WATER FILTERS GLOBAL AID NETWORK® (GAIN®). WHO IS GAIN? As the relief and development ministry of Cru Global Aid Network® (GAiN®) expresses the love of.

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2 WHO IS GAIN? As the relief and development ministry of Cru Global Aid Network® (GAiN®) expresses the love of Jesus Christ in the toughest places on earth by relieving human suffering and restoring dignity. GAiN accomplishes their mission through funding, facilitating, and carrying out relief and development projects through trusted partners worldwide who are committed to spiritual multiplication.

3 Diseases from unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation kill more people each year than all forms of violence, including war.* Nearly one in five deaths are caused by diarrhea, that’s more than malaria, AIDS, and measles combined.* For children under age five, water- related diseases are the leading cause of death.* *sources from UNDP, WHO, UNICEF THE GLOBAL WATER CRISIS

4 Lack of access to clean water and sanitation kills children at a rate equivalent of a jumbo jet crashing every four hours.* A few years ago a child died every 15 seconds from drinking contaminated water, now it’s every 21 seconds. While we celebrate the accomplishment, we still have work to do. No intervention has greater overall impact upon national development and public health than safe drinking water and the proper disposal of human waste.




8 WATER FILTERS One filter can supply clean water for up to 20 people for 5-10 years. They filter approximately 5 gallons of water in under 20 minutes. EDUCATION Education is used to train our in- country partners how to use health and hygiene training as a tool to build disciples. THE SOLUTION

9 Education helps promote sustainability and community ownership. Every water initiative is accompanied by our Health and Hygiene Training along with the gospel presentation. Each training builds on foundational health principles using stories from the Bible. The program is designed to build relationships, allow individuals to see tangible improvements in their health, and experience the love of Christ. HEALTH & HYGIENE TRAINING

10 Lesson 1: Germs Lesson 2: Hand Washing Lesson 3: Oral Rehydration Solution & Diarrhea Prevention Lesson 4: Kitchen Safety Lesson 5: Keeping Water Clean (Transportation & Storage) Lesson 6: Water Filter Use & Maintenance HEALTH & HYGIENE CURRICULUM

11 “Because of you my family and community now have access to clean water. And because of the training we are able to help teach others about sanitation as well as having an open door to reach others with the gospel message.” -Belarmino,Guatemala (pictured left) FROM THE FIELD

12 “Your help came at a time when we had nothing: no future and only diseased water to drink. Your help has given us life and the hope to go on.” -Jessica, Zimbabwe (mother of Danelle, her son pictured left) FROM THE FIELD


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