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Fallen Angels Vocabulary Chapters 17-23. Napalm-  NOUN  a highly flammable sticky jelly used in incendiary bombs and flamethrowers, consisting of gasoline.

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1 Fallen Angels Vocabulary Chapters 17-23

2 Napalm-  NOUN  a highly flammable sticky jelly used in incendiary bombs and flamethrowers, consisting of gasoline thickened with special soaps.  With the use of napalm, we defeated the enemy.

3 Nondenominational-  ADJECTIVE  1) open or acceptable to people of any Christian denomination  2) not of or related to any religious denomination  The nondenominational nursery school is located in the church annex.

4 Projectile-  NOUN  a missile designed to be fired from a rocket or gun.  Synonyms: missile · rocket · bullets  The projectile was successfully launched across the open field.  ADJECTIVE  relating to a projectile missile or object:  A projectile weapon was launched in the lunchroom and hit the teacher in the back of the head.

5 Requisition-  NOUN  an official order laying claim to the use of property or materials:  Synonyms: order · request · call · application · claim · demand  I had to make various requisitions for staff and accommodations.  VERB  demand the use or supply of, especially by official order and for military or public use:  synonyms: commandeer · appropriate · take over · take possession of  The government had assumed powers to requisition cereal products at fixed prices.

6 Firefight-  NOUN  a battle using guns rather than bombs or other weapons.  The firefight lasted four days.

7 Harassment-  NOUN  aggressive pressure or intimidation:  Synonyms: persecution · intimidation · pressure · force · coercion · hassle  The daily harassment was an issue that Michael dreaded about school.

8 Makeshift-  ADJECTIVE  serving as a temporary substitute; sufficient for the time being  Synonyms: temporary · provisional · interim · stopgap · make-do · standby  The soldiers created a makeshift barrier from the dead shrubs.

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