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Southern California Tourism Dispatch  You will be doing a dispatch of a place that a visitor may find interesting within any of the following counties:

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Presentation on theme: "Southern California Tourism Dispatch  You will be doing a dispatch of a place that a visitor may find interesting within any of the following counties:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern California Tourism Dispatch  You will be doing a dispatch of a place that a visitor may find interesting within any of the following counties: Los Angeles, Orange, Santa Barbara, Riverside or San Bernardino.  Due at midnight on…  Presentations will be done by the number on the class roster. So #1 goes first.  Download this power point template from my website – under Ecotourism – Projects & Assignments – So. Cal. & USA Projects Delete this slide Created by Mr. R. Estrella

2 Southern California Dispatches selection is by roster number 1,11,12,21,22,31,32, 41, 42: Historical 3, 13: Indigenous Sites 4, 14, 24: Fossils 5, 6, 15, 16, 25, 26, 35, 36, 45: Entertainment 7, 17, 27, 37: State Park 8, 18, 28, 38: National Park 9, 19, 29, 34, 39: Famous place to eat. 10, 20, 30, 40, 43: Museums 23, 33, 44: Shopping 2, 23: Movie Star Homes or Famous Movie Sites (3 places) Created by Mr. R. Estrella Delete Slide

3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TOURISM DISPATCH Your Name Period ? Ecotourism Mr. Estrella Slide 1: Replace the bottom information with yours – Remove Created by Mr. R. Estrella

4 1. Three Questions 2.City & County 3. What is Interesting About This Place 4. Distance in miles & time 5. Website Slide 2: picture of the place – use “large” for image searches. Don’t let the picture give away the answers. Remove Created by Mr. R. Estrella

5 Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park History  The park was created in the early 1920’s by the state and the Save-the-Redwoods League  The park is a sanctuary of old growth coast redwood. Slide 3: History and location of the site: what is its’ history, tell us a little about it. (about a paragraph – use bullets) Use Google Maps for distance using directions. Remove Location  Orick, Humboldt County CA.  695 miles from Los Angeles.  About 10 hours and 47 minutes drive. Created by Mr. R. Estrella

6 Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park Why it’s worth visiting  Fern Canyon inside the park is incredibly beautiful and relaxing. Ferns cover the walls of the canyon and come from an ancient group of plants 200 million years old.  Fern Canyon opens to the beautiful Gold Bluffs Beach.  The park offers hiking, nature-study, wildlife viewing, beach combing, picnicking, a visitor center with exhibits and a store.  Entrance Fee $8  Website: Slide 4: Why should we visit it: Include 3 reasons to go in your own words. Include the entrance or ticket price. Include website. Remove Created by Mr. R. Estrella

7 Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park – Fern Canyon Slide 5: Include 4 pictures of the site 2 pictures on this slide. May also include pictures of people involved in the history of it. Don’t use logos or ads. Remove Created by Mr. R. Estrella

8 Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park – Gold Bluffs Beach Humboldt Trip Slide 6: Include 2 more pictures of the site here and the YouTube video link. Remove Created by Mr. R. Estrella

9 Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park Slide 7  Include a Google map and make it big.  Shift-Prnt-Scrn key or Fn-Prnt-Scrn to copy map image then paste it on this slide.  Use Google Directions from the map 90017 (MCLC) to your site. Remove Created by Mr. R. Estrella

10 Dispatch Grading Student: _______________ Per. ______  Tourism Site: ____________________  City / County: ____ / 4  3 or more reasons to visit: ____ / 9  History: ___ / 4  Map & Distance: ____ / 4  Web site: ____ / 2  Conclusion – what you liked: ____ / 2  4 Pictures: ____ / 8  Answer 3 of 4 Questions: ___/ 3  Video Clip: ____ / 4 pts.  Total Points: 40 Power Point File A: 36-40 B: 32-35 C: 26-31 D: 20-25 F: 0-19 Delete this slide Created by Mr. R. Estrella

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