GCSE PE Games Safe Practices. Learning Objectives Be able to explain what risk assessment is and why it is important in sport Starter What does the term.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE PE Games Safe Practices. Learning Objectives Be able to explain what risk assessment is and why it is important in sport Starter What does the term."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE PE Games Safe Practices

2 Learning Objectives Be able to explain what risk assessment is and why it is important in sport Starter What does the term Oxygen Debt Mean? Where does the exchange of gases take place in the lungs?

3 Discuss in pairs Q. Define the following terms:- 1.Risk assessment management 2.Hazard 3.Risk 4.Adverse event

4 Risk Assessment Management is a common sense approach to control risk. It is the identification of potential hazards, assess the likelihood that these could result in actual harm, identification and implementation of measures to minimize the level of risk.

5 A hazard or risk factor is a condition, object or situation that may be a potential source of harm. Risk is the likelihood that a hazard will have an impact on people or the environment. An adverse event is an event that produces harm or damages to people or the environment

6 Why is health and safety important in sport Discuss as a group?

7 Answer All practical activities involve hazardous situations. It is important to try to minimise risk. All PE teachers/ coaches should carry out a RISK ASSESSMENT before starting work.

8 Do all sports have a risk?

9 Watch the following video on Risk assessment on Sport.

10 Group Task What do you think the safety considerations should be before taking part in any sport. Discuss and list them as a group.

11 Risk Assessment check list Risk Assessment All Kit and equipment in good condition Appropriate warm up before activity Playing surface or area in good and safe condition Instructions are followed Correct technique is used Rules are obeyed

12 Safety Checklist Correct footwear Correct kit Protective clothing and equipment Checking the playing enviroment Playing at the right level Rules Warm Up and cool down Lifting and carrying equipment Fitness Technique Removing jewellery

13 Health and Safety in Sport From the safety checklist on the previous page explain in detail for 2 of the sports listed below the importance of these health and safety factors. Rugby Swimming Basketball Athletics Badminton Football Gymnastics Skiing

14 Homework On Wikispaces

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