Prediction Time!. The Forum was the center of Rome for government, meetings, temples, theaters, and monuments Forum means “gathering place” Nearly one.

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Presentation on theme: "Prediction Time!. The Forum was the center of Rome for government, meetings, temples, theaters, and monuments Forum means “gathering place” Nearly one."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prediction Time!

2 The Forum was the center of Rome for government, meetings, temples, theaters, and monuments Forum means “gathering place” Nearly one million people lived in the empire’s capital city Question: What does the phrase “All roads lead to Rome mean?”

3 Emperor Patricians- empire’s political, religious, and military leadership Senators Plebeians- average working class (Ex/ farmers, bakers, builders, and craftsmen) Slaves and Soldiers Question: How is Roman social structure similar or different to Egypt’s?

4 Romans adopted Greek gods and other cultures gods to make their own Roman gods Roman emperors later began to be considered gods People would make sacrifices to please the gods Romans would play ancient Greek music at religious ceremonies Question: What was a popular instrument played at this time?

5 What you ate depended on if you were rich or poor Only the rich had kitchens in their homes The poor had small grills and depended on “fast food” places Roman markets had many choices for people that could afford them Question: What is going on in the picture?

6 Wealthy Romans lived in large houses made out of stone and marble Poor Romans lived in tall, crammed apartment buildings The poorest families would live on the top floor Question: How did the poor get rid of their trash?

7 Wealthy Romans had lots of leisure time because their slaves did all the work Both the rich and poor loved to watch gladiator games and chariot races The Circus Maximus had room for 200,000 people around a huge racetrack Question: Who went to the public bath houses?

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