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By: Sara Franco.  When I was younger I always had a passion for photography and caring for animals. I also want to travel the world and prevent animal.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Sara Franco.  When I was younger I always had a passion for photography and caring for animals. I also want to travel the world and prevent animal."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Sara Franco

2  When I was younger I always had a passion for photography and caring for animals. I also want to travel the world and prevent animal cruelty. My dream would be for all the animals in the world to be loved and cared by every human.

3 So in 10 years I would want to have charities for preventing big companies to test on innocent, harmless animals like, mice, fish, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, farm animals, birds, cats, dogs, mini-pigs,monkeys, and chimpanzees.

4  taking pictures of beautiful animals, plants and people.

5  So traveling the world is something else I wanted to do to prevent animal violence and also to take pictures of the places where I’ll be traveling. Also what I can do now to achieve this goal is by donating money to a humane society to help them protect animals. So this is what I want to be a photographer and, to prevent animal cruelty in the world.

6  Helping animals on the street or in animal shelters.

7  As well with both of these passions I want to be traveling the world and going to different places like for example Thailand to help protect the animals that are being abused and used as entertainment for tourist.  Also I’ve always wanted to go to Japan with my family. So traveling the world is something else I wanted to do to prevent animal violence and also to take pictures of the places where I’ll be traveling.

8  Also what I can do now to achieve this goal is by donating money to a humane society to help them protect animals. So this is what I want to be a photographer and, to prevent animal cruelty in the world.

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