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Celiac Diet By: Alisha Gross, Caitlin Fortenberry, Susie Mays.

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Presentation on theme: "Celiac Diet By: Alisha Gross, Caitlin Fortenberry, Susie Mays."— Presentation transcript:

1 Celiac Diet By: Alisha Gross, Caitlin Fortenberry, Susie Mays

2 What is the Celiac Diet? The Celiac diet is just another name for the gluten free diet. That excludes the protein gluten

3 Who needs this diet? People who need to lack off the gluten. People with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity feel better on a gluten-free diet. People with gluten intolerance or sensitivity.

4 Food’s They Eat Eggs Milk Cheese Flours Wheat Barley Rye Unprocessed meats

5 Special Considerations! You will be cut off of junk food and could lose weight! Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, or sometimes oats. It may also be found in some medicines. When a person with celiac disease eats or drinks anything containing gluten, the immune system responds by damaging the lining of the intestinal tract. This affects the body's ability to absorb nutrients.

6 Fun Facts! Most common in Ireland The glue on stamps contain gluten Once celiac is triggered, it is a life-long disease. Some products, like lipstick, toothpaste and vitamins, use gluten for processing but because it is not food, does not need to be labeled.


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