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Ancient Egypt QR Task Cards GLE 24: Explain how geographical features influenced development of early civilizations (e.g., domestication, cultivation,

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Egypt QR Task Cards GLE 24: Explain how geographical features influenced development of early civilizations (e.g., domestication, cultivation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Egypt QR Task Cards GLE 24: Explain how geographical features influenced development of early civilizations (e.g., domestication, cultivation, specialization) (H-1C-M2) GLE 27: Locate and describe the major river systems and discuss the physical settings that supported permanent settlement and early civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the Indus valley (H- 1C-M3) GLE 28: Describe the major characteristics of early river valley civilizations (H-1C-M3) Amy Ard

2 Teacher Directions: Print the task cards. Cut out the task cards. Download a QR reader app (Scan or something like it). reader-for-iphone/id368494609?mt=8 reader-for-iphone/id368494609?mt=8 Have students review questions and check their answers using the QR app.

3 Which time in Egyptian history is also called the Age of the Pyramids? a.the Early Period b.the Old Kingdom c.the Middle Kingdom d.the New Kingdom The word pharaoh means— a."great house.“ b."wise leader.“ c."godlike one.“ d."brave warrior." Which kinds of writing were found on the Rosetta Stone? a.Greek, Hebrew, and Phoenician b.Sumerian and Greek c.ancient Egyptian and Greek d.Latin and Hebrew Egyptians and Nubians battled over all of these except— a.control of trade routes. b.control of gold and other minerals. c.control of land. d.control of the way pharaohs were selected.

4 This river flows through Egypt. a.Tigris b.Euphrates c.Nile d.Jordan Find the star on the map. What country is the star on? a.Egypt b.Greece c.China d.Libya The ancient Egyptians were able to live in Egypt because they were able to farm around a.the Sahara Desert b.the Sinai Desert c.the Nile River d.the Amazon River Which desert in Africa is the largest in the world? a.Sinai Desert b.Arabian Desert c.Kalahari Desert d.Sahara Desert

5 What sea does the Nile River empty into? a.Red Sea b.Black Sea c.Arabian Sea d.Mediterranean Sea Look at the picture below. What is this picture an example of? a.ancient Egyptians written language b.ancient Chinese written language c.modern day written language d.ancient Sumerian written language The rulers in Egypt are called a.Kings b.Gods c.Sun Re d.Pharoahs How many languages are on the Rosetta Stone? a.2 b.3 c.6 d.4

6 Why were Pyramids in Ancient Egypt built? a.Burial place for the dead b.Decorations for Egyptian Lands c.Places for worship of the gods d.Created jobs for poor Egyptians What did the Egyptians think about death? a.After-Life b.People went to heaven or hell c.Reincarnation d.It is like sleeping and not dreaming What does the word “Mesopotamia” mean? a.“Desert Land” b.The “Land Between Two Rivers” c.The “Land of Milk and Honey” d.The “Land of the Sun” What is the material called on which Ancient Egyptians drew colorful hieroglyphs and pictures? a.Canoptic Jars b.Reeds c.Papyrus d.Bamboo

7 Who was the Great Pyramid of Giza built for? a.Queen Hatshepsut b.Seth c.Raneb d.Khufu What does the term "cartouche" mean? a.Cartridge b.Capsule c.Tomb d.Canoptic Which of the following languages is NOT written on the Rosetta Stone? a.Greek b.Hieroglyphic c.Demotic d.Coptic What is the Egyptian name for the "Sun God"? a.Scorpion b.Narmer c.Re or Ra d.Thoth

8 Who ruled at the time when Egypt began to expand its territory beyond the Nile Valley? a.Mentahotep II b.Mentuhotep IV c.Amenemhat I d.Hatshepsut What were Queens who ruled Kush called? a.Pharohs b.Qore c.Kandake d.Empress What was “Wepet Renpet” ? a.First day of Spring b.Opening of the New Year c.First day of Winter d.Rising of the Goddess Sothis What unified the world's first nation- state? a.Upper and Lower Egypt b.Kush and Egypt c.East and West Egypt

9 What did the Nile River provide? (Choose Three) a.Protection from invaders b.Water c.Rich soil d.Transportation What did early farmers plant along the Nile River? a.Before flooding b.After flooding Which is not an achievements of the ancient Egyptian early people? a.Hieroglyphics b.Papyrus c.Pyramids d.Democracy A life after death a.Dynasty b.Afterlife c.Vizier d.Obelisk

10 A series of rulers who belong to the same family a.Dynasty b.Vizier c.Obelisk d.Cataracts The chief adviser to ancient Egyptian pharaoh a.Dynasty b.Vizier c.Obelisk d.Cataracts A tall slender stone pillar with four sides and a pointed top a.Dynasty b.Vizier c.Obelisk d.Cataracts A path that traders use as they exchange goods a.Trade Route b.Trading Network c.Nation-State d.Vizier

11 A paper like material on which ancient Egyptians wrote; made from reeds that grow in the Nile River. a.Trade Route b.Papyrus c.Nation-State d.Catarac t A region with a united group of people and a single government. a.Trade Route b.Trading Network c.Nation-State d.Cataract A waterfall or a place in a river where water runs rapidly over rocks. a.Trade Route b.Trading Network c.Nation-State d.Cataract A system in which buyers and sellers from different places can exchange goods. a.Trade Route b.Trading Network c.Nation-State d.Cataract

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