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Copyright 2006 – Biz/ed Tourism Potential in Different Locations BTEC National Travel and Tourism.

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1 Copyright 2006 – Biz/ed Tourism Potential in Different Locations BTEC National Travel and Tourism

2 Copyright 2006 – Biz/ed Introduction Developing tourism is a goal for many countries. But in areas plagued by war, developing a tourist industry can seem a far-off dream.

3 Copyright 2006 – Biz/ed Why visit war-torn countries? When conflict ends or abates tourists are keen to visit unusual places Many of these places contain a wide variety of attractions Some people want to contribute to post-conflict re-building Visiting the country is seen as a way of making a contribution

4 Copyright 2006 – Biz/ed Destinations or countries? Tourism development can be the target of a specific country or destination within that country Visiting the country may make it a destination in itself War affected countries may have potential for tourism in some areas and not in others

5 Copyright 2006 – Biz/ed Potential for tourism Your can identify tourism potential in several ways: location of the destination or country accommodation availability special features attractions

6 Copyright 2006 – Biz/ed Location, location … Access to the country or destination The topography of the country Its climate

7 Copyright 2006 – Biz/ed Accommodation Is there a sufficient supply of hotels or apartments available for tourists? Is there another source of places to stay – such as inns or country houses?

8 Copyright 2006 – Biz/ed Special features Countries may have special characteristics that appeal to tourists They could be excellent for certain sports or activities They could have significant cultural and historical importance

9 Copyright 2006 – Biz/ed Attractions Natural attractions such as land features, coastal environments, wealth of wildlife Built attractions such as ancient monuments, medieval architecture or modern construction

10 Copyright 2006 – Biz/ed Finally Now go to the Activity to tackle the tasks associated with this lesson Work in groups to assess tourism development in parts of the world affected by conflict

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