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Proposing the Model for Croatian Remote Access (RA) Safe Centre for Statistical Microdata Martina Poljičak Central Bureau of Statistics

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Presentation on theme: "Proposing the Model for Croatian Remote Access (RA) Safe Centre for Statistical Microdata Martina Poljičak Central Bureau of Statistics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposing the Model for Croatian Remote Access (RA) Safe Centre for Statistical Microdata Martina Poljičak Central Bureau of Statistics Ph.D. Hrvoje Stančić, assoc. prof. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

2 Outline Current state of establishment of RA to statistical microdata in ESS, ongoing projects and available RA services propose a model for development of RA to statistical microdata in Croatia integrating the Croatian system for RA in the currently developing ESS’s infrastructure

3 Introduction National Statistical Offices - lots of microdata Microdata - researchers’ secondary analyses, empirical studies growing need for researchers’ easy access to publicly funded data Contacts with academic institutions – strategic resource for development of official statistics

4 Data throughout statistical surveys Picture 1. National Statistical Office providing public access to macrodata (basic model of NSO)

5 Microdata Confidentiality data about individual statistical units definitions of confidential microdata depend on national legislation, the design of the survey (sample size, included variables) and the means of access (e.g. Remote Access, Safe Centre, Download) classifying recordset as confidential

6 Solutions for access to microdata No access „on-site” access for „guest researcher” Remote execution and advanced remote execution solutions also called “Job Submission Systems” (24/7) Modern Remote Access systems

7 Why RA for researchers? Benefits for society... Cost/benefit researcher’s needs. need for Remote Access (RA) systems high demand for confidential microdata limited resources inside the NSIs

8 Available RA Centres in Europe Denmark, France, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Sweden and United Kingdom, offer researchers RA service Safe Centre - Eurostat in Luxemburg

9 Common RA areas Data does not leave RDC (outbox) Accreditation before entering (pass, IP, OTP, biometrics, hardware components), Sofisticated user account management (Microsoft active directory) Internet ot private government network with encryption for communication (SSTP, SSl-VPN, Cisco-tunnel, RDP (Microsoft) and ICA Basic encryption (Citrix)) Surveillance (monitoring sessions, logs, log-on and log-off information etc)

10 ESS projects for RA to Microdata ESSnet’s DARA project – connecting Safe Centers in countries with servers in Luxemburg Eurostat’s VIP-SICON project – based on Citrix Data Without Boundaries (CESSDA + ESS) European Commission, Digital Agenda 2020, e-certificates

11 Proposal of model for RA in Croatia CBS, closely working with Eurostat, EU member since July 2013; Croatia is not a member of CESSDA (DwB) Need for beter cooperation chanels between researchers and official statistics in Croatia Croatian government has signed Open Government Partnership agreement in August 2011; projects: NIAS – based on OIB, e-Citizen CARNet, AAI

12 Proposal for model for RA in Croatia Picture 2. NSO providing access to macrodata for public users and anonymised and filtered microdata for researchers’ RA and secondary analysis purposes

13 Conclusion Connect research community members to safely protected statistical microdata, benefits Progress in some European countries Proposal for development of RA Safe Centre for statistical microdata in Croatia Legal restrictions, privacy and open data issues, complex user management Integrate Croatian System to ESS’s system for RA to stat- microdata

14 Proposing the Model for Croatian Remote Access (RA) Safe Centre for Statistical Microdata Martina Poljičak Central Bureau of Statistics Ph.D. Hrvoje Stančić, assoc. prof. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences THANK YOU!

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