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Gluten-Free Baking Sponsored by the Ninja-on-the-board.

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Presentation on theme: "Gluten-Free Baking Sponsored by the Ninja-on-the-board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gluten-Free Baking Sponsored by the Ninja-on-the-board

2 What it is Gluten-free baking is baking without most standard grains that contain the composite protein Gluten It has gained popularity as a “fad diet” or a medical response to those afflicted with celiac disease The baking process is done by mixing flours and starches

3 To Gluten, or not to Gluten

4 What it’s effects are At present, there are no medical studies to show the long term effects of removing gluten from a diet. However, there are many people who swear by it, saying that the diet helps treat depression and assists in weight loss, among other things

5 Another Portland fad? There are many who believe that a gluten free diet is a “trend” or “fad” diet, as there are no studies to show a long term change in health or behavior. However, many restaurants are picking up on this trend, and introducing new “gluten alternative menus” in an effort to meet client demands.

6 Consumer demand: The why

7 Celiac disease Celiac Disease is a life-threatening hereditary auto-immune disease that usually affects several organs in the body before becomng diagnosed. When a person with Celiac Disease comes in contact with Gluten, their immune system is triggered and responds by damaging the lining of the intestinal track.

8 Random Gluten facts Located in make-up, hair sprays and mousses. Antibiotic abuse may lead to gluten sensitivity Gluten-free =/= healthy, as they lack important vitamins and minerals A diagnosis of celiac disease usually takes 6 years to determine Gluten free makes money, in 2010 gluten free industry made 2.5 bil in sales, and is expected to climb to 5 bil by 2015


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