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eTourism: the dynamic interaction of ICTS and tourism

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1 eTourism: the dynamic interaction of ICTS and tourism
Chapter 5 eTourism: the dynamic interaction of ICTS and tourism

2 Chapter Objectives The impact of ICTs on tourism
Transformation of best operational practices in tourism by ICTs The use of hardware and software in tourism organization The Evolution of Computer Reservation Systems

3 The impact of ICTs on tourism
ICTs provide the tools and enable the evolution of tourism demand and supply by facilitating existing needs and business prospects. eTourism refer to the digitalization of all processes in the tourism, travel, hospitality and catering industries.

4 eTourism bundles together three distinctive disciplines, namely:
eTourism determines the competitiveness of the organization by taking advantage of intranets extranets and the Internet. eTourism bundles together three distinctive disciplines, namely: Business management Information systems and management, and tourism

5 Transformation of best operational practices in tourism by ICTs
ICT can improve the managerial processes in order to ameliorate control and decision-making procedures, and to support enterprises in reacting efficiently to environmental changes and customer trends. ICTs play a critical role in customer relationship management (CRM)

6 Many organizations now have to compete on a global basis and to fight against traditional and new competitors who use ICTs to access consumers and enlarge their market share. The tourism industry needs to become more flexible, more efficient and quicker in responding to consumers requests.

7 ICTs can assist the reduction of operation and communication costs by:
Integrating operational systems Maximizing internal efficiency Decreasing the number of people required for back-office jobs Reducing the amount of face-to-face or telephone communication and Enabling consumers to have access to all information

8 ICTs can alert organization about excess capacity or demand, and thus provide more flexible management. However, it needs to be recognized that ICT development also contribute to the cost equation of tourism organization.

9 The use of hardware and software in tourism organization
A wide range of ICTs is used in order to exchange information and to facilitate the operations of the tourism industry. The technologies used in tourism and hospitality can be examined under the following: Hardware Software Communications and networking

10 Software in tourism and hospitality is divided into
Self-service terminal or kiosks Mobile devices Most of the ICT applications used in the tourism industry are a combination of purpose-built and standardized software. Software in tourism and hospitality is divided into Front-office applications Back-office applications

11 Telecommunications and networking in tourism industry
All types of telecommunications have been used throughout the tourism industry worldwide. Teletext Computer networks

12 The Evolution of Computer Reservation Systems
Computer Reservation Systems (CRSs) have had the most crucial contribution of ICTs to the tourism industry in the 1980s and have dominated the industry. CRSs are operated by tourist producers such as airlines, hotels and tour operators and are distributed globally.

13 CRSs and GDSs were the most important facilitators of change in the tourism industry before the arrival of the Internet. GDSs satisfy the need of consumers for easy access to transparent and easily comparable information on a wide variety of choices Internet- world wide service.

14 Please check the following web site
to see how tourism information place on internet. Reading eVisa case study.

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