Free Fall & Air Resistance The Earth’s ________ pulls objects towards its center When the only force acting on a falling object is gravity, the object.

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Presentation on theme: "Free Fall & Air Resistance The Earth’s ________ pulls objects towards its center When the only force acting on a falling object is gravity, the object."— Presentation transcript:

1 Free Fall & Air Resistance The Earth’s ________ pulls objects towards its center When the only force acting on a falling object is gravity, the object is said to be in __________ An object in free fall accelerates as it falls In free fall the force of gravity is an unbalanced force, and unbalanced forces cause an object to _______________

2 Free Fall & Air Resistance The Earth’s ________ pulls objects towards its center gravity When the only force acting on a falling object is gravity, the object is said to be in __________ free fall An object in free fall accelerates as it falls In free fall the force of gravity is an unbalanced force, and unbalanced forces cause an object to _______________ accelerate

3 Acceleration Objects accelerate at 10 m/s/s So: After 1 sec an object has a speed of? After 2 sec?_________ After 5 sec?_________ In free fall: velocity = acceleration (x) time Or __________

4 Acceleration Objects accelerate at 10 m/s/s So: After 1 sec an object has a speed of?10 m/s After 2 sec?_________ After 5 sec?_________ 20m/s 50m/s In free fall: velocity = acceleration (x) time Or __________ v=at

5 Free Fall & Air Resistance All objects fall at the same rate unless they have ___ ___________ on them ___ __________ - Objects falling through air experience _______ friction Air Resistance is not the same for all objects: The greater the surface area of an object – the _________ the air resistance Air resistance increases as you go faster Eventually, the air resistance = the _____of ________ ________ ________ – the maximum velocity a falling object can have. No more ______________

6 Free Fall & Air Resistance All objects fall at the same rate unless they have ___ ___________ on them air resistance ___ __________ - Objects falling through air experience _______ friction Air Resistance fluid Air Resistance is not the same for all objects: The greater the surface area of an object – the _________ the air resistance greater Air resistance increases as you go faster Eventually, the air resistance = the _____of ________ forcegravity ________ ________ – the maximum velocity a falling object can have. No more ______________ Terminal velocity acceleration

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