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Differentiation Strategies for High-End Learners: A Response to Instruction.

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1 Differentiation Strategies for High-End Learners: A Response to Instruction

2 Independent Learning Stations: Pre-assessment 1. What are Independent Learning Stations? Multi-leveled, open-ended, self- checking, portable sets of activities that can be moved about the room to enable students to work independently, alone or in small groups, either at their seats or at “stations.”

3 Independent Learning Stations Pre-Assessment 2. When are independent Learning Stations appropriate? A. During regular instruction, if students can show mastery of grade-level material to be taught. B. When students have finished their “regular work.” C. During free time, station time, etc. D. **** All of the above

4 Independent Learning Stations  Why are independent Learning Stations beneficial?  Students choice.  Student engagement.  Appropriate challenge through depth, complexity, and/or creativity.  Students progress at their own rate starting at their readiness level.  Encourage student ownership of their learning.

5 Special Needs of Gifted Students  Depth  Complexity  Acceleration  Opportunities to express creativity In their strength area/s

6 Independent Learning Stations  Constructing Learning Stations Make stations multi-leveled. Include AL CCRS. Use mostly higher levels of Bloom’s. When possible, use materials already available. Ask gifted specialist for assistance.

7 Independent Learning Stations Should mostly consist of higher order thinking skills Comprehension Knowledge Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis

8 Independent Learning stations  How do I begin?  Make up and post station rules.  Model the station rules for students.  Allow students to practice walking through the process of going to and from stations.  Do one activity from the station with whole class.  Allow experienced students to train others in small groups.  Introduce one station at a time, adding as students become familiar with the routines.

9 Independent Learning Stations Managing student behavior  Student contract  Teacher makes rules to fit classroom needs.  Students and teacher discuss rules.  Teacher trains students, one rule at a time, through role playing and simulation.  Students, teachers, and parents sign behavior contracts  Consequences for breaking rules are pre-set, concrete, and carried out consistently.  Students who break the rules are temporarily suspended from working at independent stations.

10 Independent Learning Stations  Managing Materials  Assign student jobs or roles  “Go Getter” (Retrieves station from storage and places it in a designated work area)  Director (Reminds students of rules before beginning work- may also read general directions)  Inspector General (Makes sure other team members put away all materials properly before returning to seats.)

11 Ideas for independent Learning Stations and anchor activities  Thinker Keys  Content related Menus  Literature books  Logic puzzles  Problem solving  Writing  Political cartoons and primary documents  Web Quests  Other ideas…

12 Kid Quotes about working at stations  What was the best thing about the Learning Stations?  “Not having to sit through stuff I already knew.”  “Enjoyed figuring things out.”  “Working alone because I could do the activities and get them done at my own pace.”  “It gets me excited about Math!”  “The stations helped me learn faster.”  “You get to learn stuff while you are having fun.”  “The stations are hard and fun and make you think a lot.”

13 Independent Learning Stations  How do I evaluate student progress?  Rubrics (http://  Students rate each other for participation  Anecdotal teacher notes  Student-teacher conferences, if time  Student record sheets  Student progress journals

14 Independent Learning Stations Non-negotiables Students are carefully trained in responsible station behavior In coming and going In how to use materials respectfully In keeping materials organized and orderly All students have an opportunity to work at the stations at some time during the week.

15 What are YOUR ideas for how to include independent learning stations in your classroom? Your Gifted Education teacher can help you brainstorm ideas, locate appropriate materials and organize your centers.

16 Bibliography  Coil, C. (2004). Activities and Assessments for the Differentiated Classroom. Pieces of Learning, Marion, IL.  Heacox, D. (2002). Differentiating instruction in the regular classroom. Free Spirit Publishing, Minneapolis, MN.

17 Bibliography  Kingore, B. (2004). Differentiation: Simplified, Realistic, and Effective, Professional Associates Publishing.  Northey, S. (2005). Handbook on Differentiated Instruction for Middle and High Schools, Eye on Education, Inc.

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