? 0 What are the similarities and differences between film and digital? 0 How do we take pictures?

3 What types of cameras are there? 2 Types Film/Analog Digital 0 Film and digital cameras have similarities and differences. 0 The main differences between the two are in the technical aspect of creating the photo.

4 Types of Cameras 0 Film uses a chemical reaction to create the image on the film, whereas a digital camera uses a series of mirrors to reflect the image on a digital storage chip.

5 Film 0 A film camera is made of three basic elements : 1. Optical (the lens) 2. Chemical (the film) 3. Mechanical (the camera body The 3 elements combine to make a printable image

6 Two Types: Point and Shoot & Single Lens Reflex 0 Point and Shoot (P&S) 0 The viewfinder provides a rough idea of what is in view, but not the real image. 0 This occurs because you are not looking through the lens ACTIVITY: Have students make a viewfinder with their fingers. Have them simulate a camera by closing one eye and holding their simulated viewfinder over their open eye. This is what taking a P&S photo is like.

7 Single Lens Reflex ( SLR) 0 You see the actual image that will be exposed onto the film. 0 Great for capturing images with real impact. 0 Provides more control and better images than P&S.

8 Advantages of an SLR Camera 0 Precise framing-what you see in the viewfinder is what is recorded on the film. 0 The range of lenses make the SLR very versatile. 0 Precise exposure measurement because the light- sensitive cells measure only the light coming into the lens

9 Disadvantages of an SLR Camera 0 Noisier than a compact because of the mirror in front of the shutter moving. 0 Mechanical complexity makes them more prone to failure. 0 Heavier and more awkward. 0 More expensive

10 Digital 0 Digital 0 A digital camera records images electronically using a built-in processor. 0 Has a lens like an analog camera 0 BUT, the lens refracts light onto computer chips rather than film. 0 Types of Digital Cameras 0 Similar features to film counterparts 0 Rely on electronic processing and storage 0 Point and Shoot (P&S) 0 Most feature LCD screens and advanced zoom lenses 0 SLR 0 Can Switch out lenses

11 Parts of FILM Camera


13 Parts of Camera Vocab 0 Lens: Collects light reflected from the subject and focuses it at the exact point occupied by the film. 0 Aperture: an adjustable opening in a disc inside the lens. The size of the aperture determines the amount, or brightness, of light that reaches the film, and hence affects film exposure 0 Shutter: a physical barrier in front of the film that opens for a timed period. The shutter thus determines the amount of time that light passing through the aperture is allowed to act on the film. 0 Viewfinder: allows the camera to be accurately pointed at the chosen subject

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