Logistics - Transportation Duane Schultz Chief, Transportation Management 2011 Summer National Board.

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Presentation on theme: "Logistics - Transportation Duane Schultz Chief, Transportation Management 2011 Summer National Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Logistics - Transportation Duane Schultz Chief, Transportation Management 2011 Summer National Board

2 Logistics Transportation Overview  Vehicle management procedures 1.Requesting vehicle maintenance reimbursement 2.Vehicle paint request 3.Vehicle emergency repair request 4.Vehicle acquisition 5.Wing purchased or donated vehicle request 6.Vehicle screening from DRMO request 7.Vehicle disposal procedures  Vehicle Decal Information  Vehicle Usage Information  Fleet status

3 Vehicle Management Procedures  Requesting vehicle maintenance reimbursement  Vehicle paint request  Vehicle emergency repair request  Vehicle acquisition  Wing purchased or donated vehicle request  Vehicle screening from DRMO request  Vehicle disposal procedures

4 Requesting Vehicle Maintenance Reimbursement  Fax or e-mail a completed CAPF 70 and vendor’s repair estimate (one) to NHQ/LGT for Major or Routine Maintenance  Repair request will be reviewed and a reimbursement amount will be approved and a control number issued. The control number approval sheet will be e-mailed or faxed to the requestor authorizing the repair and listing the reimbursement amount  Do not accomplish repairs prior to receiving a control number  Any additional repair cost after a control number is issued must be approved before proceeding with the additional repair −Estimate for additional repair cost is required

5 Requesting Vehicle Maintenance Reimbursement Continued  Mail, fax or e-mail a legible copy of the original paid invoice/receipt to NHQ/LGT, no later than 45 days from the issue date of the control number.  Be sure that the invoice is marked paid or a paid receipt is provided with the invoice  Reimbursement for major and routine maintenance is based on yearly funding. The funding is divided by the number of driven vehicles on the inventory. Additional estimates on older vehicles may be requested Additional estimates on older vehicles may be requested

6 Requesting Vehicle Maintenance Reimbursement Continued  100% reimbursement for windshield  Max battery reimbursement $ 90.00  Max reimbursement per tire $ 150.00 – ( Set of 4 - $ 600.00)  Completed vehicle reimbursement requests received by NHQ/LGT after 4:00 p.m. will be reviewed and processed the next business day.  Vehicle reimbursement requests received on the weekend or on holidays will be reviewed and processed on first business day after the weekend or holiday

7 Vehicle Paint Request  Paint request require a completed CAPF 70, two estimates, and photos of the entire outside of the vehicle.  MAACO recommended for vehicles 10 years old or older  Additional estimates on vehicles 10 years or older may be requested  Paint requests are approved and processed the last quarter of the Fiscal year depending on the remaining available maintenance funds

8 Vehicle Emergency Repair  Definition: Vehicle Breakdown on the road, after hours, on weekends or during holidays.  Members should contact their wing transportation officer for authorization to complete emergency actions (repair, tow, etc)  Transportation officers contact NHQ/LGT via e-mail or leave voice mail message  Provide the following information in your e-mail or voice mail: 1. Name and unit of assignment 1. Name and unit of assignment 2. Vehicle ID Number 2. Vehicle ID Number 3. Description of damage or required repair and estimate of cost to repair 3. Description of damage or required repair and estimate of cost to repair 4. Telephone number for a point of contact 4. Telephone number for a point of contact  Fax, or e-mail a completed CAPF 70 along with the paid invoice/receipt to NHQ/LGT within 24 hours. The paperwork will be reviewed for full or partial reimbursement.

9 Vehicle Acquisition Vehicle Acquisition  Wing Commander submits CAPF 175 for each additional or replacement vehicle request to their respective Region Commander during the first quarter (Oct, Nov, Dec) of each fiscal year.  Vehicle requests should be listed by priority and type. Highest priority should be given to mission critical needs and replacing aging, wrecked or damaged vehicles.  A yearly list of the 100 oldest vehicles will be created from the CAP vehicle inventory and used in identifying vehicles for replacement. This list may be the criteria used for the yearly vehicle buy in order to replace older vehicles.

10 Vehicle Acquisition Continued  Region Commanders will review and prioritize vehicle requests and coordinate with NHQ CAP/LGT in developing a national buy. The national buy will be forwarded to the National Commander for coordination.  Once the CAP coordination is complete the proposed buy list will be submitted to CAP-USAF/LG for approval. Only motorized vehicles will be considered when evaluating vehicle request. Refer to CAPR 77-1 for type of vehicles that may not be owned by CAP.  Vehicle Acquisition information is located in CAPR 174-1 Chapter 5 – Acquisition, Control and Disposal of Corporate Vehicles.

11 Wing-Purchased & Donated Vehicle Request  Approval request letter to acquire a purchased or donated vehicle, CAPF 175 coordinated through Region for signatures, completed vehicle information sheet, and vehicle photos  Send to NHQ/LGT for review and coordination with Logistics Director for approval  Additional information may be requested  Maintenance of a wing purchased or donated vehicle will be decided at time of approval. If approved for maintenance the vehicle will not be eligible for reimbursement of maintenance for a period of one year from the date the vehicle is added to the inventory.  Wing purchased & donated vehicle procedures are available from NHQ/LGT upon request  Procedures after approval for acceptance and disposal of donated vehicles will be in accordance with CAPR 173-4

12 Vehicle Screening from DRMO Request  Acquisition of DOD or other Federal agency excess vehicles will be done through coordination with the National Headquarters Staff. CAPR 174-1 Paragraph 5-3  Approval request letter to screen vehicle, completed CAPF 175 coordinated through Region for signatures, completed vehicle information sheet, and vehicle photos  Vehicles acquired through these sources must be in safe, roadworthy condition and of the type that would support and enhance the mission of CAP and must conform to standards detailed in the Table of Allowances.  Screening procedures are available from NHQ/LGT upon request

13 Vehicle Screening from DRMO Request Continued Caution:  Screened vehicles can be very costly to maintain due to condition and age of the vehicle  If approved for maintenance, vehicle will not be eligible for any maintenance reimbursement for a period of one year from the date the vehicle is added to the vehicle inventory. Do not screen a vehicle and hold for one year before performing maintenance. Wing is responsible for first year maintenance cost.  Turn in of screened vehicle to DRMO can also be very costly to your wing/unit also Battery and other fluid disposal Battery and other fluid disposal Transport costs Transport costs Distance to turn-in points are increasing Distance to turn-in points are increasing Available DRMO sites reduced from 68 to 18 Available DRMO sites reduced from 68 to 18

14 Vehicle Disposal Procedures Federally-funded or DOD sourced vehicle disposal actions, including method of disposal, is coordinated with CAP-USAF. Federally-funded or DOD sourced vehicle disposal actions, including method of disposal, is coordinated with CAP-USAF. If it came from DRMO it goes back to DRMO If it came from DRMO it goes back to DRMO  Vehicle can be physically returned or you may request a receipt in-place disposal (work with your DRMO representative)  Contact NHQ/LGT when deciding to dispose of a vehicle if you have any questions about the disposal procedure.  The WG/LG initiates the retirement of the vehicle in the ORMS system. The vehicle retirement will proceed through several approval steps.  Step 4 is where the CAP-USAF Region LR/LG issues the FG Number for turn in of the vehicle.

15 Vehicle Disposal Procedures continued  Step 5 is where the Wing LG uploads the disposal documentation (DD Form 1348-1A) upon completion of the disposal. The Form must be signed and dated by DRMO indicating receipt of the vehicle.  The uploaded DD Form 1348-1A is reviewed in the final retirement step by NHQ and the vehicle is then removed from the inventory.  Remove all CAP markings from vehicles prior to disposal  NHQ/LGT is the only person authorized to add or remove a vehicle from the vehicle inventory.

16 Vehicle Decal Information  Vehicle decals and decal sets available from NHQ/LGT  125 sets ordered at the beginning of each fiscal year  Decal orders shipped until yearly supply is exhausted.  Decals can be mailed to requestors home address  E-mail or fax your decal request to NHQ/LGT  Van rollover dash decals also available upon request

17 Vehicle Decal Placement 7 Pass Van Rear Decal Placement

18 Vehicle Decal Placement 7-Passenger Side Decal Placement

19 Vehicle Decal Placement 12 Pass Van Side Decal Placement

20 Vehicle Decal Placement 12 Passenger Van Rear Decal Placement

21 Vehicle Usage Information Vehicle Usage Reporting received some upgrades this year and was moved to the Operational Resource Management System (ORMS) in May of this year. Vehicle Usage Reporting received some upgrades this year and was moved to the Operational Resource Management System (ORMS) in May of this year. Under the vehicles section on the left side of the ORMS home page select “Vehicle Usage Entry” Under the vehicles section on the left side of the ORMS home page select “Vehicle Usage Entry” Vehicle usage reports will be under the reports section of ORMS Vehicle usage reports will be under the reports section of ORMS When “Vehicle Usage Entry” is selected, the next page has “ Vehicle Usage Entry and Report Instructions” at the top left of the page which provides instructions if you are not familiar with the system for entering monthly vehicle usage information and reviewing vehicle usage reports just click on the link. When “Vehicle Usage Entry” is selected, the next page has “ Vehicle Usage Entry and Report Instructions” at the top left of the page which provides instructions if you are not familiar with the system for entering monthly vehicle usage information and reviewing vehicle usage reports just click on the link.

22 Vehicle Usage Information Monthly Vehicle Utilization Standard Vehicle Type Times Hours Miles 7 Pass Vans 6 or 50 or 475 11/12 Pass Vans 4 or 35 or 350 4x4 Vehicle 6 or 35 or 450 Pick/Up 4 or 15 or 200 Comm/Cargo Van 1 or 15 or 130 Sedan 4 or 15 or 400

23 Vehicle Usage Information Usage Example  Vehicle used for weekend cadet encampment ─ Departs Friday afternoon at 4:00 pm ─ Returns Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm  Record utilization of vehicle as follows: ─ Times used = 1 ● Not how many times vehicle is used during the encampment ─ Hours used = 48 ● Time from beginning to end of mission ─ Mission = Cadet Activities

24 Vehicle Usage Monthly Report Example Vehicle didn’t meet monthly usage criteria Cadet Mission Last Cadet Mission Last Admin Activities Cadet Support Mission Other Total Total Reported Mon Mon Mon Admin Activities Cadet Support Mission Other Total Total Reported Mon Mon Mon Times Admin Times Activities Times Support Times Other Times Total Miles Odometer Year Time Hour Mile Times Admin Times Activities Times Support Times Other Times Total Miles Odometer Year Time Hour Mile Field ID Used Hours Used Hours Used Hours Used Hours Used Hours Driven Reading Manuf Make Model Occ Goal Goal Goal Field ID Used Hours Used Hours Used Hours Used Hours Used Hours Driven Reading Manuf Make Model Occ Goal Goal Goal 99045 0 0 1 48 2 72 0 0 3 120 652 64585 2002 Dodge Stratus 5 4 15 400 99045 0 0 1 48 2 72 0 0 3 120 652 64585 2002 Dodge Stratus 5 4 15 400 99012 0 0 0 0 7 120 1 48 8 168 953 83308 1999 Dodge Caravan 7 6 50 475 99012 0 0 0 0 7 120 1 48 8 168 953 83308 1999 Dodge Caravan 7 6 50 475 93005 4 25 3 53 1 6 0 0 8 84 1865 5034 2011 Dodge Caravan 7 6 50 475 93005 4 25 3 53 1 6 0 0 8 84 1865 5034 2011 Dodge Caravan 7 6 50 475 11067 6 20 1 8 2 16 0 0 9 44 1238 6998 2011 Expedition 8 6 35 450 11067 6 20 1 8 2 16 0 0 9 44 1238 6998 2011 Expedition 8 6 35 450 11050 1 1 4 20 6 82 0 0 11 103 286 15856 2007 Ford E350 1 Ton 12 4 35 350 11050 1 1 4 20 6 82 0 0 11 103 286 15856 2007 Ford E350 1 Ton 12 4 35 350 26604 3 2 1 1 1 13 0 0 5 16 159 137305 1999 Dodge Caravan 7 6 50 475 26604 3 2 1 1 1 13 0 0 5 16 159 137305 1999 Dodge Caravan 7 6 50 475 43003 6 8 7 255 1 10 0 0 14 273 1065 86522 1999 Ford E350 1 Ton 7 6 50 475 43003 6 8 7 255 1 10 0 0 14 273 1065 86522 1999 Ford E350 1 Ton 7 6 50 475 29035 2 5 6 15 0 0 0 0 8 20 247 73226 1996 Ford E350 1 Ton 11 4 35 350 29035 2 5 6 15 0 0 0 0 8 20 247 73226 1996 Ford E350 1 Ton 11 4 35 350

25 Vehicle Usage Information FY 08,09,10 Vehicle Usage Analysis Summary  Administrative Times - 38,841- 27.6% Hours – 233,392 – 16.5% Hours – 233,392 – 16.5%  Cadet Activities Times – 52,781 – 37.6% Hours – 538,064 – 38.2% Hours – 538,064 – 38.2%  Mission Support Times – 27,561 – 19.6% Hours – 451,227 – 30 % Hours – 451,227 – 30 %  Other Times - 21,143 – 15.2% Hours - 185,004 - 15.3% Hours - 185,004 - 15.3%  Total driven vehicle mileage - 12,448,942

26 Current Fleet Status Total driven vehicles 994 Total other vehicles 210 Total vehicle inventory 1,204 Total vehicle inventory 1,204 Vehicles pending disposal - 62 Vehicles pending disposal - 62 Total 1, 142 Total 1, 142

27 Current Fleet Status Driven Vehicles Driven Vehicles 7-Passenger Vans 238 11-Passenger Vans 150 12-Passenger Vans 401 4WD- SUV/Pick Ups 151 2WD- Pick Ups 23 Comm/Cargo 21 Sedans 10 Total Driven Vehicles 994 Pending Disposal - 55 939 939

28 Current Fleet Status Other Vehicle Types  Trailers - 201  Forklifts - 7  Float Movers - 2 Total Other 210 Total Other 210 Pending Disposal - 7 Pending Disposal - 7 203 203

29 Current Fleet Status  Average Age of Fleet – 9.34 Years  Driven Vehicles 11 Years or Older – 485- 48.8% of Fleet  Driven Vehicles 10 years or Newer – 509 – 51.2% of Fleet

30 FY 11 Vehicle Buy Status Update Types of vehicle being purchased: Types of vehicle being purchased: Sedan, 7 & 12 pass van, 6 pass pickup, SUV. Sedan, 7 & 12 pass van, 6 pass pickup, SUV. Number of vehicles being purchased: 36 Number of vehicles being purchased: 36 Based on funding amount and total cost Based on funding amount and total cost Vehicle buy developed from: Vehicle buy developed from: CAPF 175s received 1 st Quarter FY 11 CAPF 175s received 1 st Quarter FY 11 CAP 100 oldest vehicle listing CAP 100 oldest vehicle listing Repair cost based on book value Repair cost based on book value

31 Thank You

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