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Lutheran Malaria Initiative. What is malaria? Transmitted from person to person through the bite of a MOSQUITO Life-threatening DISEASE Caused by a PARASITE.

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Presentation on theme: "Lutheran Malaria Initiative. What is malaria? Transmitted from person to person through the bite of a MOSQUITO Life-threatening DISEASE Caused by a PARASITE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lutheran Malaria Initiative

2 What is malaria? Transmitted from person to person through the bite of a MOSQUITO Life-threatening DISEASE Caused by a PARASITE Symptoms occur 10 TO 15 days after infection SYMPTOMS mimic common flu virus If untreated, can be FATAL

3 Who is at risk? 3,300,000,000 PEOPLE ARE AT RISK WORLDWIDE 200,000,000 PEOPLE CONTRACT THE DISEASE EACH YEAR IN AFRICA 700,000* PEOPLE DIE EACH YEAR IN AFRICA NEARLY AFFECTED AREAS IN AFRICA * World Health Organization, 2011 Report Lutheran Malaria Initiative 3

4 4 of his 6 children have died from malaria Godfrey Mnenwa: Tanzania “I still have my wife and two children, and I must keep them in good health. I don’t think I could survive another heartbreak.” LMI’s program in Godfrey’s village teaches local families about malaria symptoms, treatments and prevention measures.

5 Why Lutherans? Christ’s example of unconditional mercy Called to serve and respond to the vulnerable and those suffering Strong tradition of helping people in need Worldwide network PARTNER LUTHERAN CHURCHES IN AFRICA PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS MISSIONARIES

6 Why Now? Pregnant women and their unborn babies and children under 5 are most vulnerable Malaria kills a child every 60 seconds Global momentum to fight this preventable and treatable disease Simple steps can prevent, treat and contain malaria The will and knowledge are present

7 Maurine Adong: Uganda “I used to think malaria was caused by eating too many mangos, eating cold food and being in the sun too long. Thanks to the LMI trainings, I now know that it is mosquitoes which cause malaria.”

8 Lutheran Malaria Initiative

9 Engaging U.S. Lutherans

10 Join the global malaria effort

11 End malaria related deaths Bed nets Education Medical training Access to care Proper diagnosis Medication to treat

12 Immediate Impact Lutheran Malaria Initiative12 10 years ago, malaria wasn’t on the global radar screen. Since 2002, global attention has increased tenfold. In 2008, world leaders came together in a historic agreement to eliminate malaria deaths by 2015. In four years, the use of bed nets has saved almost 700,000 lives When LMI work began one child died every 30 seconds from malaria, that number is now one child dies every 60 seconds This equals 1,440 children who will not die today or any day going forward from malaria

13 Deep Impact Lutheran Malaria Initiative13 Malaria treatment is more than bed nets and medicine. Malaria is a disease of poverty. Using globally accepted methodologies, we evaluate our programs, adjust when needed and measure the long-term impact. Need to address the cyclical root problems of poverty.

14 Lasting Impact Lutheran Malaria Initiative14 African economies lose about $12 billion annually. Go beyond serving one family to the next with bed nets or medical attention. Inspires a new cycle of health and hope. Focus is widespread efforts of awareness, treatment and prevention.

15 LMI 3-Year Results: Tanzania 2,400 1,700,000 300 People trained for community outreach Lutheran Malaria Initiative15 People reached in more than 8,600 events, primarily parish-based relationships and activities Health care providers trained on diagnosis and treatment, including specialty prenatal care

16 LMI 3-Year Results: Tanzania 1 2 3 Bed net ownership for pregnant women increased by 34% in just one year Lutheran Malaria Initiative16 Bed net use for children under 5 went from 66% to 89% in just one year Tripled the number of malaria treatments in just two years

17 Evelin Silayo: Tanzania “Please give the Lutherans our heartfelt thanks. Tell them we pray for them. We love them. We ask God to bless them.”

18 What action can you take today?

19 Pray for parents whose children have died from malaria today 1 Prayer Tell Others Stewardship Learn

20 Tell others about the devastating yet preventable impact malaria has on our world today 2 Prayer Tell Others Stewardship Learn

21 Make LMI part of your stewardship: time, talents and treasures 3 Prayer Tell Others Stewardship Learn

22 Learn how others are involved at 4 Prayer Tell Others Stewardship Learn

23 For more information Lutheran Malaria Initiative23 855-642-2019 or 888-843-5267 @LutheranMalaria

24 Thank you

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