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HAVE GOT / HAS GOT Thursday, August 4th. HAVE GOT HAS GOT are used for possession Have / Has got.

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Presentation on theme: "HAVE GOT / HAS GOT Thursday, August 4th. HAVE GOT HAS GOT are used for possession Have / Has got."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAVE GOT / HAS GOT Thursday, August 4th

2 HAVE GOT HAS GOT are used for possession Have / Has got

3 EXAMPLES I have got a guinea pig

4 I have not got a pet

5 You’ve got an apple

6 You have not got an apple, you’ve got an orange

7 We have got a horse

8 We haven’t got a horse, we have got a hamster.

9 They have got a dog

10 They haven’t got a dog, they’ve got a cat

11 Questions Have you got a __________? Yes, I have No, I have not

12 Questions Have I got a __________? Yes, I have No, I have not

13 Questions Have we got a __________? Yes, we have No, we haven’t

14 Questions Have they got a __________? Yes, they have No, they haven’t



17 Look at the picture and write answers to the questions

18 Questions Have they got a cat?

19 Questions Have they got a monkey?

20 Questions Have they got a rabbit?

21 Questions Have they got a horse?

22 Questions Have they got a dog?

23 Questions Have they got a snake?


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