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Autism-disorder of neural development. Characteristics: 1. Social Interaction 2. Verbal limitations \ Inclusion: Causes: 1.Normal Standards/Objectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Autism-disorder of neural development. Characteristics: 1. Social Interaction 2. Verbal limitations \ Inclusion: Causes: 1.Normal Standards/Objectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autism-disorder of neural development. Characteristics: 1. Social Interaction 2. Verbal limitations \ Inclusion: Causes: 1.Normal Standards/Objectives 1.No known Causes 2. Separate and Standard Curricullum 3.General and Self Contained Classroom Support and Information: 1.Autism Speaks 2.Special Education K-12 Program

2 Deaf-Blindness-little or no useful sight Causes: 1.There are more than 70 different causes. Characteristics: 1.Severe Communication Problems. 2.Hyperactivity. 3. Many Other Self-Stimulatory Behaviors. Inclusion: 1.LRE. 2.General/Normal Standards and Objectives. 3.Visual Aid Support (people and assistive devices). Information/Support: 1.American Associate of Deaf and Blind. 2.The Bureau for Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

3 Developmental Delay-failure to meet developmental milestones in a timely manner  Causes: 1. Numerous Cause. 2. Enviromental Influences. 3. Including Accidents. Characteristics: 1. Cerebral Palsy. 2. Down Syndrome. Inclusion: 1.LRE. 2.Teaching of Normal K-12 Standards and Objectives. 3. Pullout Strategy. Information and Support 1.CerebralPalsyHelp.Com.

4 Emotional Disturbance-mental disorder caused by detectable organic abnormality of brain. Causes: Characteristics: 1.Depression. 1.Series of Umbrella Terms. 2.Cancer. 2.Inability to Learn. 3.Bipolar. 3.Sensory And Other Health Problems. Inclusion: 1.LRE. 2.Teaching Of General Standards and Objectives. 3.Peer Tutorial. Information and Support: 1.LearningDisabilities.About.Com. 2.Nichy.Org. 3.www.Education.Com.

5 Hearing Impairment-a deduction or defect in hearing sound.  Causes: 1.Hereditary/Genetic. 2. Accidents. 3.Period of Time. Characteristics: 1.Hard of Hearing. 2. Levels of Hearing-Mild,Moderate,Severe. 3. Potentially Leads to Other Health Issues. Inclusion: 1.LRE. 2. Guided Teacher/Student Instruction; Teaching of General Standards. 3.Assistive Hearing/Educational Accommodations. Information and Support 1.The Bureau for Deaf and Hard of Hearing. 2. K-12 Special Education Services;IDEA

6 Mental Retardation/Intellectual Disability-a generalized disorder appearing before adulthood.  Causes: 1.There are Hundred of Possible Causes (During Before Birth, During Birth, and Childhood Ages). Characteristics: 1.Delayed Development In Academics. 2. Delay in Social and Adaptive Skills. Inclusion: 1. LRE. 2. Teaching of General Standards and Objectives. 3.Necessary Accommodations/Guided Instruction. Support/Information: 1.K-12 Special Education Services. 2.WWW..MedTerms.Com

7 Multiple Disabilities-more than one disability.  Cause:  1.Unknown Causes.  Characteristics: 1.Umbrella Characteristics of The Multiple Characteristics. Inclusion: 1.LRE 2.Teaching of General Standards and Objectives. 3. Cooperative Learning. Support and Information 1. K-12 Special Education Program 2.

8 Orthopedic Impairment-bodily Impairment.  Causes: 1.Spinal Cord Bifida. 2.Spinal Cord Injury. 3.Stroke. Inclusion: 1. LRE. 2. Affective Motor Specialist Assistance. 3. Teaching of General Standards and Objectives. Characteristics: 1.Limited Mobility. 2.Difficulty Writing. 3.Social Interaction Issues. Information/Support Information 1.K-12Special Education 2.CBM.ORG, 3.Orthopedic Impairments.Weebly

9 Other Health Impaired-having a disability caused by disease.  Causes: Characteristics: 1.Diseases 1.School Attendance Problems 2.Disorders 2. Physical Restrictions 3. Affects Speech 3. Academic Lags Inclusion: 1.LRE 2.Teaching of General Standards and Objectives. 3. Accommodations and Professional Guidance. Information/Support 1.K-12 Special Education Services 2.Nichy.Org 3.CDC.Com

10 Specific Learning Disability-disability in one or more central nervous system processes.  Causes:  No Specific Causes- 1.Hereditary 2.Before Birth 3.After Birth Characteristics: 1. Reading Problems. 2. Behavioral Problems. 3. Writing Problems. Inclusion: 1.LRE/Possible Separate Educational Setting. 2.Teaching of General Standards and Objectives. 3. Teacher Based Intervention/Accommodations. Information/Support 1.Special Education K-12 Programs. 2.Nichy.Org

11 Speech or Language Impairment-Disorders of voice quality.  Cause: 1. No known causes. Characteristics: 1.The Characteristics Vary Depending On The Type of Impairment Involved. 2.There May Be A Combination of Several Problems. Inclusion: 1.LRE 2.School Community/Professional Guidance(Speech and Language Pathologist,Etc.) 3.Teaching of General Standards and Objectives. Support/Information 1.Nichy.Org 2.CricketSoft.Com 3.K-12 Special Education

12 Traumatic Brain Injury-When an external mechanical force causes brain dysfunction.  Causes: 1.Accidents 2.Physical Violence(Fighting,ETC.) Characteristics: 1.Loss of Consciousness. 2.Amnesia. 3.Cognitive Problems(Cognitive Problems,ETC.) Inclusion: 1.LRE 2.Professional Guidance(Medical Resources.) 3.Other Related Resources. 4.Teaching of General Standards and Objectives. Information/Support 1. Traumatic Brain Injury.Com. 2. WWW.CDC.Com.

13 Visual Impairment-severe reduction in vision that cannot be corrected with standard glasses or contact lenses.  Causes: According To A Disease Database. 1.Function Disorders. 2. Hyphema. 3.Lithium. Characteristics: 1.Starbismus. 2.Connital Cataracts. 3.Optic Nerve Hypoplasia. Inclusion: 1.LRE. 2.Guided Assistance From (Eye Professional). 3.Teaching of General Standards and Objectives. Information/Support 1.Nichy.Org 2.WWW.Nei.Nih.Gov 3.WWW.HealthyChildren.Org

14 Gifted/Talented-smart easily process new academic material,great natural gift and talent.  Causes: 1.None Specific. Characteristics: 1.Exceptionally Able. 2. Learn To Read Early. 3.Great Intellectual Curiosity. Inclusion: 1.Enhanced Curriculum 2. LRE 3.Leadership Training. Information/Support 1.NAGC.Org. 2.WWW.Education.Com/topic/gifted-talented-Children. 3.WWW.Wikipedia.Org/Wiki/Gifted_Education.

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