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CSC 370 (Blum)1 More on CDs and DVDs. CSC 370 (Blum)2 Extended Architecture While the original Mode 2 standard was not used, a variation on it allowed.

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Presentation on theme: "CSC 370 (Blum)1 More on CDs and DVDs. CSC 370 (Blum)2 Extended Architecture While the original Mode 2 standard was not used, a variation on it allowed."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC 370 (Blum)1 More on CDs and DVDs

2 CSC 370 (Blum)2 Extended Architecture While the original Mode 2 standard was not used, a variation on it allowed regular data and audio or video data to be stored together. The Extended Architecture standard CD- ROM XA allows the two types of data to be “interleaved” on the same track.

3 CSC 370 (Blum)3 Extended Architecture The Extended Architecture has two modes –Mode 2, Form 1, which is like Mode 1 and is used for regular data files –Mode 2, Form 2, which is like Mode 2 and is used for compressed audio/video files. The two modes allowed for the mixing (interleaving of data). The use of a CD-ROM XA disc requires a special drive. The drive understood the two formats being mixed. It also might be able to uncompress the data “on the fly.”

4 CSC 370 (Blum)4 CD-Interactive An extension of the CD-ROM-XA idea was the CD-i (i for interactive). In CD-I the disk stores data in different formats, but the data is related. One could mix programs and text and audio and video together to create a multimedia experience for the user that was controlled by the user. The CD-I format was led by Philips and Sony (the same two that gave us the CD-DA standards) and are contained in the Green Book.

5 CSC 370 (Blum)5 Bridge CD Another set of standards that spanned the CD- ROM-XA and CD-I technologies was developed in the White Book. CDs of this format are sometimes called bridge CDs since they work with both technologies. The category includes Bridge the Kodak Photo CD format and the Video CD format. Is being replaced by DVDs.

6 CSC 370 (Blum)6 Video CD Using MPEG compression one can put a 74-minute movie (video plus audio) in the same space used by CD-DA for just audio. So-called video CDs or VCDs were of limited quality, required a special player and have been surpassed by DVDs.

7 CSC 370 (Blum)7 Photo CD The Photo CD is an example of CD-I technology developed by Kodak specially for photographic data. Since under normal circumstances one is not going to make a master Photo CD and create from it many copies. The Photo CD standard are found in the Orange Book, which sets out the standards for CD-R, recordable CDs. But they can be written following the CD-I standards.

8 CSC 370 (Blum)8 CD-R As typical files grew larger and larger, the limitations of the floppy disk as a software/data delivery mechanism became evident. The CD-ROM had hundreds of times the capacity of a floppy, but was limited in that it was “read only.” The standards essentially required a manufacturing process to write data. So the CD-R standards were introduced. They are laid out in the orange book mainly by Phillips in 1990.

9 CSC 370 (Blum)9 CD-R CD-R (compact disc, recordable) are also sometimes known as CD-WORM (write once read many) or just CD-WO (write once). While the Yellow Book, Green Book and White Book outline variations in the logical overlay of the physical specifications laid out in the Red Book, the Orange book must outline new physical requirements that allow a user to record a CD. Basically the same logical overlay as CD-ROM will be maintained for compatibility.

10 CSC 370 (Blum)10 Changing Medium Recall that a CD-ROM is stamped from a master. The stamping provides the pits. When reading, he pits and distinguished from the lands because the lands yield specular reflection (clean, organized) while the pits yield diffuse reflection (scattered). –Think of light reflecting off a mirror versus light reflecting a rippling body of water (pool, lake, etc.) So all that is needed is to produce this change in the way light is reflected.

11 CSC 370 (Blum)11 Before Recording (Burning) A CD-R starts off with a plastic substrate. The substrate is not flat, rather it has a wobbly spiral groove. –Think of it as lined paper, the lines guide us as to where we will write the information. On top of the plastic is a photosensitive dye. On top of that is the reflective layer (gold, silver or aluminum alloy). On top of that is a protective layer of plastic. On top of that is the label.

12 CSC 370 (Blum)12 Before Burning From

13 CSC 370 (Blum)13 Photosensitive Dye The chemical between the plastic and the metal is photosensitive, meaning that it changes its properties when exposed to light. –The process is known as burning. In this case the light is laser light, the changes are permanent, and the important aspect here is that the changed property affects the way light is reflected.

14 CSC 370 (Blum)14 After Burning

15 CSC 370 (Blum)15 All at once? The recording is permanent but it does not necessarily have to be done all at once. If the recording is allowed to be done in more than one sitting, then the recording is said to be multi-session as opposed to single-session. Another term is Track-At-Once (TAO) versus Disc-At-Once (DAO).

16 CSC 370 (Blum)16 Table of Contents A CD-ROM has a table of contents (TOC) at the beginning. It serves a similar purpose to the file allocation table and root directory found on a hard disk, it allows the files to be found. –A.k.a. index of the disc. Newer so-called multi-session CDs allow data to be written in various sessions, that is for data to be appended (not overwritten) at a later time. –Such CDs have a table of contents for each session. –The new TOC contains the old info plus the new. –Such CDs cannot be read by ordinary drives unless they are “finalized.”.

17 CSC 370 (Blum)17 Single Session vs. Multiple Session With single-session CDs, the TOC is easily located by the drive. Multi-session CDs drives need to be able to find the latest TOC. Many older CD drives do not have this capability. Reading a CD-RW requires a multi-session capability, so it is becoming standard.

18 CSC 370 (Blum)18 CD-R Drive The burning of a CD requires a special laser, different from the one in an ordinary CD-ROM drive used for reading. CD-Rs can typically handle many of the various logical formats (CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD-I, etc.) A CD-R drive can also read. Typically it reads at a higher speed than it writes. Writing a CD requires a steady flow of data and can be demanding. –Early on, simple CD-ROM drives were often IDE/ATAPI but CD-R drives were more likely to be SCSI, which tend to perform better and allow other things to occur simultaneously.

19 CSC 370 (Blum)19 Keep that data flowing To keep the flow of data steady, a CD-R drive may use a buffer. Another approach is to make an image of the disc to be burned on the hard drive (collect all the files from their various locations, add the error code, etc.) and then have a have a nice, steady, fast continuous read of consecutive data.

20 CSC 370 (Blum)20 Compatibility With differences in physical makeup (CD-ROM vs. CD-R vs. CD-RW) as well as differences in how writing is done (single-session vs. multi- session) and differences in logical overlay (CD- DA, CD-ROM, CD-I, etc.), compatibility is an issue with CD drives and CDs. –Another difference is whether a drive can extract CD- DA data or just play it. Compatibility issues are being resolved, newer CD players tend to accept a wider variety of formats, but it remains an issue to be aware of.

21 CSC 370 (Blum)21 Compatibility Table

22 CSC 370 (Blum)22 Usefulness of CD-R CD-Rs had floppies beat on capacity by a (multiplicative) factor of several hundred, but floppies could be written and re-written. For files that are in the editing/updating process, the ability to rewrite is crucial. –CD-Rs have come down in price, but they’re too expensive to be thrown away regularly – let alone the impact that would have on the environment.

23 CSC 370 (Blum)23 CD-RW CD-Rs are “write once” because the photo- sensitive dye is permanently changed when it is written/burned. In CD-RW this material is replaced with a phase- change layer. –A phase is a state that a material can be in. For example, H 2 O can be in one of three phases: ice (solid), water (liquid), stream (gas). –Materials may have several different solid phases. A phase is stable (the material can remain in a given phase indefinitely), but a phase change is reversible (heating for example may return the material to its original state).

24 CSC 370 (Blum)24 Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde The two phases in question are a matter of how “organized” the material is. In one phase, the material is a very orderly crystal that reflects light specularly. In the other phase, the material is disorderly and reflects light diffusely. Heating the material a little can give it a little bit of movement and flexibility so it can organize. Heating it up a lot throws it into disorder, but it cools quickly (quenches) and remains in the disorderly state.

25 CSC 370 (Blum)25 The price one pays The differences in these phases is more subtle than the differences in CD-ROMs and CD-Rs. Thus a drive must have a more sensitive photo-detector in order to read a CD-RW. Many older (“legacy”) drives do not have such a sensitive detector and cannot read CD-RWs.

26 CSC 370 (Blum)26 Digital Versatile/Video Disk (DVD) The size of software and data files continues to grow, so the CD with its 650 MB capacity is becoming too limited. A newer, higher capacity alternative is the DVD which stands for either digital video disk or digital versatile disk. –Although some will now say DVD doesn’t stand for anything.

27 CSC 370 (Blum)27 DVDs A DVD is just a variation on a CD, information is read from the disc by reflecting light from its surface. The differences between DVDs and CDs is a matter of speed and capacity (DVDs are better on both counts) and logical format. As with CDs there are various formats and one has to be careful about compatibility. –Many DVD standards are maintained by ECMA.

28 CSC 370 (Blum)28 ECMA

29 CSC 370 (Blum)29 DVD-R Standards Page

30 CSC 370 (Blum)30 DVD-R Standards Page (cont.)

31 CSC 370 (Blum)31 Viva la difference A different laser –A DVD laser has a wavelength of 636 nm or 650 nm compared to a CD laser having a wavelength of 780 nm. The nm stands for nanometer, that’s 10 -9 m, a billionth of a meter. –With a smaller wavelength, one can “resolve” (distinguish) smaller/closer objects. In this case, the smaller wavelength allows the pits and the lands to be smaller and closer together on a DVD than on a CD.

32 CSC 370 (Blum)32 Waves with different wavelengths

33 CSC 370 (Blum)33 Smaller Pits  Higher Density/Capacity

34 CSC 370 (Blum)34 DVD Pits

35 CSC 370 (Blum)35 Another Difference The Error Correction Code (ECC) used in DVDs is more efficient. –As with CDs the amount and type of ECC will vary between DVDs used for multimedia and DVDs used for “regular” files. DVDs also use a somewhat larger area for recording.

36 CSC 370 (Blum)36 Result: Higher Capacity The previous factors result in a DVD having several times the capacity of a CD. –DVD capacity is approximately 4.7 GB (minimum) compared to CD-ROM capacity of 650 MB – about seven times larger. –Caution: In DVD standards GB means 10 9 (1,000,000,000) instead of 2 30 (1,073,741,824).

37 CSC 370 (Blum)37 Higher Speeds DVDs have a higher standard data transfer rate – 1.32 MB/s compared to 150 KB/s for CD-DA – about nine times faster. –This speed specification is for video viewing. When DVDs are used for non-video data, they can be operated at higher speeds, which are reported as multiplicative factors of the standard: 2X, 3X etc. –Older DVD-ROM drives used CLV, now they tend to use CAV. In the latter case, the maximum multiplicative factor is reported, e.g. 16X max.

38 CSC 370 (Blum)38 Sizes, Sides and Layers DVDs come in two standard sizes: diameter 80 mm or diameter 120 mm (standard CD size). DVDs can be single-sided (SS) or doubled-sided (DS), effectively two DVDs glued together. A DVD can be single layer (SL) or double layer (DL). –The upper layer is semi-transparent, so one can see through to the second layer of data.

39 CSC 370 (Blum)39 Single Versus Double Layer The laser is focused on the different layers at different times.

40 CSC 370 (Blum)40 Numbers and Capacities DVD-5: single-sided, single-layered 4.7GB DVD-9: single-sided, double-layered 8.5GB DVD-10: double-sided, single-layered 9.4GB DVD-14: double-sided, mixed layers 13.2GB DVD-18 double-sided, double-layered 17GB –Still uncommon

41 CSC 370 (Blum)41 Layers and Sides

42 CSC 370 (Blum)42 UDF There was some attempt to avoid the pitfalls of the CD situation (so many formats) and out of that came UDF. –Of course, they didn’t succeed, there a number of VDV formats. UDF stands for Universal Disk Format. “UDF, defined by the Optical Technology Storage Association (OTSA), is a subset of ISO 13346, an interchange standard for non-sequential recording of data.”

43 CSC 370 (Blum)43 UDF (Cont.) It is a file system used for DVDs and optical media in general. –Some CDs can use it. It is “universal” in that all of the major DVD vendors have agreed to use it. It is also “universal” in that data files and multimedia files are not treated separately. It allows the operating system to understand what is on a DVD.

44 CSC 370 (Blum)44 MicroUDF and UDF Bridge Actually DVDs use a subset of UDF, called MicroUDF. Microsoft did not initially support MicroUDF and so an intermediate standard UDF Bridge is thrown into the mix. –UDF Bridge is a hybrid of UDF and ISO 9660. UDF specifies a file size limit, a file naming scheme and provides a directory so that files can be found.

45 CSC 370 (Blum)45 Various Formats In addition to the different physical formats, there are a number of different application formats and the accompanying compatibility issues. –DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-ROM DVD drives are usually “backward compatible” in that they can read most CD formats.

46 CSC 370 (Blum)46 DVD-Video and DVD-ROM Analogous to CD-DA (for music) and CD- ROM (for data) are DVD-Video (for movies) and DVD-ROM (for data). –An DVD player may only be able to read DVD- Video, whereas a DVD drive will be able to read DVD-ROM as well as DVD-Video. These standards are read only. The information is stamped or pressed onto the disc by a manufacturer.

47 CSC 370 (Blum)47 MPEG2 MPEG2 is part of the DVD-Video standard. It describes how multimedia files can be compressed (50-to-1). MPEG stands for Moving Picture Experts Group. –MPEG is part of ISO. There are three major MPEG standards: MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4. The decoding can be done by software or hardware.

48 CSC 370 (Blum)48 MPEG MPEG Uses 1.Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). 2.Quantization, selectively throwing away information that won’t be missed (“lossy compression”). 3.Huffman coding, a lossless compression technique that uses code encoding frequently occurring data with short codes and infrequently occurring data with long codes. 4.Motion compensated predictive coding: encode changes from one frame to the next rather than encoding each new frame in its entirety. 5.Bi-directional prediction like interpolation discussed in CD-DA.

49 CSC 370 (Blum)49 Recordable As with CD-R, making a recordable DVD requires some changes in the physical medium. –The writing is not done by pressing but by exposing the DVD-R’s photo-sensitive dye layer to light and “burning” the information on it.

50 CSC 370 (Blum)50 DVD-R(A) and DVD-R(G) DVD-R (Authoring) –Used more by professionals, not generally available to the public –Used for “mastering” DVD-R (General) –Used by the public

51 CSC 370 (Blum)51 Rewritable As with CDs, to achieve rewritability, one must replace the photosensitive material which is permanently burned with “phase change” material. –The phase change material in DVD RW means that they do not reflect as strongly as DVD-ROM or DVD- R. This makes them harder to read. –Sometime drives have trouble distinguishing between double layered DVDs and DVD-RW.

52 CSC 370 (Blum)52 The Competition There are three competing technologies for rewritable DVDs –DVD-R –DVD+R –DVD-RAM

53 CSC 370 (Blum)53 DVD-RW A.k.a. DVD-ER and DVD-R/W Can be written about 1000 times There is a distinction with DVD-RW discs –1.1 do not support CPRM (Content Protection for Removable Media) –1.1B do support CPRM Apple and Compaq

54 CSC 370 (Blum)54 CPRM Content Protection for Removable Media (CPRM) enforces copy protection restrictions using a mechanism built into the storage medium itself. Based on broadcast encryption, the CPRM system would incorporate “tags” into storage media. Controversial, other alternative pursued.

55 CSC 370 (Blum)55 DMCA Stands for Digital Millennium Copyright Act (a update of copyright law law from 1998). –“It is a crime to circumvent anti-piracy measures that are built into commercial software.” –“It is a crime to manufacture, sell or distribute code- cracking devices that illegally copy software. However, it is not a crime to crack copyright protection devices in order to conduct encryption research, assess product interoperability or test the security of computer systems.” –Etc.

56 CSC 370 (Blum)56 DVD-RAM Better access speeds Can be written 100,000 times Uses a cartridge (for better medium protection) Standard DVD drives don’t support the cartridge. You may lose rewritability if you remove them from the cartridge. Hitachi, Panasonic and Toshiba

57 CSC 370 (Blum)57 DVD+RW Written to 1,000 times No cartridge Not officially a standard of the DVD Forum but backed by Sony and HP. Records video well. DVD+R is a write-once technology that is compatible with DVD+RW.

58 CSC 370 (Blum)58 Compatibility Table

59 CSC 370 (Blum)59 DVD-Audio versus Audio CD Sampling RateNumber of Levels CD44,100 Hz2 16 = 65,536 DVD192,000 Hz2 24 = 16,777,216

60 CSC 370 (Blum)60 Is DVD-Audio overkill?

61 CSC 370 (Blum)61 References PC Hardware in a Nutshell, Thompson and Thompson burner2.htm

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