Chapter 7 Interest Groups SIGs and Democracy Line of communication Increases public awareness and action Great source of research and information Public.

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2 Chapter 7 Interest Groups

3 SIGs and Democracy Line of communication Increases public awareness and action Great source of research and information Public watch dog Access to government officials Reinforces pluralistic aspect of democracy. “Melting pot” contribution –Heterogeneity of political culture

4 7-1 Percentage of Americans Belonging to Various Groups


6 SIGs and Parties SIGs –Influence –Specialists –Centralized –Tightly Organized Political Parties – Populate government – Control policy – Generalists – Decentralized Organized membership and pursuit of policy goals because of shared interests.

7 Why Organize? Increase the chance that their views will be heard and they will be able to influence who is in office and policy decisions. Interest groups enhance political participation. Policy versus personnel influence. Primary tactics: education, mobilization, lobbying, and monitoring government actions.

8 Organizational Components Leadership — Most groups are dominated by a strong leadership. Money Agency staff to carry out tasks Passive members Accordingly, groups are considered oligarchic rather than democratic.

9 Why Join? Informational benefits - data sharing and training Material benefits - monetary (pay and perks) Solidary benefits - social, network connections Purposive benefits - non materialistic but issue specific Ideological - supporting liberal or conservative agendas

10 The Free Rider Group benefits may be available to the public (a collective benefit). No reason to join the group if you are already receiving benefits Creates a “free rider” problem

11 The Characteristics of Members Higher incomes Higher levels of education Work in management or professional positions. Group membership has a very pronounced upper-class bias.

12 7-4 Decline in Union Membership, 1948 to Present

13 Strategies: How to Shape Policy Lobbying Electoral Politics Going Public Grassroots Mobilization Litigation

14 Lobbying Lobbying is a strategy by which organized interest groups seek to influence the passage of legislation by exerting pressure on members of the legislature. Full time career Washington, D.C. - epicenter Revolving door between lobbyists and government Money and bad press for “gifts”

15 Lobbying Personal contacts Research and specialized information Congressional testimony Legal assistance - write legislative proposals Follow up on execution

16 Using Electoral Politics versus Direct Lobbying Many groups engage in electoral politics to ensure the election of politicians sympathetic to the groups interests. — Campaign contributions through political action committees — Campaign activism “Issue advocacy” media uses to change public opinion and influence elections.

17 Political Action Committees PACs PACs - interest groups work in the electoral arena. Watergate Scandal 1972 PACs regulated by the Federal Election Commission. Contributions are limited to $5,000 per election. Attempts to reform have failed –Opposed by business and labor –Importance of soft money. DNC and foreign contributions for influence.


19 PAC Campaign Activism Other than fund raising. Can be temporary. Republican efforts to increase voter turnout very successful in 1994. –NRA –Christian coalition Not much support continued into 1996 for Bob Dole. Labor groups increasing efforts in support of Democrats.

20 Gaining Access Groups must maintain access to the decision making process through relationships with Congress and agencies. — Iron triangle (Interest groups, legislature, executive agencies) fairly permanent — Issue network (Add consultants, officials, activists, academics) usually temporary — Corridoring (Gaining influence within an executive agency) — Capture (Control of an agency)

21 Defense Oriented Iron Triangle

22 Going Public – Indirect Lobbying Going public is a strategy that attempts to mobilize the public to support the groups objective. — Institutional advertising ( Creating a positive group image) — Social movements (Boycotts, demonstrations, marches) — Grassroots mobilization (Encouraging members to contact legislators)

23 Using the Courts Groups sometimes turn to litigation when they lack access or when they are dissatisfied with governmental decisions. They finance individual litigation, provide attorneys, or file amicus curiae briefs in support of a particular position. Most expensive tactic. Used as a last resort at times to slow down policy process.


25 Types of SIGs Economic –Business (IBM, Farm Bureau Federation) –Labor (AFL-CIO, Teamsters) –Professional (ABA, AMA) –Trade (Industry specific - oil, telecomm, railroads) Social (NOW, NAACP, AIM, MALDEF) Religious (Christian Coalition, Catholic Conference, Jewish Defense League) Ideological (People for the American Way, Heritage Foundation) Public Interest (ACLU, Sierra Club, Common Cause) Single Issue (National Abortion Rights Campaign) Seniors (Gray Panthers, AARP)

26 AARP Originally single issue group with selective benefits 33 million members $500 million income each year More circulation of magazine than Time, Newsweek, and US News & World Report combined Extremely powerful grassroots capabilities

27 Regulatory Efforts Federal Lobbying Act of 1946 –Only applies to Congress –Registration and employer identification –Only applies to those declaring their principal purpose is to try to directly influence legislation –No agency to oversee Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974 –Watergate scandal –limited campaign contributions –dramatic increase in PACs (100 - 4500)

28 Putting it in Perspective Positives –Fits nicely into pluralistic model –Overlapping concerns results in cross-cutting cleavage – not creating major polarization Negatives –Not all represented –Unequal influences –Interest Group Elitism –Government gridlock

29 Groups and Interests: The Dilemma Attempts to limit - First Amendment freedom of speech and right to petition the government. Groups provide access to public officials. Business groups are most powerful Balance is inconsistent with democratic ideals. Groups have more impact than voters. Regulating groups limits freedom. Not really regulating groups limits equality.

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